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Another, Comfort, and Resolvement

WARNING: Ron will be a jerk but a jerk that you get. All of his reasons will make sense. It won't be like in Harry Potter movie four when he was a jerk for no real reason. He is a jerk but for reasons at least he was at the start. I will warn you for spells I think may not be known I will put in ( ) with what it does in it. So you know what it does and with that in mind, you have been warned.

Nora arrives to the great hall, with her luggage levitating above her. When she did everyone was looking at her and whispering. They probably heard about the duel she thought. As she made her way to the Gryffindor table to be greeted by Ron, Harry, and Hermione. "Hey," Nora greeted.

"What you no longer hanging out with Malfoy," Ron asked, and when he did Hemione hit him with her book that she had been reading.

"Ronald," she called.

"It's fine Hermione. To be honest, it could be better," Nora said with a sigh.

"Let me guess Malfoy was Malfoy as expected and now you have come to tell us," Ron guessed.

"Yes does that make you happy to know that Draco was his usual self"

"Yes because both Harry and I told you this would happen. But rather than listen you put your faith in Malfoy"

"I don't regret it, Ron"

"Why Nora all he is a pure-blood asshole," Ron asked?

"Last I checked Ronald the Weasleys are also purebloods so where do you get to judge the Malfoys?"

"Where to begin first of all he believes everything his family believes including how anyone lowers than them is worthless, his family will bleed within themselves to keep their bloodlines pure, and they took the side of the dark lord years ago," Ron said listing them off with his fingers.

"So you blame Draco who is our age and was raised on the ideals for something his family believes"

"It doesn't matter you do know what he calls Hermione by a filthy name. Yet here you are defending him"

"I am not defending his actions but you could always try and get to know him before you judge him"

"Get to know this are you bloody hearing this Harry? Nora we have known Malfoy for three years and all he has been been a jerk"

"So you've known him for three years big deal I've known Draco since we were children. Yes he is an ass a big one but even he has his own issues"

"What issues can he possibly have? His dad will come and save his ass whenever he needs it"

"You honestly think that Lucius Malfoy will do it for no reason with nothing behind it?"


"FINE IF YOU WANT TO BE THIS WAY THEN YOU CAN BE THIS WAY WITHOUT ME I AM DONE," Nora yelled and this got her a few glimpses from others.

"No, I'm done Nora if you want to defend Malfoy who called Hermione a mudblood then be that way. Through it is expected given who your father is"

"OH AND WHAT DOES MY DAD HAVE TO DO WITH THIS," Nora asked getting angry with each second.

"You were the one who told us he was good friends with the Malfoys and that only happens if you are of pure-blood origins. So go be with your purebloods friends and slither back," Ron said. That was the moment Nora lose all sense of calmness. She grabbed her wand and walked over to Ron.

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