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Vows and Hard Talks

A/N: I am going to warn you some of what is said here is based on Modern Family season 4 ep 12. The conflict between Phil and Hailey. I saw a Youtube short about it and was like I can use this. This is why we have this chapter. Also, this chapter will not just follow Nora's p.o.v because this will likely be a tipping point in Snape and Nora's relationship so we will need Snape's side of the story. This will be the only chapter I do this for. Sorry if it feels jaded but it has to be here. I will put the p.o.v told in the third person to tell who is doing it. This will likely be the only chapter I do this for.

Snape p.o.v

Nora, Draco, and Snape were on their way to the dungeon when they ran Professor McGonagall. "Severus, why are these two not in my class," Professor McGonagall asked in a stern voice.

"These two choose to get into a little duel in the courtyard"

"Yes, because Merlin forbid he ask why it happened. No instead he just cares because I got in a fight with his godson rather than our own issues"

"Miss. Snape I don't appreciate the backtalk," Snape said whirling around to face Nora.

"Why because I am being honest or because you would rather listen to anyone but me? No need to answer because I am done with this crap honesty," Nora said and started to walk away, following after she was Draco leaving Snape and Professor McGonagall alone. The two stood in silence at least that was until Snape said something.

"Minerva they are gone"

"Okay just give them some time alone?"

"Time alone they got into a duel last time they were together and you want them to have time alone?"

"Yes, Severus this might just solve your problem. Sometimes children need to solve these issues amongst themselves"

"Are you serious that is my daughter"

"Yes I know and that is your godson who is with her," Professor McGonagall said as for the next while the two proceeded to debate on whether Snape would go after the two kids. After thirty minutes of disagreements Snape was getting desperate. Little he know that they might be a little closer then he might have thought.....

Nora p.o.v

Nora looked behind her and to her surprise, she saw Draco. "What do you want another fight if so bring it on Malfoy"

"No I wanted to tell you were right," Draco said, and with this Nora spun around.

"What did you just say?"

"I said you were right you have always been right"

"Then why fight me on this why after we finally got some peace fight me on every little thing?"

"Maybe because I wish my father cared for you as much as godfather does"

"He doesn't did you see what happened back there? He was more concerned that I got into a fight with you than why I left yesterday"

"Nora's godfather is"

"You don't have to tell me I know what he thinks I have told you to want he thinks of me okay. You don't need to remind me of it okay Draco," Nora said as Draco then took her face into his free hand and lifted up to face his.

"Nora listens to me I know godfather seems like he doesn't care, he is just worried about you probably"

"Dad worried about me don't I know it? You know he wouldn't let me attend until just this year. I got the letter two years ago yet he refused to let me be here"

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