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Information and Answers

As the four continued to walk at least they did until Harry heard his name and before Nora could say anything he dragged Nora inside the pub with him. After they had seen Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and Fudge together. Something that wasn't often commonly seen. As the two entered the pub and followed them up the stairs. As Harry had to open the door and when he did both he and Nora heard something that were unexpected.

"Now tell me what this is all about," the woman said after shutting the door.

"Well, years ago, when Potter's parents realized they were marked for death. They went into hiding and only a few people knew where they were. One such person they trusted someone to be the keeper of their secret remember," Professor McGonagall asked?

"Yes but what does that have to do with Black," the woman asked?

"Black was their secret keeper and he told You-Know-Who"

"Not only that but Black killed one of their friends," Fudge added.

"Who," the woman asked?

"Do you recall a small lump boy that always hung around James and Sirius," Professor McGonagall asked?

"Yes wasn't he named Peter something?"

"Peter Pettigrew"


"Yes, but when he tried to warn the Potters but then it seems he ran into Sirius Black," Professor McGonagall said. At that moment Fudge looked right where Harry and Nora were standing.

"He wasn't just vicious nor did he kill. He destroyed Peter and anyone in the surrounding area the only thing that my workers found of Pettogrew's remains was a single finger," Fudge said.

"And to make it even worse that man is still to this day Potter's godfather," Professor McGonagall said and when Harry seemed to hear that he dragged Nora back outside. As he did Nora could have sworn she remembered someone who had one finger but who was it. These were her thoughts as she was taken past Draco and Hermione. Draco was looking none to please but before anyone could ask anything Harry dragged Nora into a forest still covered with snow yet with no people. Once they were away from people Draco looked at Harry angrier.

"What the heck was that Potter?! You can't just take my girlfriend with you," Draco said. Yet Nora could see Harry was crying so she took off the cloak.

"Shut up Draco," she said. This shut Draco up with another word as Hermione got closer to them.

"What happened in there," she asked?

As Harry continued to cry. Nora could see she was going to explain as she informed their friends of everything they had heard up until the betray where Harry seemed to find the courage to talk. "He was their friend yet Black betrayed them and yet he is still my godfather," Harry cried. As Hermione got closer to him. As she comforted him and after she was done Nora decided to say something.

"Hey Hermione do you remember if we know someone who is missing a finger," Nora asked?

"No the only one I know isn't a person but Ron's stupid rat," Hermione said and that was when it clicked. Everything made sense.

"Guys I don't think Black is the killer," Nora stated as Harry looked towards her.

"We just heard what he did how can he not be the killer," Harry asked?

"I agree with Potter this may be far-fetched even for you"

"But it isn't think about it Ron's rat is missing a finger right?"

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