✩ 16✩

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Confession and Resolvement 

Draco was sitting across from Hermione and didn't see Nora coming their way. A sad look was on his face. "I can't believe that Harry asked Nora out in front of your parents," Hermione proclaimed.

"I know no need to rub it in Granger." The tone he used was one fill of a bit of spit and hurt. Hermione either didn't notice or didn't care to excited about the events to really focus as she usually did.

"I mean after you all left including Harry it was silence until Snape said that you all have to reschedule the breakfast to another time. While Lucius said it seems so after they left"

"Thank you for reminding me of it, Granger. Not that I needed to be reminded. I am sure she is with Potter right now," Draco said with a sigh. Yet when he felt a touch on his shoulder and when he turned around he saw the last person he was expected to see. As Nora was right in front of him rather then with. Sure this must be a mistake he thought.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Shouldn't you be with Potter?"

"Why would I be with Harry when I am right here," Nora asked before taking a seat next to Draco.

"He asked you out didn't he?"

"Yes but I never told him yes"

"Why he is better than I am after all I am is a Slytherin," Draco said with his head down. At this Hermione let out a laugh. "Must you laugh at my expense Granger," he asked?

At this Hermione stopped laughing. Nora then looked at Hermione and motioned her to leave which Hermione did. "She wasn't laughing at your expense Draco"

"Then what was she laughing at?"

"How foolish you can be seeing as I choose you over Harry"

"And why would you do that?"

"Because you are the one I like"

"Why surely Potter would be better for you given how protective he was over you"

"Which he shouldn't have been given you are the one I actually want to be my boyfriend."



"You do know who I am," Draco asked. As Nora turned her face towards her.

"Yes I know very well who you are Draco"

"Why me?"

"Why not you? You pretended that were dating in front of our fathers and even proposed marriage if it went well. Something that not just everyone would do that for me"

" You know I wasn't pretending right?"

"I had a feeling, but I wasn't positive"

"I see well it seems I wasn't the only one with another motive given what Potter pulled."

"Yes but i am not with Harry am I? I am with you."

"Yes but," Draco said as Nora put her finger over her lips.

"But nothing so listen when I say I like you, honestly I could see myself loving you, and maybe one day marrying you. I mean look at you the great Draco Malfoy worried about me choosing Harry over him. Where is that confidence we Slytherins are supposed to have?"

"It's just I have been in love with you since who knows how long?"

"You Draco Malfoy in love with me for forever? Not since we became friends"

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