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Answers and Dead Man Tell No Tales?

Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora all saw the map with the words Peter Pettigrew on the map. "Alright, so maybe you weren't entirely wrong about Peter being dead." Harry relented.

"Thank you."

"But that still doesn't prove that Scabbers is Peter."

"Fine then why don't we go and find out," Nora offered.

"Wait you don't mean we sneak out after Professor McGonagall told Draco and you to stay until Professor Snape could get here," Hermione asked?

"You don't have to come if you are too scared Hermione," Nora replied.

"I'm not scared I just don't want to get expelled," Hermione replied.

"Do what you want Hermione, but I am going and you aren't going to stop me." Nora declared as she had her wand at the ready. Hermione looked towards Draco.

"Surely you aren't going Draco," she asked?

"Sorry Granger but someone has to keep these two safe. If Potter was left alone with Nora who knows what could happen," Draco said as he pulled out his wand. Harry holding his.

"So are you coming or not Hermione," he asked?

Hermione let a sigh before putting her hand to her head. "Well someone has to ensure we don't all get expelled might as well be me," she said with that the four of them quietly snuck out. As Harry used Lumos to bring light as he had it over the map. The four of them made their way to where the thing as Peter Pettigrew was supposed to be. They were walking when suddenly they heard noise all of them spun around to see what it was. Only for Harry's wand light to show nobody. They were about to go on their way when Nora saw the words, Severus Snape, on the map.

"Shit dad's coming," she cussed as he was getting closer and closer.

"Mischief managed," Harry said quickly tapping the map with his wand. "Nox," he said as the bright light from Lumos went out. As they were in darkness for a few minutes before they were faced with Snape.

"Potter, Granger, Malfoy, and Snape what are you all doing here at this hour? Considering Malfoy and Snape were supposed to wait for me back at Gryffindor Tower to be escorted back to Slytherin common room." He remarked pointing his wand at the four of them.

"Well, we thought we could save you the trouble from coming to fetch us by getting to the dungeon first. But it seems we got a little lost," Nora said trying not to show any signs of lying.

"Yes now if you don't mind I think we would all appreciate if you didn't put your wand's bright light directly in our faces," Harry commented as if he had been caught by Snape many times before. Snape lowered his wand but pointed to Harry's pockets.

"Turn out your pockets," he said but when Harry didn't do so he got more frustrated. "I said turn out your pockets," he said in a voice more laced with frustration. Harry pulled the map from where he must have hidden it. Snape got closer to the four of them. "What's that?"

"A spare bit of parchment."

"Parchment that you happen to keep in your pockets."

"Yes, Hermione suggested that I keep some on me so I don't run out," Harry replied but Snape didn't seem satisfied with this.

"Okay if that's true then open it."

"No problem sir," Harry said as he began to open the map and just when Nora thought they had gotten away with it. Snape tapped the map with his wand.

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