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Break-In and More Questions Than Answers

After Madam Pomfrey had ensured that each of them was okay, gotten Draco was cast off since it was time for it to be removed and given Harry, Nora, and Draco chocolate they were finally released. Nora had to grab her things from Gryffindor so she could sleep in the Slytherin common room that night. Draco would sometimes stay or leave later in the night but he would always wake her up before the Slytherins got ready. At least that had been the plan but when they got up the stairs towards Gryffindor's common rooms when they saw people crowded around. As the four of them rushed up the stairs. "I'm Head Boy so you will let me through," a voice said and Nora knew without looking who the voice belonged to. It was Percy Weasly someone who even annoyed Nora. He always insisted on patrolling the halls and proudly showing his head boy badge. Something that made Nora's eye roll when he did. "Nobody is to enter until it has been searched understand," Percy said and when he did Draco and Nora in unison let out an eye roll. Yet when they all reached the top Ginny Weasley came down the steps.

"The Fat Lady! She's gone," she cried.

"You must be mistaken, Weasley"

"Well, I am not Malfoy. What are you doing here anyway," Ginny asked crossing her arms against her chest.

"I was planning to one of Hermione's books and Draco insisted on coming along," Nora lied.

"I see well I am not mistaken the Fat Lady is gone," Ginny said. The next few minutes consisted of Percy trying to shoo everyone away yet all it did was make him angrier at him. At least until Dumbledore arrived on the scene with Filch in toe. He touched the painting lightly.

"Mr. Flinch I want you to round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Faty Lady," Albus commanded as he turned around.

"There is no need for ghosts professor," Flinch said as he then pointed to a Saffi painting that held the Fat Lady as everyone rushed towards it. Percy was soon pushed out of the way complaining.

"You listen! I'm Head Boy," he cried.

"So what want a medal for it," Nora asked.

"Should we bow down to you now Weasley," Draco asked as both of them passed Percy. Dumbledore had students move until finally, Nora could clearly see the Fat Lady. She was hiding behind a painting of Hippo.

"Dear Lady, who did to you," Dumbledore asked?

The Fat Lady let out a sob. "He is as dark and scary as they say he is. Yet he still remains somewhere in the castle!!! The person who everyone talks about Sirius Black," she cried before hiding behind the Hippo.

"I want you to secure the castle Filch also inform any staff you find to come to the Great Hall, and as for you students I want you all to get the great hall," Albus instructed. After that everything became chaos as students were making their way down the stairs. Nora was nearly crushed by them until she found her hand taken. She looked expecting to see Harry or Hermione only to see it was Draco.


"I promise I'll always be there for you shortie," he said in a warm voice. As Nora's heart sped up she was about to say something before she was shoved past as Draco and herself were forced to make their way downstairs. When she got to the bottom and towards the great hall she saw that Snape was waiting for her. As he then proceeded to pull both Nora and Draco into hugs.

"You two had me so worried I mean what would I have done if something happened to the two of you," he asked as he tightened the hug around them.

"Dad, I'm kinda getting squashed can you let go please?"

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