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Y/N stared at the man infront of her, sitting on the throne room crossing his legs, “You. What's your name?” You were hesitant to open your mouth, “I asked you. What's. Your. Name?” He said again making you shiver.

Opening your mouth you trembled, “Y/N.” you said making eye contact with him. “You. You're a siren aren't you?” Your eyes widened, “That's good. Come with me.” Before you could respond you felt him drag you away by force, You got inside with him. You were confused, as you stand up completely unaware of what to do. “Are you stupid?” He asked you, you blinked confused. Sighing he pointed the chair next to his bed, “Sit on that chair and sing me a song.”

“Sing you a song?” You replied in panic, He then glared at you which made you gulped again as you went down and sat on the chair preparing to sing, you hummed a familiar lullaby. This is the song your mother would often sing to you to sleep.

Scaramouche's eyes began to feel heavy. Unbelievable. Was he really sleepy just because of a song sung by a siren? You saw him fell asleep. After some time you stopped singing and took a good look around the room, It was messy the table was full of messy documents and it was dark which made you scared. You got out of the room greeted by a woman, and the woman earlier. “A woman?” the woman spoke she had a rather soft voice.

“Replying to the Empress Dowager, This is the woman we caught earlier we believe that this is the key to cure His Majesty's Insomnia.” you only gave them a scared look, The woman thought for a moment before leaving. “Take this girl in my chambers, Sara.”

“Yes, Your Majesty Empress Dowager.” You were confused, the woman earlier told you to follow her you had no reason to decline, and so you did. Upon entering the woman's chamber you saw her but this time you saw what she looked like earlier it was rather dark in the hall way so you couldn't clearly see, You saw a woman with dark purple colored hair with purple colored hue eyes. She looks the same as the emperor but more softer than him.

“It's fine, my child. Don't be afraid, come.” You hesitated you looked at whom you believe was called Sara she nodded at you, you sat completely opposite from her. She sipped her teacup closing her eyes inhaling the aroma of her tea, “Are you a siren by any chance?” You looked away and nodded. “I thought so.” she replied, she then looked at you straight on the eyes.

“People believe your kind was extinct years ago, to think there's still some left is unimaginable.” She spoke your lips pursed into a thin line, “Extinct? W-why?” She then smiled, “People thought Sirens are temptress who seduces people with their voice and lure them that's why they wanted them to disappear.”

Noticing your terrified reaction, Ei gave you a smile. “Fear not, I'm not like those people. More importantly you did manage to make my son fell asleep which I'm thankful for, So tell me little siren what made you wander in these dangerous land?” She asked you hands on her tea again.

So that must be the reason why your mother wouldn't let you go out, It was for your own safety. But you were just too stubborn to listen.

“I wanted to explore the world. I was kept by mother for years now I understand the reason, May I please go home?” The woman gave you a smile as she offered you a cookie. “Oh my but I'm afraid.. that would be hard as my son surely had already taken a quite liking to you.”

“You must be tired, Sara please accompany her to a new room.” She said, Sara then took you as Ei glared at the person by the window, “Yae.”

“Hello dearest empress~” The saintess said as she waved her hand, as she sat down beside her friend, “You must be aware, that a prophecy came right?” Ei asked the saintess, Yae took a cookie as she ate it giggling at her friend. “Why of course, I'm the great saintess.”

“Kokomi couldn't tell who will be the chosen one as empress consort, But I know you know who, so who was it?” Ei asked, Yae gave her a sigh. “That's what I am trying to do, this matter is not to be taken lightly.”

“I never expected to see two strings, Their were two people, Two possible candidates for the empress seat.” Ei jolted upon hearing the news her friend brought. “Two?” Yae nodded. “I couldn't believe it at first, because there was no sort of  incident happened on the past millenium, but when i checked again it wasn't.”

“Speaking of which. Now.” Yae said, a light beamed on the other side of the castle. Which made Ei's eyes widened again,

Interesting.” Yae said, “Assemble a noble meeting in the palace tomorrow, the prophecy has already been told.” Yae said.

You, woke up as your eyes scanned the area, You dreamed of something just now a voice was talking to you in your sleep, your heart was beating a lot faster than it should.


At morning, Scaramouche was told that a new prophecy came again and so a noble meeting was held, but this time in the presence of his mother and sister. Sara took you to the room, You saw the woman, The emperor and a lot of gazes you felt scared. A woman with pink hair giggled. “Saintess, what was the prophecy all about?” The nobles said, they just couldn't let this matter slide after all it was a concern for their future empress who knows if their daughter was picked by the heavens?

A woman came in the room which made all of them stop, “Lady Mona Megistus has been given the name of Astra, Now her name is Mona Astra Megistus.” She said making half the nobles mumbled their opinions.

“But that isn't all.”

“Another person has been given a second name by the heavens too.” The woman made contact with you, and in a blink all of them was staring at you even the emperor himself.

You shook your head, What are they talking about you wonder?

“Pioneer.” Your eyes widened, “Y/N Pioneer L/N.” the nobles was quick to throw insults at you, “Nonsense! This is unacceptable to make this our empress or queen this nobody!” You trembled as you saw the man glaring at you.

“If it was Lady Mona, It will be more acceptable as she is wise, and an archmage but to think this peasant?!” Scaramouche couldn't help but chuckle, which made the nobles quiet. “Then do you think the Archons have made the wrong decision then?” He questioned making the old man sweat.

“Regardless of your useless opinion, Y/N is a candidate for Empress Consort, whether she pass this or not is the question. Pass my decree. She and Mona the grand archmage of the tower will now live in the palace as two candidates for the empress consort's place.” The nobles bowed down to their emperor, Mona too but you just stood there completely unaware of what's going on.

SIREN'S SWEET LULLABY | ##raidenkunikuzushiWhere stories live. Discover now