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You looked confused. Why did this man knew your mother? But your mother refused to answer him, without batting an eye to her. “Y/N, we need to go now.” Your mother said, almost desperate. Your Aunt and Shenhe looked like they were put in a tight situation like they were anxious. But before your mother could drag you away, The empress dowager grabbed your hand. “Guizhong, we didn't meet for all these times, Why are you leaving so soon?”

Scaramouche's face darken as he gestured you to come closer to him, “Y/N is one of the Empress Consort, Even if she is not crowned as the Empress she will be crowned as a the Queen. I'm afraid you cannot take her.” You tugged Scaramouche's suit, you shook your head. Your mother was rather a sentimental person this news alone could make her weak.

Your mother held her chin up as she turned her heel towards Scaramouche, The old man saw her which made him even more shock than he already was. “You know that by know, Uncrowned Empress of Liyue?” You were stunned, Uncrowned Empress of Liyue? Your mother?

You looked at your mother trying to process what you just heard, “Y/N—” She said. “Mom, What's going on?” You said voice shaking as you backed away from them, The tension became heavy your heart beat faster than it should. “Y/N Nothing, Let's go home, yes?” She tried to get closer to you. But you slowly backed away as you walked away leaving the banquet hall.

You were upset.

“I'll go look for her.” Scaramouche said clicking his tongue leaving the adults to handle their own matters, Mona on the other hand just comtinued to entertain the guest to avoid people from gossping even further from what is currently happening.

You found yourself on a unfamiliar place, Dark Hall. When your eyes met two unfamiliar eyes, One with amber eyes and one with purple multicolored heterochromatic eyes that fade into pink then gold, You stopped as you saw them. “Xiao, I think it's her.” You gave them a hostile gaze as you gazed at them with pure hostility. They tried to approach you but you unknowingly made them stop.

“Stop right there.”

You said as you quickly left them to go to the garden, Uncrowned Empress? Siren? Extinct? Just what more did you still haven't figure by now? “You're here.” You looked up to see Scaramouche, “What do you want?” You asked, He was taken back by the sudden attitude you gave since you were always soft, seemed weak. “I am reminding you that this is my day, I don't need any negativity of yours.” You gave him a glare. .

“Why don't you let me go then, And make Mona the empress?” You said in spite, you were annoyed. Scaramouche clicked his tongue, “Why are you mentioning Mona's name in everything?” You stopped as you heard what he said, “Because she's better ruler than me.”

“What did you mean about my mother being the uncrowned empress of liyue?” You said as you stood up, looking at him directly. “It is exactly what I just said.” Which made you grit your teeth, You need answers. But that seems quite hazy for now.


“Cloud Retainer, Guizhong you were here!” Ganyu said, tears brimming on the corner of her eyes as she hugged the elderly woman, Ganyu hugged Guizhong as well but the woman herself breaks away from the hug looking devastated. Of course, Of course Morax was going to come here after all it was Ei's son's birthday. “Guizhong, we need to talk.” Zhongli said, A carefree boy came to their way as he gave a light chuckle. “You two better not do it here, you two go somewhere private.” Guizhong looked at Cloud Retainer the old woman nodded.

When they were alone on the room, Zhongli clicked his tongue. “You were here in Inazuma all these years?” Guizhong was scared to face her friend, fiancé— and almost husband. “Morax, my disappearance is not an hindrance for you. Where I live is not one of your concern anymore.” Guizhong said looking at the ground.

“Then Y/N? Is she your daughter?” Guizhong gave him a smile. “Y/N's matters is not for you to interfere Morax.” Guizhong said smiling. “Why did you left me, Guizhong?” Guizhong closed her eyes. “I cannot answer that, and I will never answer that.” Zhongli looked at Guizhong sadness can be seen on his eyes. “You and I promised an oath to rule Liyue together, and give prosperity to the Land that was our contract!”

“I decided to break the contract for my daughter, Morax! Even If I will feel the wrath of the rock and archons punish me for not keeping my promise and end of the contract.” Zhongli couldn't help but feel more pain than he already was, “Guizhong.” Ei walked up to them, “Ei please let go of my daughter.” Guizhong asked, more like begged. “I'm sorry Guizhong but it's the prophecy of the temple, If you want you can stay here at the palace but you cannot take Y/N away from Kunikuzushi.”

“But Y/N is not fitting for the role of the empress.” Guizhong said, but Ei's brow raised. “Just because you failed to become one doesn't mean your daughter has the same faith as you.” Zhongli's brows furrowed upon hearing Ei's statement. “Guizhong is not a failed empress. It was due to my carelessness that it has become that way.”

“If ever Y/N is not chosen as the empress she will still be Inazuma's queen, You can't change that.” Ei said to Guizhong, Guizhong glared at the empress infront of her. In fact, she does know. She knows everything about a person becoming an empress, It's pressuring, hard might be dangerous for a fragile person like Y/N.


“You want me to go where exactly?” A ginger haired colored guy said, annoyed the woman gave him a smirk. “Inazuma, cause chaos for me there will you? I'm sure a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone? Right?” She said as she continued to cut the roses thorns, The guy only sighed.

“I heard theres two potential candidates for empress seat, That's very interesting wouldn't you say?” The man pondered for a moment, “I guess it does, but what do i do there?” He asked.

“Aren't you and Scaramouche Enemies? Why don't you try to get close to the person he treasures the most?” the man had a doubtful look on his face, “No way that tyrant has someone he treasures, unless it's his sword.”

“Oh but I heard, there is one?” The woman said as she laughed again. “And to think that woman is...”


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