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Shortly after Scaramouche's birthday things became more difficult for you, Because of what happened at the banquet. Your mother decided to never leave you even if she has to live in the palace of eternity then she will. The fact that the prince of Liyue came to be a guest for you, or more importantly they became your allies that wants to help you prove your worth to become an empress; You didn't want it though.

You also didn't know but the emperor of Liyue kept a close eye on you, he was also rather close to you mother which made you annoyed. Why was he getting close to you for absolutely no reason at all? You were taking a walk on the garden after that day when you wore the dress the empress made for you to wear the treatment of the maids has been switched up that it made you uneasy. You didn't like to keep many maids around, you couldn't trust them after all.

A certain pale blue haired girl with horns was following you around, you turned to look at her with a face full of unamused expression. “What do you want?” You asked her, “I... I just want to be friends with you... And the Liyue Emperor wishes to know you better...” You gave her a cold stare, “I don't want to be friends with you.” She felt hurt by what you said but you didn't know what to do either all of them was suspicious. “My name is Ganyu. If you ever find some things troubling you please feel free to come to me I'll help you in any way i can..” She said you walked away.

“Lady Y/N, your next schedule is to visit the people on the slums to check on the situation around the area.”You nodded, It was the first mission given by the empress to you and Mona. You wanted to run away from it so Mona would be the empress instead of you. You walked passed by your aunt, the emperor with amber colored eyes and your mother. You glared at the man which made him saddened. “Y/N, dear? Where are you going?” your mother asked worriedly.

“Pay me no mind, It seems that you have a guess yourself.” You said turning around to leave which made Guizhong was about to go after you. But Cloud Retainer held her, “Guizhong, please.”

Zhongli looked a little sad with what he witnessed. “Morax, This cannot go on any longer.” Cloud Retainer said which made Guizhong turned pale. “What?” Zhongli, asked with a confused expression. “Y/N is your daughter—”

“No! Y/N is my daughter not his!” Hearing this Zhongli stopped, “Guizhong think about Y/N's future if you don't tell Morax the truth if ever she will become the queen she will forever be ridiculed around here!” Guizhong shook her head, “No, me and Y/N will run away from here.” A voice made them all stop, they saw the Emperor of Inazuma glaring at them with a look on his face, unamused.

“Guizhong, please tell me everything i beg of you.” Zhongli begged, No one could ever make the Emperor of the Land of Contracts beg for someone as if his life depended on it, Never— But If it was Guizhong? Then it's different type of story. “You will not run away with Y/N, Guizhong.” Scaramouche threatened your mother his eyes full of bloodlust which was immediately stopped by more stronger aura, Zhongli's. “This matter does not concern you, Young Kunikuzushi.” Scaramouche clicked his tongue. “It matters to me, you are taking away my soon to be wife; empress or queen.” He said.

“Take note that I am not as merciful as my mother, Heed this as a warning. No one is allowed to take my future concubine.” With one last glare, Scaramouche left them with Guizhong on the ground couldn't believe what she saw— or refused to acknowledge it. She knew she needed to take Y/N away.


At the slums of Inazuma your eyes widened at the sight of it, It was dark gloomy place, with children begging for money or fighting for leftover which made your eyes widened. Some were too thin that only lays on the cold hard ground, Mona opened her mouth it her words shocked you. “This is Inazuma.”

“With corrupt officials this nation is by far the worst.” Mona said with hatred hinted on her voice, A little girl came to you tugging your dress she was covered in dirt but she smiled at you you felt a terrible pang on your chest it made you uncomfortable. “Shish... Bread?” despite her physique she smiles hoping for food. Mona asked for something on her personal made it was a two apples. She crouched down to her level as she smiled. “Can you smile for this sister too?” The girl nodded happily and smiled at mona, Mona smiled back.

“Wow your smile looks very pretty, Take this apple alright? Be careful of chewing it.” the girl jumped in joy as she nodded leaving them.

“The purpose of an empress is to help the emperor reign and make the land prospher for even more. If it's not me then it's you and it's vice-versa. There must be something within you for the Archons to choose you also as the candidate because if there isn't why are you here?” Mona said. Her words struck you, so deep.

You wandered again and saw the same girl happily giving the first apple to her mother who seemed to be sick and laying around, unfortunately— Her mother wasn't breathing anymore. You put your hands on your mouth as you saw the innocent girl smiling munching the apple infront of her mother.

You felt something crack.

“Hey little girl, come with us.” A man said preparing to drag away the little girl, she was in tears you clenched your face as you screamed making a loud sound which made the manon their knees but as soon as you stopped they were already infront of you the girl hid behind you and your maid you gave them a glare.

“Who is this bitch!?”

“Hey buddy, that's now how you treat a lady.” A suddenly calm voice said you turned around to see a ginger-haired man with colored eyes deep as the ocean, he had a smirk within his expression. “WHO ARE YOU PUNK?” The man said, the man replied. “You don't deserve to know either.” and with that you witnessed him fight with the man that attempted to fight you.

When it finished they were in the ground already, “Are you alright?” You nodded. He smiled, “Oh Apologies, My name is Tartaglia. How about you, My lady?”

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