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“My lady, don't worry the child is in my care she has already taken a bath and is also resting in the maid's chambers.” You nodded, the events earlier left you in a deep thought, you couldn't sleep even a blink. You needed air, so you went for a walk. Unintentionally, you saw Mona and Scaramouche walking together that made your heart upset. You didn't want to admit but them together made you feel upset.

You were startled to hear a voice, You turned your head to greet a familiar amber eyes with dark green hair colored prince. “Hello, Lady Y/N, You nodded your head at him.” Scaramouche and Mona then was infront of the two of you, Scaramouche's brow slightly raised as he saw you and Xiao together. “It's fancy seeing you here Lady Megistus and Emperor Scaramouche.” Xiao said looking directly in their eyes, You admired his bravery but it wasn't really a surprised specially that he is after all the prince of the land of contracts and is soon to be the emperor once the current emperor retires and passes his reign over to him.

You gave them both a tired look before proceeding to walk past them. Eventually you encountered another individual who winked at you when he saw you, Xiao who was following you glared at the person just now who winked at you. “Is something the matter, Your highness?” You asked, Xiao looked at you, “Nothing, Just don't get too close on that person. I'm warning you he's not a good person.” You nodded. As you two got in the hallway you two saw a familiar pale blue haired woman, “Oh, Xiao and Lady Y/N..” She said shyly.

It's the same person the other day. You remembered her name being Ganyu. A princess in Liyue. “Hello.” She gave you a heartfelt smile which made you purse your lips in a thin line, How lang has it been since the last time you saw people being kind to you? “How are you both today?” She asked.

There's no harm on becoming friends with them, right? Hesitating to answer her question she gave you a sincere small smile as she bowed her head to you, “If you are uncomfortable, There is no need to answer.” Ganyu said, somehow that made you felt bad. Finally you had the courage to open your mouth; “It was fine, thank you for asking your highness.” Both Xiao and Ganyu's eyes widened as they heard you spoke.

Scaramouche and Mona watched the three of you in a distance, The princess only closed her book in pure annoyance. “You like Y/N, Don't you?” The fontaine princess questioned the emperor infront of him, Scaramouche glared at her the woman laughed. Sure; people see them as a powerful couple who could be the best among ruling a nation and making Inazuma more powerful and prosper than it currently is but they both hate each other's guts, “Stop talking nonsense.” Scaramouche said as he walked away, But before he could he saw a certain ginger hair person winking at you.

It was enough to make him pissed.

“Looks like you have a competition, Lover Boy.” She teased stifling her laughter, “Useless scum.” Scaramouche mumbled as he eyed the ginger haired man miles away. “Who is that, anyway?” Mona asked him, Scaramouche only sighed. “A marquess from snezhnaya, she probably fucking made him go all the way here for stupid reasons.”

Mona observed the man, full of seriousness as if she's trying to read him, his intentions and motives. “A friendly façade, huh? I see.”

Scaramouche saw Tartaglia approaching you annoyed he cane marching down towards your direction, as he grabbed your hands rather tightly pulling you away before Tartaglia could even strike a conversation with you, “Your Majesty?” You asked him, eyes full of curiosity for ordinary people it may look like it's you being just oblivious but for him you looked cute than he started to curse himself for suddenly thinking about it that way, You didn't know it by then but Scaramouche's eyes landed on your lips.

He pushed you against the wall as he gently kisses you, Which made you stop.

His deep purple eyes stared at you making you shiver. “A-Ah..” You were flustered and wanted to push him away but your brain wasn't working well and you could barely do something. “Y/N.” You looked up to him and saw him gently smiling at you.

“I want you by my side.”


At that time, you couldn't fall asleep, Why? Why now at all times. Those sentence took a great toll on you, you couldn't explain what you are feeling at all. You opened the window to your balcony as you were greeted by the wind's coldness, you decided to hum yourself a song, It was also a melody you couldn't understand. You saw a familiar silhoutte down your balcony. He stood there, as he stared at you in shock. “Scaramouche..” You mumbled.

He gave you a smile as he signaled you to come down, putting his arms mid air signalling that he's going to catch you, you know you should've avoided that very moment but for some reason you didn't, gripping on the balcony's terrace you finally jump down closing your eyes waiting for the impact but surprisingly it never occurred, when you opened your eyes you were greeted by scaramouche. “Would you mind talking a walk with me?” He asked you nodded.

Why was he so gentle?

There was silence but it never bothered you. The two of you walked on the flowery fields in the royal garden. When he stopped, “Y/N.” He came closer to you, as he tucked a strand of your hair and kisses it making you blush at the gesture. “Why are you doing this? I already told you. I won't be the empress even if you force me too.” Scaramouche felt hurt.

“Do you hate being with me that much?” He asked you, this was the question you have been waiting for, you closed your eyes. “Yes.”

“I hate it so much.”

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