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You, were sat down together with some nobles as you had a “peaceful” tea time together, but you felt like an outcast to them, All they ever cared was Mona. And you can see why, she's a role model; Dignified, Graceful, Elegant and acted more like a true empress consort. Not to mention her noble origins, You just recently knew from Ayaka that Mona was a princess in Fontaine.

Although you haven't been there you did know a lot of their culture as you read through it in books with your friend. Nobody pays attention to you which also made you relieved. You didn't want to interact with nobles anyway, A woman brought her fan out as she gave you a look of disgust, “Oh, I heard you are also a candidate for the Empress Consort?” She started the conversation, All attention then was shifted to you. Mona and the others anticipated for your response you couldn't reply to them due to the pressure in the air.

No response? What did we expect to a commoner with unknown origins?” they whispered among themselves. Mona gave them a stern look, “Enough. Even if Lady Y/N is from another nation or she's a commoner the heavens granted her a second name which means she's also a candidate for the empress seat, If you wish to value your life then do not ever disrespect Lady Y/N or the emperor will never forgive you.” Mona said, You were shocked that she stood up for you but it made you happy.

After the tea party, you walked alone eventually seeing Scaramouche walking around too. “Your Majesty, it's Lady Y/N.” Ayato said, Scaramouche gaze upon you as he dismissed his knight and went to you. “Did you have fun at the tea party?” You only nodded. “Are you out here for a stroll?” You asked him, voice as low as possible as you felt your energy draining from that tea party, Scaramouche gave you a look before nodding slightly. He offered his arms which made you tilt your head confused. “Y-Yes?”

“I'm assuming you're here for a stroll, So let's go together.” and with that, you slipped your arms on his. “You should get used to it, either way if you are not the empress, You will be the Queen.” You stopped, as you looked at him. “I can't go even if the empress selection is done?!” You exclaimed which made Scaramouche look at you.

“You can, but I won't allow it. You are a woman in the prophecy not just Mona Megistus alone.” You bite your lips as you looked away.

“Oh..” You couldn't help but reply in disappointment, you saw Scaramouche's face was in disappointed look as well. “Don't worry, Although you are to become Empress or Queen, I won't hurt you nor your family. You can also rest assured that I won't take advantage of you nor love you.” You were relieved.

“Your Majesty, Lady Megistus is more fitting for the empress seat than I am.” Scaramouche clicked his tongue, “Nothing is proven yet.” He said which made you look at him, “But I don't want to be the empress, I don't see myself ruling a nation.” You replied to him which made him look back at you, “You think you have a choice? If you had a choice then I would also have one.”


“Sing me a song, will you?” Scaramouche said. You sighed and nodded it was always the same, It almost felt like Scaramouche made you into a music box at night but you weren't complaining since you are helping him sleep which was no harm for you at all. This time, you sung a melody that you didn't sing to him before— very different from what you have been singing to him all these time. You saw his eyelids were tired slowly drooping as he listened to your voice. You were beginning to get your curiosity ahead of you as you saw his peaceful sleeping face.

Why can't he sleep in the dusk?

As you hummed the last few notes you prepared to get out of his room immediately but suddenly, He reached out for your hand which made you stop. His grip was tight; And you didn't want him to wake up otherwise you'll have to sing him again or worst he'll be in a terrible mood so you just sat down back and let him grab your hands. You too felt sleepy so you closed your eyes.. his hand was still holding out at yours, .

“Forget it.. it's fine..” You mumbled as you drifted off to sleep.

Scaramouche woke up in the middle of the night he notices you the first as he woke up, realizing that he was holding your wrist he finally let go of it shaking his head. “I must be insane.” He quietly mumbled looking at your face sleeping peacefully, He stared at you for a good minute before deciding to carry you and get you to bed on your own chamber. As he lays you down on the bed he couldn't help but stare at your lips.

Her lips looks soft.

Without him knowing, his finger traveled towards your lips. “Mhm.” You said, Making Scaramouche flinch as he withdrawed his finger back quickly leaving the room returning back to his room chest pounding rapidly. “What was that?” He mumbled on himself, He couldn't believe what he did either. It was so unlikely of him.

“Your majesty! Something happened— The empress dowager was nearly assissinated!” Sara exclaimed which made Scaramouche's eyes widened, face darkened as he heard the news.

When Scaramouche got into his mother's room he saw the man all all unconscious on the floor with his mother sitting drinking tea, not minding the body on the floor. “Mother, are you okay?” Scaramouche asked, His mom laughed. “Kuni, I'm fine. After all I'm not as weak as you think I am.” Ei's eyes glowed as she gave her son a smirk, looking at her tea as she stirred it with spoon. “I trust you know how to deal with it, Right? Kunikuzushi.”

Scaramouche nodded. “Yes mother, don't worry about a single thing.” Scaramouche signalled Sara and she nod at him before getting the body out of the empress’ sight to see, “Then I shall take my leave now mother, To deal with some rats.”

“Don't get too messy now.” Ei said, Scaramouche rolled his eyes.

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