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"While Y/N is unconscious, I will lead Harmonia to Victory." Scaramouche said in which Albedo Interfered, "You are in no rights to do that, Emperor." But in response Scaramouche only glared at him. "Although Inazuma is not involved in any of this. I am simply doing you a favor, Duke Kreideprinz." Albedo must admit a help from the notorious tyrant of Teyvat was much more needed.

"You." Scaramouche said the Green Haired Lady shrieked as she faced Scaramouche. "You are a doctor right?" The lady in glasses nodded. "Good, Take care of her."

Scaramouche left as Albedo only clicked his tongue. "Don't mind her, Sucrose. Please do take care of my fiancè." The woman named sucrose smiled and nodded at her superior.


Mona was locked up in her old room while she was still staying in the grand mage's tower, Pacing back and forth her mind was all over the place. "This can't be happening."

"What were they thinking?!" Mona said as she summoned her scryglass, Not only that she was a genius mage but she too was a astrologer. She tried to check your constellation but something was keeping her from seeing your future, As if you locked it on purpose. "What do I do now?" Mona's eyes then widened as she recalled a forbidden magic trick.

It was a tricky, It may even cost the user's life force. Since Mona knew what happened to you as your mother explained the situation to them.

She closed her eyes as she drifted on to sleep




The overbearing silence took over the dimension she was currently in, She was on a dark pit. No light, only one light. "Y/N?" Mona called out. "Where are you?"

Then the surroundings turned into a place in Inazuma. With a young Y/N crying as the other kids made fun of her, "You are weird! You're mom never lets you out! Are you guys monsters?!"

"We're not monster! Stop talking!" The young Y/N said, crying as she spoke. "I heard your mom is a witch, So spooky!" And then they laughed.

"Go away." A black haired girl appeared and defended Y/N. "Sister Sh-Shenhe." Shenhe was holding a baby on her hands as her other hand was defending Y/N from the kids. "Look it's the weirdos!"

The kids left, Shenhe sighed. Then the baby she was holding started to cry. "Chongyun is crying.." Shenhe said, you laughed as you took Shenhe's arms and pulled her away to a much closed area. As you began to sing making the baby calm as his eyes began to droop. "He's asleep."

"Y/N!? WHERE DID YOU GO WHY DID YOU LEFT THE HOUSE DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO NEVER LEAVE?! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Guizhong said making the young Y/N stunned. Shenhe looked down. "It was me. I made Y/N accompany me outside Sister Guizhong. Don't blame her." You looked shocked.

"Shenhe! You already know why Y/N or you can't go outside!" You finally had it. "I don't understand mom! Why can't I go outside?!"

"Why can't I be like the other kids, Why can't me and Sister Shenhe play outside like other kids?!" tears filled your eyes as you did an outburst making Shenhe slumped on the ground, clenching her heart in pure pain. "Y/N! Calm down!" Guizhong said helping Shenhe up, Chongyun was also crying on his crib. Y/N's eyes widened in fear seeing Shenhe's discomfort state. As Guizhong laid Shenhe on the bed her blsck hair turned into pale white making Y/N trembled.

"M-Mom what's wrong with S-Sister Shenhe..?" You asked, Cloud Retainer then came in looking frantic. "What happened to Shenhe?!" You backed away as the two adults helped Shenhe.

You ran away from the house, Eventually making it to a abandoned forest as you cried. What did you do? Why did Shenhe's hair turn white? Were you the cause of it? As you were back on your thoughts you were now lost in the woods. You started to feel fear. Eventually the fear was gradually increasing as you took another step in the forest. "Get away from me..."

"Mom... Sister Shenhe... Aunt...." Covering your ears you slumped to the ground. Just then you felt some arms held you it was a boy with indigo hair, he was injured. And he looked like he was in pain, Shocked by his sudden appearance you had another outburst. "Get away from me!" Your voice filling with rage and fear. The boy the coughed blood as he got in his knees there you saw he was covered in blood, his back had slashes on it. You covered your mouth as you inspected his state again.

He was in a lot of pain.

You ripped your skirt as you tried to stop the bleeding. The fear of someone dying and you couldn't do anything made you feel worse as you started to tear up. All you could do was to hum a melody to calm yourself down as you held the boy's hand tightly. Tears pouring down in your face. "Please be alive, I don't want anyone to die!"

Mona couldn't believe her eyes. It was you and Scaramouche, you two already met when you were just kids.

"Y/N, you must never let anyone hear your voice other than us, your family. Do you understand?"

"But mom.. why?" You asked, puzzled. You saw Shenhe's sleeping state. Her hair was completely white.

"It could be dangerous for you dear, Please just this once Listen to mother, and do not ever go outside the house. When you grow up you will understand."

"I-I Understand Mom..." You said and Guizhong hugged you tightly, as she caresses your hair kissing your forehead.

The surroundings then turned dim as Mona ran to find your consciousness. "Y/N?!" Mona shouted, her voice echoing hopeful that it reaches you.

"Y/N!" Mona shouted again. But then Mona saw a room, but rather it was a cage. "Y/N?!"

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