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The Inazuma Imperial Family as well as Liyue came to the Harmonia Palace as they were invited by Columbina towards a mysterious banquet, Normally Harmonia as a nation was considered as dead by other nation as well on the other people's opinion. But it was also suspicious of them to invite almost all the royalties around the continent including, fontaine. Scaramouche found it way to sketchy like something was amidst.

"Guizhong, Calm down. We will see Y/N and we will get her." Zhongli comforted the woman but she couldn't stay calm. It has been days since you were gone of course she'll be worried.

"What do you think about this?" Mona asked, Scaramouche was looked around. There were many people that it's almost hard to say what's going on, Royals like them gets to go on the second floor where they watch people like ants. Scaramouche searched for your whereabouts but he again, cannot see you anywhere.

As columbina came everyone greeted her, The royals then sat on their destined seats. To listen to Columbina's speech. The woman sang with the most loveliest voice; The people adored her.

"The melodies shall be with you, Queen Columbina our Ruler."

Everyone turned their head as you walked in with Albedo, You were wearing a white dress. Scaramouche and Mona's eyes widened. "Y/N?" Mona could only mumble.

Now what the fuck is going on? Was all that going on Scaramouche's mind.

"Everyone, this is Y/N She is my heir and I am very pleased to announce that my heir, Y/N is engaged to Duke Kreideprinz of Mondstadt." The people of harmonia cheered but the upper floor was in complete silence, The envoys and royals of Fontaine's eyes widened. As Columbina smirked.

You smiled as you waved at the people together with Albedo. Scaramouche wanted to rip Albedo's head apart, Mona coughed by the sudden tension and bloodthirst Scaramouche was giving. "Kunikuzushi! Enough!" She said trying to desperately stop Scaramouche but it wasn't working.

You looked up to met Scaramoche's gaze, You two stared at each other's eyes. Columbina whispered something on your ears which made you nod, Scaramouche curled his fist into a ball as she saw Columbina smirking at him as she placed her finger in her mouth.


Scaramouche came down, But you and albedo already left the banquet hall together with Columbina. Scaramouche cursed repeatedly as he searched for your presence in the garden. He needed to see you again.

"Albedo? Where are you going?" You asked your fiancé, Albedo chuckled as he undressed her coat and puts it on your shoulder, "I'll take a new pair of shoes for you, I noticed you are uncomfotable with yours right now. Wait for me." You nodded. As you were waiting on him you cane to the fountain as the breeze wind came in contact with your skin made you shiver as you held unto Albedo's coat tightly.

"Y/N!" You saw a man with dark puple hair with dark blue eyes, "Y-Yes?" You asked, He held your hand as your eyes met. You couldn't understand but there was... A feeling of familiarity in the air. "Y/N what is this?! What's the meaning of this?!" You saw how hurt he was from his expression as he held your shoulders tightly. "I'm sorry... But who are you?" You said which made him pause for a moment, lips parted as he felt like all the blood ln his body went down.

"Did we perhaps met? If so I'm sorry as I do not remember you." You apologize and gave a bow, "You... You don't remember me?" he asked, and you gave him a nod.
"Y/N?" Albedo called out, "Albedo!" You said as you went at him. Albedo bow, "Hello, Emperor of Inazuma." So that's who he was.

"It's nice to see you here, Your majesty unfortunately me and my fiancé have other matters to attend to, We'll leave first." Albedo then helf your hand as you two walked away but you couldn't help but stare back at the man, who had the most hurt expression as he saw you getting further and further away.

You felt a little pain on your head which made Albedo slightly worried, "Are you okay, dear?" You gave him a nod. Not sure why there was a slight uneasiness troubling your heart; "Yeah, I'm fine..." You said trying to sound all tough.

"Is that scaramouche?" You said as you saw a man's familiar face, He had an expression that was quite unbearable to see he looked anxious, enraged, and hurt.

"Scaramouche!" you tried to call out his name, but then there's no avail. "Let me out here!"

You slumped back down on your knees as you didn't know what do to do anymore, "I'm scared."

"What do you mean Y/N doesn't remember you?!" Mona said making Zhongli and Guizhong's eyes widened. Scaramouche could only click his tongue. "Fuck!" Ayato then came and whispered something on his ears.

He left with ayato, Didn't even say anything. Mona was left with a worried Guizhong, Mona bit her lips- What's going on? She wonders,

Scaramouche then grabbed his sword as he sat on his throne in a dark, dimmed room. Ayato brought back a man whose arms was tied up. Fear could be seen in his eyes as he felt the intimidating aura of the emperor infront of him. "P-Please spare me!" He desperately said.

Scaramouche stood up and walked towards him, "You dare say that?" He laughed as he traced his sword at his neck making him shiver in fear. "Hmm traitors like you? I wonder what should I do?"

When you came to his life miraculously the number of people he murdered decreased, and he was able to sleep for nights just by your singing. Now that you're not here; worse of all you lost your memories. Scaramouche tightly held unto his sword and with one swift slash the man coughed blood. The metallic smell of blood lingered on the room as the red liquid splattered on the ground, his clothes and his cheeks.

How many months has it been since he last killed someone? "Ah, blood." He said as he laughed hysterically which made the four dukes shook their head, Sara ordered some knights do dispose the laying body in the ground as Scaramouche left to go to the training room.

"Kazuha?" Scaramouche called out. "Yes, your majesty?" Scaramouche smiled as he unsheated his sword. "Spar with me, will you?"

SIREN'S SWEET LULLABY | ##raidenkunikuzushiWhere stories live. Discover now