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After the decree that the Scaramouche said you then were given a proper insight and education of what a proper empress should be, which made no sense at you at all, “But.. Lady Ayaka should i really be attending these? I don't want to be the empress!” You exclaimed, Mona gave you a dissatisfied look on her face. “Look, if you don't want it get out.” Mona said to you. Ayaka gave an awkward laugh, the tension between you and Mona were getting heavy. She tried to think of some possible way to lift the atmosphere up.

You looked away, causing Mona to clench her fist. “I'm sorry, Lady L/N I apologize for my rude behavior.” You apologized back and soon Ayaka dismissed the two of you. You tried to approach Mona but she only gave you a glare. “Lady Y/N, May I remind you that we are competing for the same spot, you shouldn't act too friendly to me.”

And with that she left. You pursed your lips in a thin line, you know nothing about the palace just when you thought you could get close to someone atleast this happened, You felt like crying your stomach churning in the worst way possible it almost made you felt nauseous wanting to puke up somewhere far, somewhere where you felt that there weren't any gazes all over your actions.

You found yourself on a garden full of flowers, You saw a familiar back it was the woman yesterday. But when she turned her heel towards you she had a rather hostile gaze, so much different than what she showed you yesterday night. “You.” The tone of her voice also changed, It was hard and strict— You bowed at her. “Are you mute?” You looked up to her to see her curious stare, “Don't you recognize me?” She said.

Not knowing what to reply you stood there. As she patiently waited for your reply which never came so she grabbed your chin, “I am Raiden Shogun, This nation's princess. Do you understand?” You nodded she clicked her tongue as she lets go of your face, “By what's can a commoner can do to be an empress.” She walked away leaving you feeling useless and devastated.

You cried as you held you knee hiding from the big tree, “Mom, i don't like this.. Please save me I don't like this place.” You said as you continued to sob quietly, Thinking about it your mother told you not to disobey but you still did maybe that was your karma. You should've listen. Now there's no way to escape.

Scaramouche was talking a sweet time walking around his mother's garden when he heard quiet sobs, “Wh—” Scaramouche held a hand up, Heizou saw it and nodded leaving Scaramouche alone. He then heard a beautiful singing coming from the back of the tree; It had a graceful melodic tune but it was a lonely piece. He sat down opposite from yours, listening to your voice which calmed him down for a moment feeling serene and tranquil.

When you stopped, scaramouche opened his eyes. For a minute he debated whether to check what happened to you, but he hesitated. He got up and look for you he saw you sleeping on your knee as tears brimmed over the corners of your eyes. “What a weakling.” he said, he didn't know but he carried you. His knights appeared but he silenced them immediately carrying you over to his study.


“Oh my, and you held this lady over deeply because?” Yae asked. Ei stared at the window seeing that his son was a little different than what he used to be, “Kunikuzushi is a tyrant.” She spoke, “I had noticed some changes on him as she came, But I also know that girl is no ordinary siren either.” Yae's eyes became serious, “Do you mean?” Ei nodded.

“Exactly.” Yae pondered for a moment before returning a smile, “Will you visit your beloved friend a visit then?” Yae asked and Ei could only sigh. “I don't know about that for now, After all Inazuma is still in a crisis right now. Kunikuzushi alone can't seem to handle this but the empress candidate can.”

“You mean Mona Megistus?” Ei simply nodded, “She is after Fontaine's princess, Scaramouche held her as an hostage to make Fontaine retreat their threat towards Inazuma, I didn't expect her to be also the chosen empress candidate.”

“We don't know if she would agree to help Inazuma's crisis, Given that the Kingdom's Tower is also being threatened by that boy, Sigh Ei where did you honestly gone wrong teaching that boy?” Yae asked hands on her temple shaking her head, Ei could only sigh in defeat but her friend was right. Where did she go wrong?

She always thought as she made a great progress as an empress just like what she promised to her dead twin sister to make Inazuma a proper living for the citizen, to make their lives happy, She too thought she would also be a great mother to her children. It seems wrong.


“Y/N is gone?!” A woman asked in panic. “Forgive me, But I didn't know as I was away for a moment to make both of us dinner.” The woman tried to calm down, “No, No this can't be happening what if there's something happened to my Y/N?”

“Calm down, we will find her at once.” The woman walked back and forth biting her fingers, It was a forced habit as she was feeling extreme anxiousness upon knowing her daughter's dissapearance. “Cloud Retainer... You know it's dangerous for Y/N, She can't control her powers that well and not to mention..”

The old woman sighed, “I know you are nervous, But Isn't this our fault as well? If we only told her the truth of this world then she wouldn't even dare to come outside and dream about freedom herself.” The woman looked away, In a sense she was right.

“Calm down now, I'm sure.. she'll be fine. Guizhong.”

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