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“What was that?” Scaramouche angrily said which made Sara flinch, Ayato stepped up and repeated the order once again. “Your Majesty, Harmonia Palace invites you and Princess Mona to a ball.” Scaramouche's mouth curved into a smirk, “After getting Y/N so casually they have the audacity to invite me to their bullshit?” Scaramouche said.

“Your Majesty, The queen damselette said that your presence is highly required at this event.” Scaramouche sighed, Kazuha on the other hand came in as he checked the papers. “All is prepared for tonight's engagement banquet, Your Majesty.” Scaramouche lets out a exasperated sigh. He just remembered that today was his and Mona's “engagement” though he doesn't know why he was annoyed by the thought of it.

“You all may go now.” Scaramouche said, The three dukes excused themselves in Scaramouche's presence as they left the room. Scaramouche rubbed his temples he hasn't slept in days, “If I stood by your side would this?” Scaramouche mumbled.

Later there were people around the banquet hall, designed glamourously Mona and Scaramouche came in as the people greeted the two of them, Mona hesitated to grab his arms, but as she felt her master staring at her she closed her eyes as she reached out for Scaramouche's arms. “I'm sorry.” Mona said.

Scaramouche didn't answer instead he only looked at her, uninterested.

“We are gathered here today to witness the long awaited engagement of Princess Mona and Emperor Kunikuzushi, May Inazuma prosper on their reign and the archons bless their wedding.” Yae Miko announced, Scaramouche was clearly annoyed but it didn't show as many people were watching. Mona could only look at him worriedly thinking about the concerning dream she had.


Columbina had just came back from Inazuma's palace to witness Mona and Scaramouche's engagement. As she went inside the Harmonia Palace's she saw Y/N playing the piano.

“Hello, dear Y/N.” Columbina said taking a seat on the sofa, The woman smiled as she hugged columbina. “Columbina! You're back!” She said, she was quite happy. “Well yes, Why are you still awake tomorrow is an important day for you.” You pouted, “Yeah well Columbina left me so I couldn't sleep.”

Columbina chuckled. “Sorry about that dear, want columbina to sing you a song?” You nodded excitedly.

As columbina sang you  melody you closes your eyes feeling a little tired.

"Let me out!"

When you woke up the maids took a lot of effort to dress you up nicely since there's some guests from afar, And Columbina said it was a very important person. “Ah~ your highness you are very pretty!” the maids said in awe, You gave them a smile as you head outside, Childe was escorting you towards the greenhouse where columbina was waiting for you and with two other person too.

“Ah, she's here.” The unfamiliar woman said, You saw them look at you but most importantly Columbina, She was smiling. “Come here Y/N.” She motioned you to come closer in which you did, “Say hello to our guests.” You and the boy sitting locked eye contacts. “Y/N this is Duchess Alice and this is her son.”

The man stood up bowing to you as he took the back of your hand kissing it, “Greetings, My dear lady. My name is Albedo Kreideprinz the heir of Kreideprinz Duchy.” He had pale blond hair tied into a short ponytail, blue eyes. And had a voice as calm as the distant waves.

“Greetings to you your grace,  My name is Y/N Harmonia.” You said, Albedo helped you sat down as he also sat down after you two sat down, Columbina smiled. “As you have already know, Albedo is your fiancé.” You nodded, Well Columbina did say that you will meet your fiancé soon. “Then, with that said. How about you guys go take a look around? Me and Alice has some discussions to do.” Albedo nod, you were about to stand up when Albedo reached his hand for you to take which you did.

As you left the greenhouse with Albedo you took him to the maze where the wishing well was founded, explaining the origin of the well and how it was created, Albedo seemed interested on it's history too.

You sat down on the fountain as you played with the water, Albedo joined you as you two shared a laugh. “Duke Kreideprinz.” Albedo stopped, he gave you a look of tenderness, “Please, call me Albedo.”

You looked away, Trying to hide your flustered face. “A-Albedo..” You mumbled quietly which made him chuckled, which made you stare at him for a few seconds. Albedo then proceed to do a magic trick turning a stone into a beautiful rose which made you excited, “Woah! How did you do that?!” You smiled as your eyes sparkled, Albedo tucks down the rose on your ear, Your faces were close to each other.

You couldn't help but notice his deep blue eyes, a sudden pain striked your head. “Princess! Her highness asked for your presence!” A maid said in panic coughing and catching her breath, “Oh— Coming! Albedo would you like to come?” Albedo nodded and followed you,

As you came back in the Harmonia Palace you got inside you saw the painting on the lone hall. “May I ask, who?” Albedo said.

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You looked at the portrait infront of you, “She was the queen's late lover, to simply put she's my other parent, Unfortunately she died years ago which made her majesty depressed.”Albedo nodded. “Well.. what kind of person was she?”

You stopped for a moment. What was Lady Arlecchino like? That's weird why do you not have any memories of her at all? “She's...” You attempted to say but not a single word could come out in your mouth, What was Lord Arlecchino like? Why have you forgotten your benefactor?

“Ah yes, Y/N and Albedo here you are.” Columbina said, “Ah, Columbina hello!” You said the two of you bowed at Columbina which only smiled at you in return, “Come to the dining hall, Alice is waiting for you two there let us have a nice soon-to-be family meal.” Columbina said, You nodded.

As columbina saw the two of you walked away she looked back towards the portrait of her beloved, as she shed a single tear. “I miss you, my dear arlecchino.”

SIREN'S SWEET LULLABY | ##raidenkunikuzushiWhere stories live. Discover now