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“Oh god! Where did you run into?” A woman said angrily pinching her son's ear. The little boy winced as he cheekily smiled. “Don't worry mom, I was saved!” He said, while his mother raised her brow. “Oh yeah, who saved you?” She said, the boy started to recall what happened earlier.

He was just out to pick some Lavender Melons when a bunch of hilichurls came his way, scared he dropped the lavender melons he gathered around as he tried to search for help but there was no avail, Searching left to right there wasn't any person who can help him.

“Tsk.” Suddenly a man with a hat as well as a woman carrying a little girl in her arms as she waved at the little boy with a smile. “H-huh?” The boy spoke in confusion. There is a man with blueish themed clothing with his hat it had a pretty design looking like a lotus, “Are you okay, dear?” The woman said to the little boy who stared at her in awe. “I-I'm okay..” He said.

The woman was beautiful, but she was carrying a little girl sleeping in her embrace. The little girl opened her eyes rubbing it as she looked around practically looking for someone. “Oops, seems like My dear Miyu woke up.” The woman chuckled, the man earlier was still fighting the hilichurls in the back. “M-mama.. papa...” Miyu said pointing at the man.

“Papa is fighting right now, more importantly say hi to him.” Miyu opened her eyes and looked at the boy that seems to be her age, “H-Hello, my name is Miyu...” She said shyly as she hid behind the woman's back. “Hm? Well how about you boy?” She asked the young one.

“My name is Yuichi.” The woman smiled, “You shouldn't be here all alone it could be  dangerous boy, Who knows what would happen to you if my husband didn't come in to save you?” The woman said, the boy got flustered as the woman chuckled.

The man came back, “Go home now, and don't ever look back.” He said as the three of them left, leaving the boy alone.

A wandering couple with their child.” Yuichi said remembering the family who saved him from the brink of death earlier.


“Do you feel tired?” You heard your lover asked, you stopped your tracks you saw him carrying Miyu like she wasn't heavy. “I'm fine.” suddenly it started to rain luckily you saw an abandoned shrine which you two ran to go inside, Miyu was on your arms, still sleeping not even noticing that it rained. She looked peaceful by just sleeping which made you let out a giggle.

Suddenly, as the rain stopped, you felt butterflies in your stomach as Scaramouche held your hands and kissed it. “Y/N, let's get married.” You were stunned for a second but you felt your lap was getting lighter just to realize that the little girl is now fully energized and was hyper about the whole situation, “Mama! Mama! Say yes!” She said.

“I can be the flower girl! I'll throw flowers at you both~” She said jumping around. You giggled at her, looking back at your lover. His indigo eyes staring back at you adoringly. You nodded as Miyu started to jump around giggling. “Yes, I will marry you. Wherever and Whenever.”

“Then let's get married right here.” Scaramouche said bluntly which made your eyes widened, Here? “Yeah! Yeah!” Miyu replied in pure excitement. In the abandoned shrine? You couldn't help but sigh the two of them were really alike it almost feels like you were taking care of two kids at the same time. You nod and the two of them instantly did something. Well, Scaramouche did brought something while you and him escaped. It was a veil, a white veil to be exact when you asked him about it he only said. "It was the first thing, my mother gave me she personally made for me when I was in my teen years just studying to become the emperor.”

So the veil, means a lot to him.

Minutes later, You put on the veil as you kneeled in front of Miyu, carefully she placed the garland she made with her tiny hands. “Mama looks pretty.” She said and gave you mini flowers that are put together as your bouquet. “Come mama, papa is waiting for you.” You held her hand as you opened the abandoned shrine's door there you saw Scaramouche waiting for you. 

There's no one, Just only the three of you, No more nobles, No wars.

“Do you Papa, take Mama to be your beautiful Wife?!” Miyu said as she stood in front of the two of you, Scaramouche let out a chuckle and nod. “Yes, I do.” Miyu pouted before proceeding to the next question.

“Do you Mama, Take papa to be your handsome husband?!” You giggled as you bopped her nose, “Of course, I do.” Miyu's eyes sparkled.

“With the uhm.. what was it again?” She pouted, Scaramouche whispered something in her ear, and after she gave you a proud smirk.

“You may now kiss the bride, papa!” She cheered. She was anticipating for the kiss unfortunately for her Scaramouche covered her eyes as he took your chin and kissed you gently. “Papa! No fair!”

“This ain't for kids you brat.” He said and you only laughed, sliding your hands to his neck as you pulled him again for a kiss.

“I used to constantly ask myself this question, “What was eternity?” My mother was so obsessed with it, It made me hate the word. Didn't know what it does, Didn't know how it works.” He said.

“But now, I think i found my eternity.” He continued as he gave you a smile, “The eternity, I longed for was you.”

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