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Guizhong was crying upon your disappearance with Columbina. All of them were in distress about what happened earlier. Zhongli tried comforting Guizhong but she was crying. “It's my fault, It's my fault..” Guizhong said. However the tower mages barged in the room which made Scaramouche annoyed. “Who told you to get in here?”

“Your highness! We cannot make such delays to yours and Lady Mona's wedding!” The tower grand mage said, Scaramouche's face was filled with disgust. “Who the hell are you to order me around?!” Deadly, Menacing aura filled the room. Yet the grand master wasn't intimated by this, Considering that her plan is going so smoothly. It cannot fail.

“You are a ruler, the emperor. You cannot let such feelings hinder in your reign.” Scaramouche was annoyed. He grabbed the grandmage's collar, “You are no one. You cannot tell me what to do.”


“Why did you do this...” You said, You are infront of the woman who dragged you away at the courtroom. She was playing the piano peacefully humming melodies. “Hmmm~ I wonder.” and with that she stopped, as she stands up.

“Years ago, I was just a little siren who desired nothing but to love someone. I ran away from this palace just to be with someone I love, But because of what they thought of us sirens. We didn't have a good life together; Everyday when I walk towards the village I would be thrown by rotten eggs as I go by.”

“Just because they believe that I lure people with this singing of mine, and kill them. But I never did that. I wanted to live happily with my beloved.”

She twirled a single piece of rose flower, with thorns in it as she crushed it. “And that day came. I will never forget that day the where when I got home I found my lover laying lifeless on the ground. And my comrades being burned to death just because they were sirens.”

You were quite shock from this revelation, “W-who did it?” Columbina stared at you, “People from fontaine.”

“They killed my beloved, Our comrades. Therefore I can't forgive them for that, and seeing that you lose to that Fontaine princess made me enraged. You must take revenge on behalf of me, That is to pay back what your mother had done over the years.”

Your mother?

“Your mother betrayed us and fled to Liyue to marry the emperor. When she heard that our dear people was being killed she did nothing! She hid many years! She hid you!” Columbina then came beside you as she whispered on your ear,

We need you Y/N, Avenge our dear people~” You felt yourself getting sleepy.. “Mhm...” You said as you closed your eyes Columbina smiled as she kissed your forehead. “Sleep, dear child.”

“Aren't you going too far?” La Signora said as she shook her head, “For avenging Arlecchino and my people. I will do everything.” She said as she hugged your sleeping face, “And this child is the key to get that revenge.”

“Don't you want this too? To avenge rostam?” Signora sighed as she watched your resting face, “What will you do then?” She asked. “I will appoint Y/N to be the princess of the nation, And I will marry her to an ally nation.” Signora sighed.


“Lady Mona and Emperor Scaramouche!” The people cheered at their as they saw them at the street. “Through the both of you, May Inazuma prosper!” Scaramouche wasn't please one bit. The mages kept insisting for him and Mona to get married. “What a bother.” Scaramouche said, Mona on the other hand saw a unfamiliar person. “Huh?” The person was wearing a mysterious black coat. Mona followed the person and as she turned around Mona's eyes widened.

She gestured for Mona to keep quiet, placing her finger on her mouth as she had a wicked smiled plastered on her face.

Scaramouche caught Mona as the maiden fainted, “Mona? Mona?” Scaramouche said tapping her cheeks lightly but the Maiden didn't respond. “Get the carriage, damn it!” Ayato nodded as Sara then went away to call for the Royal Doctor.

“You shouldn't be the empress! You are not the chosen one! Your coronation will cause many deaths!”

Mona walked up to see the kingdom burning, Everywhere there was fire— but she saw someone familiar it was you. Staring at the dark void without the sparkling stars; Your eyes looked lifeless but what Mona saw next made her stop as she got down on her knees.

It was scaramouche, full of blood.


“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She heard you laughed sadistically, made her frightened at the sound. You were laughing but it wasn't just a normal laugh, somewhat painful. “THEN I SHALL DIE WITH YOU!”

Mona stood up to stop you, “Y/N no!”


On the other side, you woke up on a dream you know you weren't familiar. You saw two person sitting laughing, Only then you realized It was young Columbina and what appears to be her lover. She had white hair with black streaks, Pupils were unique as ever and had a pale skin as the snow.

They looked inlove.

The scenery changed into Columbina's Lover on a house, lifeless. You saw young Columbina opened the door immediately slumped on the ground as she saw her lover's body, you could only cover your mouth in shocked.

“Arlecchino? Arlecchino?” Columbina cried.

Columbina tried to take her lover to a nearby hospital but the hospital itself was closed. She wondered she saw people on the central plaza, she saw her kind being burned she felt a pang on her chest, she looked at her lover, to her comrades being burned to death.

“There's one there!” A soldier from Fontaine exclaimed Columbina hummed a song, which you recognized but couldn't remember. “Forgive me... Arlecchino.. my beloved..”

The scenery changed. It was then Scaramouche and Mona getting married. Your eyes widened, “No...” you covered your ears, but you the voices only started to get louder. “All hail, Empress Mona! Emperor Scaramouche!”

Just then, you saw another scenery infront of you.

It was Mona, stabbing Scaramouche's heart.


You woke up sweating as you took a look around the room, seeing that the sun hasn't yet risen. You curled yourself into a ball as you kept thinking of the dreams you had.

Mona woke up anxiously as what she saw on her dream. She walked back and forth face in distressed as she kept thinking about it.

In which dream was the foretold future?

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