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You stood on top of a cliff, smiling bitterly. As you sang a happy melody imagining things that contain happiness, peacefulness. In this way Inazuma will become a happy nation without you and without him.

“As your supposed to be Empress, i give you all these as my gift.” You said turning your heel but there he was, “Stop gawking around, let's go.” You smiled as you leaped towards him smiling. “Kuni!” You exclaimed, he smiled as he saw you. “You ready?” You nodded. He then brought his old clothes the cloth he wore between all those years of being unhappy. The color of red, violet a shade of unhappiness and blood, he lays them down in the rock as you lay a white rose.

Scaramouche was saying goodbye to his old self. As he found anew. “Let's go, Miyu is waiting for us.” You nodded as you held his hand walking towards a new beginning.

What happened?

Before the Coup D'etat happened,

“Behead the tyrant emperor!”

“Let us free Inazuma from the shackles of Kunikuzushi's hands!”

Why am i dreaming about this? Suddenly the same voice that talked to you when you lost your consciousness talked to you once more.

“What you are seeing right now is the future. Because you have the ability to see the future although you cannot directly use it, but this is a forewarning. The name pioneer meaning the one who can see the future, you hold that name Y/N.”

“But what can I do to stop it?!” You asked. The voice chuckled, “This answer can only be answered by your wisdom.” You were confused and then suddenly you opened your eyes. You shook Scaramouche as you started to panic. “Kuni.. kuni..”

“Hm? What happened? Did you dream about something?” You told him about what you saw in ‘future’, Scaramouche soothe your back as he cuddled you. “That's not going to happen.. please dear calm down.” You shook your head as you held his hands. “Kuni, as long as we are in the imperial family our lives will never be peaceful.” You explained.

“There's always a person who wants you dead, assissnation happen all the time. You can never know what happen in the future please...” You said gripping his shoulders, “I understand what you're coming from Y/N.”

Of course I know that you won't easily give up the throne you fought with your life so easily like this..” You said, but you saw Scaramouche smirk. He gently held your hand kissing it. “I told you didn't I? I want you to promise me that we'll live far away from the people just the two of us, That promise is still valid and I won't hesitate to leave the throne for it.” He said, you hugged him.


“Your majesty! Please reconsider this at once we'll get the most trusted body guards for you and the empress.” Ayato said, Scaramouche had just told his dukes about him stepping down on the throne which made them had different opinions. “Are you really sure about this? Y/N? Scaramouche?” Mona asked the both of you. You nodded without hesitating.

“Then do you have any plans?” You bit your lips. “ I do, but I need the Shogun and the Empress' Dowager's cooperation.”

When you left the battlefield. That was planned, It was intentional you needed to let Kunikuzushi's Sister know after all.


You sighed as you left the empress' room. The Shogun was waiting for you angrily, “Let's talk somewhere else.” You nodded. “What do you mean by my brother going to step down?” She said, as expected she wasn't happy with it you took a deep breath and explained the situation to her as calmly and as what Kunikuzushi had told you.

He told you his sister can be irrational in some moments.

“Gather some nobles to form a coup d'etat to overthrow Scaramouche. Don't worry about physically hurting him.” Her eyes widened. “Hurting my brother? But how can..” She said.

“You can if it makes him free. Shogun, your brother wants peace.” You said, she hesitated. “F-fine.”

“Sister Y/N! You're back! His majesty said you'll be back are you here for Miyu?!” You were startled to see Miyu. “Miyu hello, its been a long time.”

“Will you come back here? With his majesty?” She exlaimed excitedly. You held her hands. “We might go far, far away so we can't meet Miyu anymore.” Miyu then started to cry. “No! Take me with you!” She said desperate and hugging your hips.

“I beg you sister Y/N!” How can you say no to that?

And so the plan went smoothly, Shogun had already explained the plan towards their mother. All that you needed to do was to wait for their return, so the plan can officially start.

An arrow shot Scaramouche and you went there as planned, as the people were rejoicing over his 'death' and throwing things at you and him you suddenly sets the whole place to fire as you stood up and whispered in Shogun's ears.

“Thank you, you did well.” You said, You looked at Mona and she nodded using her spell to make you two teleport elsewhere. An old cottage where Shenhe and Miyu were waiting for you. Scaramouche had his eyes closed but that's not because he was shot by an arrow its because baal took almost all of his energy and blood which made him weak but with proper treatment he should be fine again.


In human perspective this level of injury he should be dead. But luckily for him you were a siren thus healing him was no big deal.

“Our happiness starts now, Kuni.”

[ white rose — symbolizes new beginning
pioneer — advance, a person who leads but is also very advance ]

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