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“Again.” The old lady that is teaching you etiquette said again as you failed to properly walk on the ninth time already. “Again!”




It has been going on for an hour now, yet she still wasn't satisfied with your poor performance. “This is not gonna work, Tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday and yet Lady Y/N—” She shakes her head in disbelief, All you could do was to stare at the ground listening to her rant about how bad you were at this lesson. “That won't be necessary, Countess Tsubaki.” You heard Scaramouche's voice said you saw he entered at the room with you believed was called Duke Ayato Kamisato, Ayaka's brother. Upon seeing him you and the old woman greeted him, Seeing your gesture Scaramouche couldn't help but smirk.

“Leave us.” Scaramouche said, The two nodded and left you alone with him. He gave you a stare with a smirk along with it, “You have gotten used in living in the palace, huh? You've improved a lot.” He teased you you couldn't help but be annoyed by it, you ignored him and continued to stack up two books on your head as you balance and practiced etiquette on your own. “I'm still bad as they said. Like I said, I am not fitting to be the empre—” You suddenly founf yourself tripping you closed your eyes and cursed yourself for being a klutz but to your surprised you didn't land on the cold ground.

You landed on Scaramouche. Your face was an inch closer towards each other that you could potentially each others’ heartbeat, The silence of the room wasn't helping you two either. “I—” You felt blood rushing to your cheeks as you gaze upon his dark blue eyes that traveled towards his lips. Unexpectedly the door opened revealing Mona and Kazuha, You jolted as you stood up immediately, face still blushing. “I didn't realize I was interrupting something, Apologi—” Mona said but you quickly interrupted her before she could continue even further.

“It's not! It was an accident!” Mona gave you a doubtful look before proceeding to gaze on Scaramouche who was helped by his knight, Kazuha. “Your Majesty, If you're not busy I need to talk to you about something that concerning the kingdom's safety.” Scaramouche fixed his attire as he cleared his throat, “I am, let's go to the study Lady Megistus.”

Without glancing at you, Scaramouche left with Kazuha first and Mona gave you a look and a bow before going after Scaramouche, You shouldn't feel anything; but strangely enough you felt a pang on your chest.


The maids made sure that you and Mona were stunning for the party, except you felt like you were neglected all of them was on Mona's side. A few maids only attended you, You also didn't have a fancy clothes either, One of the maids that attendes you was furious, “How can they treat you like this My lady! A shabby dress not even close to Lady Mona!” You laughed as you shook your head. “It's fine Suzuki, After all I think a expensive dress does not suit me at all.” You said.

“Don't worry, My lady! I will make sure to make you the prettiest girl tonight!” She said determined, Which you found quite calming as you nodded. “I'll be in your care then.” You said.

However, the maids nor the empress candidatea didn't know that The Empress Dowager was watching them secretly with an unamused expression on her face, “Yoimiya, get the dress on my room.” the dirty blonde lady was confused, “Pardon, Your Majesty what dress?” Ei gave the girl a smile.

“The dress I wore when I conquered the throne.” Yoimiya's eyes widened, That dress was basically more like an historical artifact in Inazuman History, Because It was worn by the empress dowager herself making it more special at this point it's like the empress dowager is announcing the empress consort herself. “Understood, Your Majesty.”

Mona was done therefore she came out earlier than you, You looked at yourself. You were different but it doesn't matter; You didn't need to care about this party.

The door opened revealing the Empress Dowager, “Greetings, Your highness!” You and the maid said as you bow your head respectfully, “Y/N, I want you to wear this instead of that.” She said which made you blink but nevertheless you agreed. It was much better than Mona's dress and you couldn't help but wonder why the empress would give this to you to wear.

After you were done, Ei ordered Sara to deal with the maids that neglected their duty to attend you. Without you knowing of course. “Let the emperor know that, I the empress dowager will accompany Lady Y/N on the banquet hall.” Yoimiya nodded. You couldn't help but feel a little over the top, “Why?” You asked out of the blue.

“This dress reminds me of the time, I first conquered the throne at your age.” She said, but you only gaze at her trying to learn the answer, “Why?” Ei couldn't help but smile, crossing her hands. “Let's just say, I'm doing an old friend a favor.” You only purse your lips on a thin line.


“The emperor, Raiden Kunikuzushi and the first empress candidate, Lady Mona Astra Megistus is entering!” The people cheered as the scaramouche and Mona entered the hall.

After they got inside, Kunikuzushi sat down on his throne, “The Empress Dowager, and the second empress candidate, Lady Y/N Pioneer L/N is entering!” The people gasped as they saw you together with the empress, more over from what you wore which made you tremble in nervousness. Ei held your hand to calm you down. You saw Mona and Scaramouche together which made your eyes slightly widened at the sight.

Ei saw her friends on the crowd, but more importantly a face of a man with shocked expression. You saw a man with amber eyes looking at you, which made you look back to him as you looked away quickly.

“Your Majesty, We wish you the best. May Inazuma comtinue to prosper under your reign!”

After that Scaramouche was bombarded with greetings as you and Mona were bombarded with questions, well Mona was not you. However you didn't expect three people will make an appearance. “Y/N!” Your eyes widened to see your mother, trying to hide herself desperately. “M-Mom!” You whispered as you saw them, It was your mother, Your friend, and your aunt.

“Y/N, we need to go away from here now!” You nodded, Just as you four was about to go away you heard a deep voice interrupted you. “Ms. Y/N?” You saw the owner of the voice it was the same person you saw earlier.

Your mother stopped her tracks, trying not to look back. His eyes widened as his eyes landed on your mother, “Guizhong?”

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