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“Did you.. find them?” Ei asked Mona, but the lady shook her head. Ei could only sigh. It's been almost a year since the two of you disappeared like air in Inazuma. She hoped that it was all a silly joke but it turns out it indeed was true. “Your majesty, don't worry I'm sure they're fine.”

You stared at the two who were now playing at the beach, as a wandering family you ought to have a destination every time. As you two travel everyday with Miyu. “Oho, Is that your husband and your child?” A woman asked, You nod as you greeted her with a wave. “What a wonderful family.” You felt happy hearing it, It made you happy that people thinks the three of you were a happy family. And to be honest it really is.

You were living the whole world by his side, Although you two didn't know when it started but Miyu started to call you a mother. At first you were taken back, Like the first time she called you by that name. Did mother felt the same when I called her the first time?  And so was Scaramouche.

“Mama come here!” You saw her waved in the air as you let out a giggle, Kunikuzushi laughed like theres no tomorrow, Miyu was covered in sand making her pout at his father. “Mama papa is making fun of me!” You pretended not to notice just to tease her. “Hmmm, I don't know did papa did such a thing?” Miyu pouted, “B-But!” Scaramouche stopped laughing as he carried the girl up in the air. “Kidding~” and you all both burst out in a laughter. After so, you three were then wandering in the mountains in Inazuma, with Scaramouche carrying Miyu, Traveling was fine as long you were with them.

You were lucky to get a mysterious pot, from Liyue a gift from your father, You had your abode in the pot, sounds amazing right?

As you woke up you immediately got into  a room, no one uses. There is a gadget to determine whether one is pregnant or not, Lately you have a feeling that you were pregnant but at the same time you didn't know if all your doubts was true or not after all, You and Scaramouche tried many attempts to have your own child but for some reasons you just can't, Which was unusual because you were a siren.

So why was it so hard? There wasn't a time where Scaramouche wouldn't get worried when you stare at the gadget when it turns nothing but red, he saw you get so emotional everytime you thought you wouldn't able to give him a child, but he didn't care about that, so what if you can't give him a child? Miyu and you alone were enough for him.

You took a needle as you poke your finger with it dropping a little blood on the gadget, waited patiently for it to load as you bit your lips in anticipation, You knew it was another fail but still you did hope, at least. Right?

You kneeled down as you stared at the gadget, the door slid open revealing a worried Scaramouche, “Dear? You're here again?” You looked up to see your husband looking at you with worrying eyes. You stand up and hugged him. He comforted you by rubbing your back. “Kuni— I..” You said as you cried burying your face into his neck as he whispered comforting words with that soothing gentle voice of his.

“There there babe, hm. You're fine, were fine we'll just need to try again.” He kisses your forehead comforting you. Surprisingly it did. Scaramouche stopped rubbing your back. “Y/N.” You looked up to see Scaramouche's face filled with shock and anticipation when you turned your head you saw the gadget, the light emitting in it was different it was red. Your eyes widened. You and Scaramouche looked at each other surprised. “N-No way..” You said as you hugged him.

The funny thing was you didn't know anything about children, However weeks passed and weeks turned into months you felt all kinds of emotions being in this stage in which Scaramouche couldn't understand, In one moment you were happily watering the plants to the second you are suddenly crying because you didn't know how to cook. And Scaramouche, knowing you were pregnant tried his best to be patient with you. Despite you getting everything broken every five minutes in the house.

This day however was very hard for Scaramouche. It was your seventh month period and you were extremely handful, emotional your morning sickness was unbearable for Scara at least and you were a very very picky eater. Today you told him the things you wanted to eat but when the food was done you didn't have the appetite to eat it anymore therefore you ignored it and proceeded to 'try' and make another dish that fits your cravings.

Except in doing so you broke many plates which made not only Scaramouche angry but was Tubby too, A teapot realm spirit who is in charge in your mansion when you all are out of the realm to wander in different places. “Y/N, stop this and eat whatever is on the table, Stop being picky.” Scaramouche said, you glared at him as you rolled your eyes. “You're not the one eating, Kuni shut up.”

“See this is wh—” When Scaramouche saw that you were about to shed tears his tongue was suddenly pulled back in, He didn't speak further afraid of upsetting you. You left as you came to yours and Scaramouche's bedroom.

“Papa, you can go to mama. I can clean the mess here with Tubby.” Miyu said and smiled, Scaramouche patted her head as he went towards your shared room he saw you there, crying. “I'm sorry for being like this.” You said as you cried even more, Scaramouche took you head as he kissed your forehead. “It's not your fault, Y/N. I'm sorry too..,” You nodded.

After that Scaramouche talked to your stomach, since the baby kicks every now and then. “Stop giving your mother a hard time.” well, whenever Scaramouche opened his mouth the baby will calm down which means he probably likes his father.

SIREN'S SWEET LULLABY | ##raidenkunikuzushiWhere stories live. Discover now