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“Did I do the right thing, Rosalyne?” Columbina asked, A butterfly landed on the back of her palm. “You didn't.” Signora said as she gave a small scoff. “I'm afraid you might be right.”

Columbina's eyesight was deteriorating, Everything is blurry, She is close to being blind. “Columbina, You need to stop this. Your health is deterioriting.” Columbina smiled.

Maybe Rosalyne was right after all. “Arlecchino is not going to be happy by this either.”

“You need to let her go, Columbina.” Perhaps. Perhaps she was right, Columbina stood up as she led Rosalyne into the abandoned room where the body of Arlecchino was there, Even Rosalyne couldn't believe her eyes. There lays Arlecchino she looks like she was still sleeping.

“I froze her time.” Columbina said with dismay on her tone. “Maybe It really is a goodbye now.”

“Life can be so cruel.. our love was short-lived, but the days i spend missing you are so long.” Columbina said, kneeling infront of Arlecchino's coffin.

“Farewell, Arlecchino.”


You woke up panting, The girl infront of you was startled upon seeing you awake immediately called her superior in which you saw a pale blond man came to you with dark blue eyes, “Y/N, you're awake!” You stopped him before he could even get close to you. “Where's the emperor?!” You asked, The man was taken back, seeing as what you did. “I apologize but I need to see him.” You looked away, feeling guilty.

The man with blond hair smiled at you. “I understand.” As he closed his eyes, leading you to the room where Scaramouche is. He was fine, He was sitting with wounds all over him. As he saw you in the door with Albedo his eyes widened, “What are you—” Without any prior notice you jumped into him as you hugged him tightly. “Y-Y/N?” He couldn't move an inch even though the embrace was warm as he knew it, he was in pain for how much strength you are hugging him.

Albedo saw this and left you both alone, feeling dejected, “Sir Albedo?” Sucrose asked, Albedo smiled as he walked away.

You couldn't hide your emotions as you looked at him angrily, “Why.” Scaramouche looked confused, placing his hand on his wound wincing in pain. “WHY DID YOU FOLLOWED ME HERE!? WHY DID YOU PUT YOUR LIFE IN DANGER YOU'RE AN EMPEROR!” You nagged at him, seeing him in such state you couldn't help but blame yourself again. You didn't want anything to happen, You hated it, You didn't want him to go into such battlefield again.

Scaramouche on the other hand enjoyed your reaction as he gave out a light chuckle, “Y/N? Did you recovered your memories already?” You looked away as you gave him a bitter smile. “I never lost them, But it's complicated to explain things when we're on the middle of a war.” Scaramouche nodded, even though he possibly knew what happened to you because of what your mother had stated he chose to keep quiet.

Seeing you were okay it's good enough for him. “M-More importantly How did you get stabbed?!” Scaramouche avoided your gaze, but to his surprise you cupped his cheek as your gazes met. “Answer me.” You said making his eyes wander somewhere else again.

He may or may not went overboard with Baal his loyal sword, but theres no way he'll tell you that. Not ever, you might see him as a monster if you do.

You just wanted to say how much you loved him. How much you missed him. But how? After throwing his love away do you still have the rights to love him back? “I— Your Majesty..”

Scaramouche didn't say anything “Well you need to take a rest too, Y/N.” His eyes wandered somewhere else trying to avoid your gaze. “I..”

Yeah, Why am I doing? She's engaged to Duke Kreideprinz, Seeing us together might ruin her reputation.

You clenched your fist as you pulled him for a kiss, it felt majestic, surreal. As you pulled away, “Y/N?” Scaramouche said stunned, you held his hands. “It took me quite long to realize. I'm sorry to keep you waiting.” You said, Scaramouche's mouth was slight parted. He sighed as he closed his eyes, “You sure kept me waiting, Y/N.”


“Duke?” Sucrose asked, hearing the voices of the people inside made his heart broke, but still he kept smiling as he saw your face full of happiness. “Are you okay?” Sucrose asked.

“I'm inlove with someone, Whose inlove with someone and that someone is not me.” Sucrose saw Albedo smiled as he left, She felt a little sad for the duke her superior. She shouldn't even have saw him yet she was here.

But seeing you smile was probably the reason why the Duke Kreideprinz let you go.

“As soon as the war ends, let's go home.” Scaramouche said, your hands and his' was intertwined with each other as your head was leaning on his shoulder. “Home.. Inazuma...”

“Yes, It's my home therefore it's yours.” He said, That's right. Your home, and his. “I missed it a lot.”

“I love you, Y/N.”  Your heart fluttered from his words. “I love you too, Kunikuzushi.” Scaramouche's eyes widened seeing you say his real name out loud, it was magical. “I never thought my name sounded so great before..” he said it with a bitter tone, face filled with sadness.

“My mother gave birth to me, seeing that it was a male she gave me the name Kunikuzushi. That's not a friendly name at all.. meaning destruction, To get the throne I did everything.”

“My sister shogun was a cunning woman. Although she was youngest in the two of us naturally she had many nobles wrapped around her finger as the people taught she was the favored one and they weren't wrong.”

Listening to his past made feel silent. The people of Inazuma was fearful of their new emperor what they didn't know was Kunikuzushi was trying his hardest to make Inazuma a better place to live, watching his subjects as well as their safety even if people called him a monster.

But what can he do?

He grew up in the imperial palace. “You know, when I was young i got lost in a forest. It was dark, and i hated the feeling of it.” You explained. “I found a boy exactly my age he was in a lot of pain, his back was bleeding so much.. and in panic i saved that person, Now that i recall it I wonder how that person is now?” You looked up to scaramouche as you gave a smile, His lips was parted.


“Y/N.. you—”

“You were my goddess who helped me survive death. It was you all along.”

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