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“Master! What is the meaning of this?!” Mona asked her master in frantic, The news about Fontaine declaring war upon Harmonia and Mondstadt already spread like wildfire. “Mona, you ought not to concern yourself with this, Go back to your Empress Lessons.” But Mona couldn't do this anymore.

“No Master! You can't do this I'm going to fontaine and ask my fathe—” Mona stopped her sentence mid way, as she was blocked by some of the tower's mages, “What are you doing?! Get out of the way.” Mona threatened. “And what you're gonna tell our nation to stop?! We have been waiting for this for years Mona!”

“Drag her away to her old room make sure she cannot go out.” Her master said, Mona's eyes widened as she prepared to ran away tmone of the mages caught her. “Master! You can't do this to me!” Mona shouted frustrated. “Yes I can, Mona. and I will.”

Elise saw how Mona resisted being taken away but she didn't care.


As you tied your hair into a ponytail, You saw Columbina face tainted with worry, You sighed and guide her to the sofa, “Columbina, Don't worry nothing will happen to me. I will lead our troops to victory.” Columbina couldn't help but to nod but her expression turned into worry to nervous. Like she did something horrible.

“Y/N, you must comeback home safe, And after that I'll tell you everything.” You were stunned, What could she possibly want to tell you? “I got it, Columbina and I will.”

As you prepared your sword you glanced at Columbina and smiled at her before walking away with some knights with you. Fontaine's declaration of war was surprising and seems like it was made out of haste and false judgement. You were just about to try your abilities on Arlecchino's body when Columbina's trusted maid went on the basement and informed about the two of you about the declaration of war from Fontaine. Which made you halt everything and take matters into place.

Albedo was also now on the front lines, gathering and ordering troops around. “What's the situation?” You said as you fixed your glove looking at the knights infront of you, They bowed as they reported matters within the area. It wasn't looking to good of course it wasn't Mondstadt was your only allies to begin with. You had just planned to atleast go and visit Sumeru if they were interested on becoming allies but alas a disaster happened which lef you into this. “Tch.” You said as yo unsheath your sword walking towards a bush.

Not just a bush, a suspicious bush. As you sliced the wide bush open you saw Fontaine's spy you instantly gone for the back of their neck making them unconcious in which the knights infront of you shiver. They didn't knew there has been already a spy lingering around the camp. “Tie them up, I'll ask them questions later.” The knights nodded, you then came to where albedo was. He was on a camp with the other military general discussing counterparts of the plan in a table with a map infront of it.

Territory markings, Pawns, that's what. You walked passed the camp as you got inside the camp where there was injured people everywhere, Ordinary Sirens are doing their best jobs on healing them but their ability alone is not enough. “Hold this.” You said at the knight as you shoved your sword in his chest, “P-P-Pardon You highness? Y-Yes ma'am!” You sat beside a knight who was badly injured as you softly sang a healing song, Unlike ordinary Sirens you were a royal blood, of course the effects were going to be different.

As you saw the knight's complexion stabilized you sighed. You felt bad for these knights as they also have a family to return to, If only you can stop the war alone you'd do it.


“How is she?” Scaramouche asked your maid, Your maid only shook her head. Which made the young emperor sigh, He entered the room of the little girl as he found her staring at her bedroom's window alone. “Miyu, why aren't you eating your meals?” The little girl pouted, and soon it became tears. “Your highness lied to me! You said Sister Y/N will come back!”

Scaramouche sighed. Miyu was the little girl you bought in the castle, Originally she was on the maid's quarters but as Scaramouche learned about her identity he ordered to make her transfer to a much comfortable room, a room full of toys. He discovers her as he was on a room meeting with some official and Miyu, being a needy kid came looking for you it has been two weeks of your disappearance by then, She demanded where you whereabouts and that's how Scaramouche came to knew her existence within the castle as your maid confessed everything about Miyu to him.

Normally Scaramouche doesn't like kids. But somehow he finds himself being soft if he saw one. “I didn't lie to you, Sister Y/N is really out there and i'm going to where she is and bring her back.” Scaramouche said, It wasn't a lie. He'll actually come for you and take you away even if he has to gather a hundred armies then why the hell not?

“You have to promise me yout majesty.” Miyu said as she brought her pinky finger, Scaramouche sighed as they did the pinky promise. “Now be a good kid and eat, and play. I'll come back with Lady Y/N on my hand wait for us, alright?” Miyu nodded and Scaramouche then head off the training grounds of his soldiers.

“Your majesty! What brings you here?” Sara asked. “Kujou Sara, Prepare the troops.” Sara and Ayato were confused. Why would the emperor gather the troops? “We're gonna save Y/N.”

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