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“Do you really want to do this? I wonder.” Standing on an open space ground backed up by a thousand of soldiers, you were there. Dressed in a military uniform, The other General on Fontaine's military adjusted her cap as she gave you a smirk. “We are born to protect Fontaine from any threats, even if it means destroying two other countries.” She said. You unsheat your sword as you raise it up high, “Let's be victorious, All glory to Harmonia!”

And the war that is going to take many lives of innocent knight's lives began, as the people's vigor howl.

You and the Fontaine General was on each other's neck, As she tries to swing her towards you but you instantly blocked her attack as you tried your hardest and might to  attack her too; “Hey little miss princess, heard you were quite the genius, I'm going to be the judge of that.” She said as she grits her teeth. “I'm good at everything, after all Columbina is my teacher and my mother.” The fontaine general laughed in middle of the teeth clashing fight as she found a way to trap you against her sword.

“Why are you so sure about this? Aren't you the empress candidate for Inazuma?” Your eyes widened. “What do you mean?” You asked, unaware of what she was talking about. “Poor you, you got manipulated.” The grip on your sword tightened. “You must be doing this to make me let my guard down.” You sighed making her laugh. “How sad this news could be for you? I wonder.” Just then a sharp pain entered your head as you staggered on the ground holding your temple as you gently massaged it. Why now?

“They wouldn't mind if I get back home with your neck as a prize right?” She asked as her blade was dangerously close to your neck preparing to slit your neck wide open. “Argh..” As if Dealing with a crazy general from the opposite faction wasn't enough you were dealing a sharp pain on the head too. Talk about luck, great isn't it.

You gathered your strength to turn the tables down, closing your eyes and pushing your blade forward, Making her stagger but she wasn't that hurt you catched your breath as you pointed the sword on her “Stop saying things you can't afford to do.” You managed to cut a wound on her choulder making her wince. But the pain on your head was slowly getting worse you instantly let go of your sword as you kneeled on the ground gripping your hair in desperation. You didn't know how to make it stop. “What's going on with her?” Another Fontaine General said just arriving on the scene, The woman who you were battling with earlier clicked her tongue. ”There''s no time for questions, Get her!” As he was about to touch you,

You closed your eyes as you screamed making him petrified. He couldn't lift a finger nor do anything, He was stuck like a statue couldn't even nod. “Freak, what did you just do?!” The Woman said as she checked her ally, In truth you didn't know what you just did. But either way it seems connected to the powers Columbina said you about, Being special was it finally awakening now?

Consumed by anger the woman charged into you, without even thinking as her sword charged into you.

For some reasons, you felt like all your blood was now on the drain you saw the woman's eyes as she glared at you twisting her sword making you cough blood on the process. Your vision was getting blurry, but you saw a person walking towards you holding a sword.

“Kunikuzu..shi.” You said before your consciousness blacked out.

As you closed your eyes, Scaramouche's eyes widened as he looked down unsheating his sword preparing to attack the lady. “On what do I owe the honor?” She smirked as she just then Albedo came and as he saw your state he was furious. “You. Get Y/N away from here and cure her immediately. I'll destroy your nation if you don't.” Scaramouche threatened but Albedo already knew what he needed to do; You were his fiancé ofcourse.

“You had lived your life, Time to go back to the heavens.” Scaramouche said air filling with bloodlust as he started to laugh, making the woman quite uncomfortable nevertheless still helf her sword up high to face the demon infront of him.

The tyrant emperor of Inazuma. A mad dog, a man who doesn't sleep. A man of bloodshed.

Emperor Kunikuzushi, His name alone was terrifying for many as it means Country Destroyer. Let alone the blade he was holding. “Baal, lend me your strength.” Scaramouche said smirking as his eyes glowed in purple. A smoke came out of the sword a silhoutte of a demon, A demon with the reddest eyes. Ready to hunt his prey.

Another Bloodshed. Oh how the demon missed this, The melancholic calling of blood upon the weak, The sounds of swords clashing upon each other. To him, The battlefield was a simple theatre and he was there just to enjoy it. “As you wish, Kunikuzushi.”


“You can go, I can protect her here.” Scaramouche said wiping the blood on his cheek as he entered the camp where your body was peacefully laying resting. Albedo raised a brow upon hearing this, “What makes you think you can order me around?” He said.

“I do. And I will.” Scaramouche said. Albedo rolled his eyes. “I do not know why the emperor of Inazuma is taken a liking to my fiance. But since you are the emperor I shall not question your kindness upon saving and looking out for my fiance.”

“Shut your mouth and tell me her condition.” Scaramouche glared at the Duke. “She's fine, I made her drink a potion she'll get better in no time... But why are you so concerned about
my fiance? don't you have a fiance yourself?" Scaramouche rolled his eyes and didn't say a single word.

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