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Mona was desperately trying to gather information about your condition on the tower's library, “Lady Mona? Are you okay?” Her personal maid asked her as she brought Mona refreshments but the maiden was too preoccupied in reading some information of what could be wrong with you.

Suddenly she saw a book, It wasn't a spell book but it was a book which contained information about sirens, But Mona was puzzled— Why would a book like this be lingering around her master's  office?

“Mona, what are you doing here?” Mona managed to hide the book using her abilities. “Oh I'm here to search for a way to make the emperor sleep... Since lady Y/N is not here anymore..” Her master came to her as she hugged Mona. “Good, very Good Mona.” she returned the hug. “Don't you dare betray me.” She whispered on Mona's ear making the woman shiver.

“How could I ever master..” She, “It's getting late dear, go back to your room and sleep.” She nodded as she exited the tower's library relieved as her hands were shaking as she held unto the book in her hands.

On the other hand, you were kind of troubled as you were watching the fireflied on your balcony flying in the dim night sky, You couldn't shake off the uncomfortable feeling you felt after that man called your name. It was uncomfortable yes, but it wasn't the kind of uncomfortable that makes you hate him. Rather seeing his expression you felt guilty? Why?

Why are you feeling like this? You don't know him. And you are solely engaged to albedo. To repay your benefactor.

You remember that day vividly, You were just a kid with nothing, No mother, Starved, abandoned. And two couples happened to walk passed by you.

“Are you okay?” Lady Arlecchino asked, she had unique eyes unfamiliar but warm. “Would you like to come and live with me and my lover as our child?” for survival, maybe.

You took that hand.

And you became the princess of harmonia. But when you were eleven years old.

Lady Arlecchino died, you  still remembered how columbina felt after that she felt depressed that she was bedridden for months, refusing to talk to anyone, including me.

You balled your fist as you grit your teeth. “I won't forgive you, and your nation.” You muttered as you remembered the woman who was with the Inazuma's emperor earlier. She was the princess of fontaine after all.

“I will avenge you, Lady Arlecchino. Just wait.” You said as you came back to your room, brushing off the unecessary feeling that you is in your heart.

Morning came and you were sitting on the greenhouse, waiting for a person. “Your highness.” You got up as you hugged her, “Rosalyne!!” You giggled, she sighed and gave a sigh as she pats your head. Laughing at your behavior as she found it cute. “Hmm you called me today, seems urgent.” You then greet the other person who came with her, “Tartaglia.” he bowed at you as he kissed the back of your palm. “You two already know what I want.” You smiled. The two of them shared a glance as they smirked, handing you a piece of envelope.

Containing information of Mona Astra Megistus.

“Does that emperor treasure her?” You asked flipping the files to read the said document, Tartaglia and Signora shared a glance again as they shrugged. “I heard he does.” You halted for a moment as you heard their answer, “He does?” Who would've thought.

“Her majesty's Columbina's health is a little not well this time. So I shall go and deal with matters in her stead.” You snapped your fingers as a butler came and handed you a file containing Columbina's schedule. “A banquet in liyue?”

Signora nodded. “It is princess's ganyu's birthday, She is the adoptive princess of Liyue.” You weren't interested on her, “Is Mona coming?” You asked the two seriously which made them close their eyes. “Yes.” You smirked as your covered your mouth with your fan. “Good.”

There's a quote saying, Keep your friends close, Keep your enemies closer. After this you decided to visit Columbina on her room, as you entered her chamber you found her staring at her window as the downpour continued. “Ah Y/N. You're here.” She said, You nodded, You told her about your plans,

“You must be careful with this Y/N. Fontaine people are hostile to us Sirens. And Mona is no better, She is a grandmage who knows what is she going to do? Just stick around Signora and Childe.” You nodded, “Don't worry about me Columbina, I have Albedo.”

“Your power is too powerful for this world Y/N, You cannot let them know about this ability or their greed will get the better of them.”

This ability. This cursed ability.

“Yes, Columbina.” You said, Columbina signalled you to come closer in which you did. “You have grown into a lady now, I'm sure Lady Arlecchino will be proud of you.” Columbina said staring at your (E/C) dull-colored eyes.

“Sleep, dear child.” As you closed your eyes, Columbina hugged your body. “Columbina what are you trying to do?” Signora asked her friend, Columbina planted a kiss on your forehead as she started to sing a melody. Signora's eyes widened.


Signora couldn't believe what her dear friend did. “Are you out of your mind?!” She exclaimed as she saw your sleeping state. Columbina smiled bitterly.

“You... Columbina... You are using the forbidden spell. You are manipulating her memories and...” Signora said, Columbina looked at her as she caressed your cheek. “Trapped her own memories and consciousness somewhere.”

“This is still Y/N but half of her memories are erased and her conciousness is trapped in a bottomless pit that has no way out.”

“Columbina! You are too far!”

“Don't you understand me?! This child is the key on my revenge! They will pay for what they've done to me, Arlecchino, and my people.”

Columbina came to an abandoned room, As she sang. As expected, It didn't work, Because her powers are slowly dying, She looked down on the glass coffin infront of her lays Arlecchino, in a field of thousands dendrobium peacefully sleeping.

“Don't worry Arlecchino, We'll meet again soon.”

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