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“Y/N, are you okay?” You gave Mona a sigh, You nodded. “More importantly what's the situation over Inazuma?” Mona shook her head, “The empress is ill for some reasons so the Princess Shogun is taking over her place in Scaramouche's absence.” You wanted to go there too, but then you heard a familiar voice. “Y/N? You're awake?!” Your head left up so fast to see your mother with Ganyu, “M-Mom!” You hugged her tightly.

“Y/N we need to go back to Liyue. You're not safe here.” you shook your head, “M-mom i can't.. My lover is here. I can't leave him alone.” You looked away.

“No, you need to come back to Liyue.” Your eyes widened as you saw Scaramouche entered the room, your mother, mona and ganyu felt the tension. Scaramouche nodded at your mother then the three woman left, leaving you alone with him. “You think I'll go and leave you here?” You said crossing your arms. Scaramouche's sighed. “Y/N believe me, I don't want to leave you too but it's too dangerous for you to stay here, If anything happens to you again I won't be able to bear it.” You clenched your fist.

“And you think I can bear the same thing? You were wounded, I don't wanna stray away from you...” You said. Scaramouche felt bad hugging you as you sob. “My dear, please listen to me, Nothing is going to happen to me. I will come back for you alive, and well and after this war we'll get married hm?” You did like the idea of marriage with Scaramouche, But still leaving him here. “But I don't want to go to Liyue, What if you'll get hurt? Kuni.. you know, I'm a siren and I can heal deeper wounds and save a person's life.. I can't just go away when my power is needed the most?”

Your mother came, “Then how about you come back to Inazuma, You can take over the matters for a while since he is absent.” Your mother suggested, “Though it would be better if you go with us dear, Your father is really worried as well as your sister shenhe and aunt they miss you dearly.”

“Y/N could you do this for me?” Scaramouche asked. You bit your lips hesitating. “Fine, but you must write me letters..” You said and Scaramouche couldn't help but nod.


“Kunikuzushi, I know you are strong. But as your lover I'm just scared what things may happen to you I don't want to see or know you getting hurt..” You muttered hugging him, the two of you were in the room cuddling in the bedroom you two shared. Your mother and Ganyu left a while ago saying that they'll get a carriage for you to take to go to Liyue.

“Y/N, I lived at the battlefield since I was a teen. To prove my worth for the throne i sacrificed myself to the battlefield, I even made contract with the devil, At some point..”

“I'm getting tired of being a son of royalty. An emperor. It's just so tiring, I don't want blood against my hands..” Scaramouche buried his face against your neck hugging you tightly. “Maybe the reason why i tried so hard to win the throne was the thought of loneliness, If I inherited the throne were there any possibilities my own mother would look into me too? Would she praise me for an achievement I faced?”

“I am not even worthy of the throne yet I got selected because of my own desperation.. Perhaps i thought that the void of emptiness was going to go away once i got what i wanted, but it was still dull.. boring..”

“Once this is all over, promise me one thing we'll live in a far away land. Far from the people, with just the two of us, wandering lovers against the world.” He said, you smiled. “Of course, and we'll be happy too. Not as the Emperor of Inazuma or the Lost Princess of Liyue. But as Y/N and Kunikuzushi.” You replied while caressing his back.


“Useless! I sent you all to get my brother back! Why can't you all do it?!” Shogun said as she clicked his tongue. “I'm sorry your highness but it seems like your brother is one stubborn man.”

Shogun started to walk back and forth, biting his thumb. “Yes, he is but not for long.”

Shogun clearly remembers the day where her brother came in looking unharmed as if he wasn't shot by an arrow and chased by mercenaries in the past. Though he came back with a lot of dirt in his clothes there wasn't any signs of wounds anywhere.

She knows that her brother wasn't exactly fragile or weak but why was he doing this for one woman? Shogun cared about his brother more than anyone, Still the people talked badly about their relationship but there's more to that, She wasn't an expressive person she never was, Her brother used to be playful years ago. At the age of six and she was five, Shogun clearly remembers that Scaramouche would carry her on his own while their mother was busy dealing with the Kingdom's matters.

Where did it all start to go wrong? Was it because their mother paid more attention towards her and abandoned him?

As she got back in the palace their mother Ei, was waiting for her in the room. “Mother you're here. How are you?” She asked, Ei gave her a sigh as she suddenly cupped her daughter's cheek. “Looking at you like this reminds me of your brother.”

“Mother, I'm sorry but my brother wouldn't listen. He doesn't want to go home.” Ei smiled. “I know, We can't blame your brother Shogun. After all it seems like he knows what he's fighting for, All we can do is hope for the better.”

“I know, I wasn't a good mother to both of you. But I still care for the two of you. We'll wait for your brother to come home.” Ei said as she hugged her daughter. The daughter that looks like her, yet very similar to her son.

SIREN'S SWEET LULLABY | ##raidenkunikuzushiWhere stories live. Discover now