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Miyu was carrying her two year old brother in a full crowd, You and Scaramouche were buying things that Miyu wanted, Scaramouche originally went alone but since he wasn't back yet you were worried and you told the now ten year old Miyu to wait for you and Scaramouche here with Kuzushi, Miyu obeyed you.

But your husband's absence, Kuzushi was extremely attached to him therefore when he didn't see his father anywhere he started to throw tantrums that even Miyu was started to get annoyed.

“Why can't you behave?” Miyu said rolling her eyes at the baby in her arms, Sensing that her sister was scolding him Kuzushi opened his mouth and started to cry even more loudly than before. “Oh dear me~ look at you struggling to make your sibling stop crying.” A woman with black hair said, Miyu looked up to see a woman with pink streaks who has a blindfold said. She was alerted but then she realized that other people couldn't see the woman. It was only her can see the woman.

The woman shushed the curious Miyu as she sang a lullaby making Kuzushi calm down, After singing she eventually touched the baby's forehead in which it emitted a bright glow of green. Miyu's eyes widened, “This isn't enough for the things I did, But I hope you learn and appreciate the gift I gave you when you grow up.” She whispered before her form faded to dust. It was suspicious but however Kuzushi was fine.

Ei and Shogun was outside the palace with Yae and Guizhong. “Hm Inazuma is crowded whenever there is a festival.” Shogun was in distressed, Normally she will be in her study to sign more paper work but today she was dragged by her mother and the empress of liyue as well as a certain sky fox priestess. “I should be doing paper works today.” she said but the adult didn't gave her much attention sa she ended up strolling away from booths and stalls.


She saw a little girl hugging her little boy brother in the side, She looked lost carrying her sibling. “Hm? Are you two lost?” She said, Shogun froze when she suddenly remembered the little girl infront of her. “Miyu?” The little girl responded, “Ah, Aunt Shogun!” she said. But Shogun's eyes landed on the little boy on her arms. “Aunt Shogun! Meet my brother! Kuzushi!” She said with a big grin plastered on her face.

The exact replica of her brother, She unknowingly smiled. Atleast she knows her brother is now living the life he wanted. “Hello dear, Let's meet again soon.” Shogun said as she pat their head. Before Sara fetches her.

A few minutes later you came back with your husband, Holding some stuff you brought. You took Kuzushi from a tired Miyu. But something was off, Kuzushi was radiating with strong siren power, It was faint but its there. You knew Kuzushi had the ability since he was yout child but you'd never expected it to be this strong since Scaramouche was a mortal, he didn't have the blood of a dragon like you were. A descendant of both dragon and siren blood. Something about Kuzushi's aura was familiar.


You were interrupted in your thoughts as you saw Scaramouche and Miyu walking calling for you, You joined them as the four of you walked together enjoying the festival, watching the fireworks as well as eat some festival dishes you liked.

Although Kuzushi was two years older he still didn't spoke his first words, Everyday you two were anticipating more and more. You and Scaramouche were sitting on the bench as Miyu and Kuzushi was watching the fireworks together, Miyu hugging her brother of course.

Scaramouche held your hand, “Y/N.” You looked at him as you smiled, “Yes?” You replied before lookinh at back at the fireworks again, “You know I love you right?” you nodded. He kissed your hand as he gave you that rare smile of his, “And I love you too.” You said and giggled.

“I will never stop thanking you for everything, My dear.” You looked at him, smiling as you leaned on his shoulder, “Thank me for what?” You asked, “Thank you for living a life I want with me, For being the person who wants to share eternity with me..” You nodded, continuing to listen to his words. “Thank you for giving me two treasures, Our Miyu and Our Kuzushi.” You let out a short giggle. “You are my other half, You are my life.” You replied.

Suddenly you saw your son waddling his way to you as he open and closed his hands, giggling, “Kuzushi!” You said in worry, your motherly instinct was there but Scaramouche held you. “Y/N, let him do his thing, He should learn you know?” You bit your lips as you nodded. Carefully Kuzushi step by step but a he trip over you expected him to cry but to your surprise he didn't instead he rose back up and continued to walk slowly as he was desperately holding some thing in his hand. When he was finally infront of you he had the biggest smile, Scaramouche lifted him up in the sky.

“You did it, good job.” He complimented his son, Miyu came running catching her breath and you took out your handkerchief as you wiped her forehead as you pinched her cheeks. Before looking at your son again he was shyly hiding some thing in his back. After some time you extended your hand signaling that you wanted to see what he was hiding. He shyly gave you the thing he was hiding on his hands.

Just a bunch of grass.

Scaramouche couldn't help but laugh, so was Miyu. “For me?” You said as you giggled Kuzushi nodded shyly. But what happened next shook you and Scaramouche. “Dada!” You stopped, so was Scaramouche. “D-did you.. hear that?” He said you nodded. Scaramouche laughs as he lifts Kuzushi in the air.

You saw him smiled at you, “Thank you, really. My dear sweet siren.”


SIREN'S SWEET LULLABY | ##raidenkunikuzushiWhere stories live. Discover now