Chapter 1

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'I love you more than the stars in the sky'. Love, I read my books to distract myself from the reality that I face daily, it can be hard but the people in my book give me hope, my brothers give me hope. Just then my door creaked open revealing my very drunk mom.

"Why are you reading that filth, want a drink" she said holding up an empty shot glass, "no thanks mom" I said tracing the title of my book with my fingers not wanting to look up at my mom in a state.

"Oh please not this again, no man would love you silly because love isn't real, well for you it isn't but anyways I need another drink toodlesss" mom sung before stumbling out of my room. She's right I can't find love when my own 'parents' don't even love me, love isn't real in my world unfortunately.

I dont remember when I fell asleep but soon enough my alarm filled my ears but I chose to ignore it, 5 more minutes wouldn't hurt would it? But before I knew it Dad burst in through my room to see if I was still sleeping, which I was.

"Oi you slut, if you want a ride to school you better get up now because I'm going to work and your brothers won't wait up for you" he said before slamming my door shut. Even though I knew my brother would wait for me I groaned at the fact that I had to go school and it's a Monday as well, in my opinion Monday should be a weekend.

I made my way to my bathroom whilst Dad went to probably smoke before he leaves for work which is just him and his other messed up friends going to a hang out place to smoke. I'm not surprised that he doesn't have an actual job considering all he does is swear, smoke, repeat.

I brushed my teeth before staring at my hair which looks more of a rats nest which I also don't understand. I go to sleep with my hair fine and wake up with it looking like birds slept in it.

I spent a good 15 minutes getting out every knot and tangle and it was safe to say that my hair looked decent.

I slipped on a beige hoodie with black leggings. I made my way out my bathroom just to see my bed in a total state, oh well I'll fix it when I get back from school. I slipped on my old white converse and grabbed my backpack before making my way downstairs to see what I see every school morning.

My older brother Alex still half asleep, he may be 22 but he acts like a 4 year old whose never slept in ages,  dad stinking up the kitchen with the smell of tobacco and my mom popping open a bottle of vodka, my other brother Jason rushing down the stairs late as usual which makes me curious on how we both go to the same school but I sleep in and still make it here before him.

My other brother Noah sat on the couch probably scrolling on TikTok waiting for me. And finally my other brother Jackson trying to wake up Alex and get him up to get ready or at least make him look like he isn't half asleep.

But once Jackson mentioned Alex would be late to work he bolted up within seconds and ran around trying to get everything before running out the door to his car.

You may be thinking I have a lot of brothers and I don't disagree but if I'm honest I wouldn't trade them for 4 sisters even though they are a pain in the ass sometimes but aren't all brothers? Anyway I make my way into the kitchen so I could refill my water bottle and grab an apple before I tell Noah that I'm ready to leave.

But of course I'm stopped by dad for an outfit check. And yes I'm 17 years old whose dad checks what she wears before she leaves the house. He barged into the living room with a lit cigarette in his hand and looked me up and down.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up and turned around in before sitting back down not caring what he has to say but of course like every other day there's something wrong with what I'm wearing. "Next time you show me even the littlest bit of sarcasm watch" he slurs "sorry" I mutter under my breath knowing he doesn't give a damn about my apologies.

Before he said anything else Noah grabbed my arm and took me to his car. "Next time you want to yank me to your car a little warning would be nice" I said pulling my arm out his grip before throwing my backpack in the front seat. "I know it isn't fair the way he treats you but you know the more you give him attitude it'll only piss him off more and we both know what will happen then" he says placing his hand on mine trying to give me some sort of comfort but I don't need it. "Atleast he didn't burn me this time" I muttered so only I could hear.

But he did hear me as usual and just gave me a sorry look before starting the car.

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