Chapter 11

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"C'mon princess, you have to wake up" Jackson whispered whilst shaking me slightly. I was confused at first then when I looked outside it all came back to me.

All of them were waiting for me but I simply shut the door and locked it refusing to go out. Call me dramatic I don't care I don't want to go in and see him. Jackson unlocked the door and opened it whilst Alex got into the other side sitting next to me.

"We promise nothing will happen sweetheart, we'll be there with you incase he tries anything" Alex said and I reluctantly agreed and got out the car holding onto Jackson's arm tightly whilst we all walked to the front door.

Before Noah could open it, it was flung open by dad who was clearly drunk. "You found the little slag, where was she? With a boy no doubt" he laughed, pathetic. "She isn't a slag and no she wasn't with a boy you pathetic, sorry excuse for a man" Jackson said moving him to one side with my other brothers not so far behind.

"Get back here!" He yelled as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me backwards almost making me fall down the stairs. I wanted to cry but I just couldn't. He threw me to the floor harshly but before he could do anything else, Noah and Jackson had already grabbed him and quite literally threw him into the living room. Alex and Jason helped me up and took me to my room. Jackson stayed at the bottom of the stairs incase he wanted to try anything again but he didn't.

They brought me to my room, I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw the state I was in. I splashed my face with cold water and got changed into my pyjamas.

Once I layed in bed my brothers came in one after the other and all sat on my bed with me. "You ok darling?" Asked Alex as he checked my head. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said giving them a reassuring smile.

We spent around 2 hours just watching Disney movies and then they all kissed my forehead one after the other and left to their own rooms because it was like 3am.

After I finished watching a few shows I looked at my clock on my bedside table and saw that it was 3:45am. Damn.

Just as I turned my tv off my door flew open and almost came off its hinges. There in the doorway stood my dad whiskey in hand, he gulped the last bit of the bottle before throwing it with full force at me and it luckily missed me by just a bit and it shattered against the wall.

He shut my door and came closer and closer and was only inches away from my face, his breathe stunk of alcohol and he was for sure drunk. " w..what are d..doing" I stuttered after he got uncomfortably close.

"You made my life hell, now I'm going to make sure yours is too" he slurred with a sickening grin. He threw off my duvet and he took off his shirt and climbed on top of me and no matter how much I kicked and pushed it was no use he grabbed both my arms and pinned them above my head holding them together with one hand, whilst his other covered my mouth muffling my cries.

I was stuck beneath a six foot drunk man and there was nothing I could do, I was frozen in place and I felt so useless and pathetic.

After he had finished he got off me and left my room with me still frozen in shock refusing to believe what had just happened. I silently cried whilst I put my clothes on as a million thoughts raced my mind.

"Why did that just happen? Am I just exaggerating? I cant tell my brothers at all. Would they even believe me?" I couldnt think straight. I layed in bed continuing to think any possible reason on why he did that, how I need to keep this from Jackson, Noah, Alex, Jason and Andrès.

I couldn't sleep, instead I had vivid flashbacks every second, soon enough my alarm went off causing me to flinch harshly at its sound. I got up and changed into a black baggy hoodie which went up to my knees, black sweatpants, and you guessed it black trainers. I didnt care what I looked like so I threw on anything I could find which was suprisingly all black.

I got my backpack and made my way downstairs not making any eye contact whatsoever, I especially avoided.. you know who. I walked out the front door with Jackson following close behind. "Princess wait up! Whats the rush?" Jackson said catching up to me.

I stayed silent as he unlocked the car door. He looked at me confused but I kept my head down, all I could see was my 'dad' Dean climbing on top of me doing whatever he pleased. "Princess are you ok?" Jackson said looking over at me and back at the road but I couldn't speak and I simply nodded and gave him a small smile, he didn't look like he believed me but he kept quiet the rest of the drive.

I got out the car and slowly walked to school avoiding everything and everyone. I still had flashbacks of last night and before I knew it one second I was in the courts and now I'm walking into chemistry, I made my way to the very back behind everyone and sat on the stool before putting my headphones in and putting my head down.

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