Chapter 26

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"How long do you plan on ignoring him for?" Jason whispered to me. We all went out for breakfast and it's been about 3 days since Andrès told me what Jackson said and Jackson's been trying to talk to me but still hasn't apologised properly. And my version of properly is with chocolates.

"As long as I have to" I said shrugging my shoulders before taking a bite out of my pancake. "Cmon princess you can't ignore me forever and neither can you Alisson" Jackson said nudging me. He said Alison's name instead of Ally, wow she isn't gonna like that. And how dare he underestimate me.

Me and Ally simply scoffed and made our way back to our room. Call me dramatic I don't care I am very dramatic and I know that for a fact. "How dare he call me Alisson and not Ally, I plan on ignoring him way longer now" Ally said crossing her arms as I simply agreed with her.

We both changed into our bathing suits and planned to head to the beach and relax without any boys interfering and we didn't want to disturb Riley or Kate so the two of us just went alone.

We found a great spot where we set our chairs down and simply relaxed under the sun. After a few minutes I noticed Ally had fallen asleep, then my phone rang 'Andrès' oh I completely forgot to text him back.

"Dopey? You ok?" He said when I answered the phone "Yeah, sorry I forgot to text you but don't worry I'm ignoring Jackson for what he did and so is Ally" I said proudly "you don't need to darling it's ok he was just protecting his sister" he chuckled but I ignored him. What Jackson did was wrong end of.

"How is your vacation going?" I said changing the subject "Better now that your talking to me, what about you love?" he said which instantly made me blush "Miami is great, me and Ally came to the beach to get away from the boys and it's so nice here" I sighed laying back down on my chair.

We spoke for an hour then Ally thought it'd be best we went back to our room since Jackson had been calling the both of us about 50 times. We got our stuff and made our way back. Once we were in our room Ally dropped everything and ran to the bathroom, I ran to check on her and she was throwing up in the toilet. I sat behind her holding her hair back whilst she threw up.

I got her water and helped her clean up before taking her to her bed "You ok Ally?" I asked sitting her down "I'm going to say something crazy and I need you not to scream or freak out ok?" She said holding my hand before taking a deep breath "I took a test this morning and, I'm pregnant" she said taking a positive pregnancy test out from under her pillow and my mouth instantly fell open.

"I'm going to be an aunty? JACKSON's GOING TO BE A DAD?!" I said whilst she slapped her hand over my mouth telling me to shush "Jackson doesn't know yet, heck no one other than you knows yet and im planning a way to tell them" she said putting the test in my hand, this is unreal IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTY!!!!!

"Tomorrow! We can gather them in that really cute ice cream shop and we can get the waitress or waiter to give them the cards which say aunty or uncle something along with their order" I said rapidly "that sounds confusing but amazing LETS DO IT!" She said standing up whilst we both jumped around the room.

We sat for the next hour making cards and turns out Ally had pictures from her ultrasound that she went to before we went on our trip and made 7 copies assuming I wouldn't find out first. We put each ultrasound picture in 6 different envelopes and saved one for Jackson's.

On the back of each card we wrote 'To Uncle Noah' or 'To Aunty Kate' for all of them. Then when we got to Jackson's we wrote nothing on the back so we knew it was his so when he opens it and sees the ultrasound at the back it says 'I'm ignoring you too Daddy just like Mommy and Aunt Quinn'. After we had finished we put them all in my backpack and went to bed more excited than ever.

It was like 8am and Ally was currently throwing up in the bathroom whilst Jackson knocked on the bathroom door but she was still ignoring him. "Honey, c'mon I know you aren't speaking but please let me in" He said worriedly but she kept ignoring him knowing that she'll have to speak to him for a split second for when she reveals that he's going to be a dad but then is going to ignore him again.

Once everyone was ready and I knew Jackson was listening I said very loudly to Noah "NOAH CAN WE ALL GO TO THAT ICE CREAM PLACE NEAR THE BEACH?" But he simply looked at me as if I was psycho "Why are you screaming? And yes we can all go to the ice cream place" He said before turning to the others telling them to get ready.

I got my backpack and double checked they had all the envelopes in them before putting on my shoes. Me and Ally could barely contain ourselves we just wanted to bury but knew it would be the best surprise ever.

Once we got to the ice cream place and everyone sat down me and Ally asked the waitress for our special request which she was more than happy to do. We gave her the envelopes and pointed who to give them to before making our way to our seats.

After we sat down and everyone placed their order, a few minutes later the really nice waitress brought everything to the table whilst everyone sat confused when she handed them each their cards. I gave her my phone to record whilst they all opened their cards and their jaws dropped.

"Ally? YOUR PREGNANT?!" Riley screamed when she held up the ultrasound. One after the other they all screamed then hugged and congratulated Ally. "Babe this better not be a joke, are you being serious?!" Jackson said keeping his eyes glued to the ultrasound.

"Ignore me later TELL ME THIS AINT A JOKE, IM GONNA BE A DAD?!" He screamed whilst a few tears managed to escape his eyes. Ally looked at him and just wrapped her arms around him. They both were crying whilst everyone was still in shock "thank you so much" I said to the really nice waitress "no problem and congratulations" she replied.

After everyone had finished Ally had gone back to ignoring Jackson, we all made our way back to our hotel room and celebrated that she was pregnant!

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