Chapter 44

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Yesterday felt like a dream and to make it even better Andrès texted me saying he's taking me out somewhere but it's a surprise. And I am not prepared for anything. I took a shower and now I'm sat in my closet deciding on what to wear so I just pulled my phone out to text Andrès.

I know you won't tell me where we're going but can you atleast tell me what I should wear because I have no clue.

You'll look amazing in anything love x

I don't know where we're going so I have no idea what to wear, I don't wanna end up wearing a dress just to go to the park.

A dress will be fine gorgeous x

Right a dress it is, now which one. Just as I placed 2 options out on the floor I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled not bothering to get up and open the door.

Jason walked in and just saw me staring at two dresses infront of me "what are you doing?" He said sitting besides me, "I'm going somewhere with Andrès and im trying to decide what to wear but I don't know" I told him and watched his face go from confused to angry?

"A date? Hell no" he said folding his arms "it's not our first date that happened like 2 weeks before we went on holiday, and it's not a date Jase" I told him and watched his face go back to his normal expression.

"Now which dress should I wear?!" I said holding up both dresses in my hands. Both were skin tight dresses so they'd show off my figure, one was black with glitter all over, long sleeves of course with a cross over at the back, and one was a light pink with a silver belt, again long sleeved with an open back.

"The black one because the back is more covered but please take a jacket at least" He said before rolling his eyes and leaving my room. The black one it is.

After I had gotten it on I looked in the mirror and got Dèjà Vù from mine and Andrès's first date, please can this just go well. I sat at my vanity and started to blow dry my hair.

Once it was fully dry I set my curling iron up and waited a bit for it to heat up and that's when there was another knock on my door. "Come in" I said parting my hair. That's when all 4 of my brothers came barging in.

"Date?" "Andrès?" "When? Where?" "You can't go!" They all said simultaneously "First of all yes I am going, it is with Andrès, it isn't really a date because I don't even know where he's taking me, and you all trust him so whats the issue" I said wrapping a strand of hair around my curling iron.

"Honey your too young for boys and even though we dont despise Andrès how do we know if his intentions are straight?" Alex said standing besides me. I let the strand of hair down before rolling it and holding it together in a clip before picking up another strand.

"It's ok, I went on a date with him like 2 weeks before we went on vacation and am I still here? Yes, do you guys still like him? Yes" I said before finishing the rest of my hair and putting them in clips whilst my brothers spoke amongst themselves.

"Fine you can go, but I'm having a word with him before you leave" Noah said before leaving with the other 3 trailing behind. I started my makeup and I didn't want to cake my face so I just concealed my under eyes and a few spots before adding blush, bronzer, highlighter before setting my face then finally mascara and lipgloss.

I let my hair down and sprayed it with some hair spray before going back to the tall mirror in my closet. I looked myself up and down and couldn't believe I'm basically going on my second date with Andrès.

I put on some black heels before getting my black purse and put in my lipgloss, tissues, spare house key and phone. I headed downstairs and saw Andrès sat in the living room with Noah whilst Jason, Alex and Jackson blocked the door so I couldn't see what they were talking about.

Andrès's POV
"What are your intentions with my sister hmm?" Noah said giving me a cold glare "Cause Andrès you seem like a nice kid but I swear, I will rip your throat out and feed it to you if you even think about hurting her" he said looking me dead in the eyes.

I gulped and looked over at the other 3 giving me the same cold glare "do I make myself clear?" Noah asked "yes sir and I promise I won't hurt her, I wouldn't dream of it" I said truthfully trying to hide the slight fear in my voice but I think they could tell.

They all eased up and let me go and thats when I saw her. The dress she wore hugged every inch of her gorgeous body, her beautiful hair shone and all I could do was stare at her in complete adoration.

   Back to Quinn's POV

"What did you say to him he looks terrified, wow that's a first" I glaring at my brothers who just shrugged their shoulders innocently. I looked back at Andrès who just stared at me with a light in his eye.

"These are for you" he said handing me a bouquet of white roses and pink blossoms "I still can't believe you remember my favourite flowers" I said placing them in the vase besides me. "I want her home no later than 10" Alex said and I playfully rolled my eyes and Daniel just nodded.

Jason handed me my jacket and Alex helped me take off my sling, we did physio when he got home early in the morning and he said as long as I take it easy I don't need to wear it 24/7. Just as Andrès opened the door for me Jackson spoke "Andrès, don't make any bad choices" placing his hand on his gun in the holster on his belt. "JACKSON!" I yelled before dragging Andrès out.

"I'm sorry about them" I said apologetically walking with him to his car, "you have nothing to apologise for, I'd be the same for my sister" he said before opening the car door for me. "Ready to go?" He said starting the car "nope but yeah" I said not ready for the surprise he had planned.

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