Chapter 54

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I'm finally home after being in the hospital for a week. Longest week of my life if you ask me. Andrès said he had something important to tell me and wanted to wait till I was out of the hospital, so today is the day he tells me but I'm not sure what it could be.

I've been trying so hard to forget what had happened but it's kind of hard when you have reminders literally on your body, I'm just so happy Andrès came when he did or else I don't know what would've happened.

After I re- bandaged the burn on my chest I decided to keep it simple with an oversized sweatshirt and some leggings. I decided to keep my hair down because I really couldn't be bothered tying it. "Sweetheart breakfast!" Noah called from downstairs.

Oh yeah that's another thing. Ever since I was in the hospital I didn't really eat I mainly just had liquids, so my brothers and Andrès have been trying to get me to eat.

I made my way downstairs and sat in the living room next to Jason. "Hey bestie" I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Andrès said he had something to tell me today, do you know anything about it?" I asked but he shook his head.

I looked up at him and guilt was written all over his face. Just then Noah walked in with two plates of food, "we'll be right back Noah" I said before grabbing Jason's arm and taking him upstairs to his room, sitting him on the bed and locking his door.

"What's wrong? And you can't lie to me because I can tell when you lie so speak" I said. He kept his eyes glued to the floor and wouldn't look at me which hurt me. I put my hand on his shoulder making his look up at me.

Tears were in his eyes before saying anything else he wrapped his arms around me afraid to let go. "It was my fault" he whispered. I was confused for a second then realised what he was talking about.

"No its not Jason, I promise what happened wasn't your fault" I reassured. He pulled away and I wiped his eyes. "It is, if i didnt tell you to go to the shop for me you wouldn't have been kidnapped or tortured it's my fault and im so sorry Quinn" He said putting his head in his hands.

I wrapped my arms around him providing him with as much comfort as I could "it wasn't your fault, you didn't know heck no one knew, it could've happened at any time and im still here arent I? Whatever happened was not your fault so don't blame yourself for it" I promised.

He looked up at me and was hesitant at first but then spoke "what did he do to you" he whispered as if he was afraid to ask me. "Whatever happened happened, it wasn't your fault and it wasn't mine ok?" I replied.

He nodded and wiped his eyes then we made our way back downstairs. Jackson and Alex are at work and Noah decided to study his case at home.

"Everything ok you two?" He asked and we nodded our heads before sitting on the couch. "Wanna try eat something today sweetheart? It doesn't have to be a lot and we won't force it but you need food in your body" Noah asked but I shook my head.

He nodded understandingly and gave Jason a plate whilst we watched I dont even know what. After a few minutes my phone buzzed and I flinched. Oops habit. I looked and it was just Andrès saying he was on his way over which made me visibly relax.

I'll be over in 2 minutes amor🤍

Oki doke

I waited both patiently and anxiously for what Andrès was gonna tell me. Does he wanna break up? After what happened he might not want anything to do with me. Oh god. Just then the doorbell rang and Noah went to answer it.

Andrès came in with wide arms which I ran straight to. "We can talk in my room" I said before going upstairs with Andrès following.

Once we made our way in my room I sat on my bed and motioned for him to join me which he did happily. "Right so what did you wanna tell me" I asked eagerly. "Before I do, amor I love you a lot and would never do anything to hurt you or your brothers, they know about what I'm going to tell you and I wanted to shield you from it but I wanna be open with you because you're open with me" He said keeping his eyes on mine.

My stomach twisted a little as to what he was gonna say. I rested my hand on his providing him with comfort motioning for him to carry on.

"I'm the don of the Italian Mafia, Zain the guy who kidnapped you is the son of the don of the Russian Mafia, the men you saw me with when I came to save you are apart of the Mafia. Yes I told your brothers and they were skeptical at first but when I saved you they realised I would never hurt you ever and I will protect you, I didnt get held back in college I was there getting intel but I met you in the process and God am I glad I did because I can't imagine life without you amore mio" He said all at once.
(My love)

He's in the mafia? He what? My jaw dropped no words came out, why didn't he tell me before? Did he not trust me? He's in the FUCKING MAFIA???

I looked at him and I could tell he was waiting for me to reply but what could I possibly reply with? "I- yo- ma- wh- huh" I stuttered. I didnt know what the hell to do or say.

"Don't leave me Quinn, your the perfect girl, the most perfect person I have ever met and I wanted to be honest with you when we first met but I didn't want you to be afraid, you don't need to be afraid because I would never let anything happen to you" He said almost reading my mind.

"I wont leave you Andrès I just um, don't know what to say? I'm not afraid of you how could I be, this is just um something I definitely was not expecting" I said and saw him relax knowing I won't leave him.

After all thats happened he's still here for me so why would I leave him when he was open and honest about something I am pretty sure he wouldn't just tell anyone.

"I love you Quinn, ti amerò sempre mia bella ragazza" He said before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.
(I'll always love you my beautiful girl)

"You do know I don't know Italian right?" I chuckled and he smiled. God I love this man.

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