Chapter 47

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I don't remember the last time it was this awkward at dinner, probably because it never has been this awkward. Andrès was sat besides me occasionally giving my thigh a reassuring squeeze but the boys were just glaring at him until they got slapped across the back of their heads by Ally, Kate and Riley.

"So, what did you wanna tell us honey?" Alex said breaking the very uncomfortable silence, "right so um, I- we- um" I stumbled with my words not knowing how to say it but Andrès interlaced my hand with his under the table giving me another reassuring squeeze.

I let out a breath and just blurted out "me and Andrès are together". I looked up and Jackson, Noah, Alex and Jason all had their jaws dropped literally. "You?" "Him?" "When?" "Together?" "Your too young" "Boyfriend?" "Huhh" they all rushed out at the same time. I gave a nervous smile and glanced at Andrès who was trying to hide how nervous he was.

"Andrès I think me and you need to have a talk hm" Jackson said getting up from the table with Andrès following, I stood up to follow but was sat back down by Ally "don't worry he won't do anything, I'll make sure of it" who followed them into the living room.

I looked at the others who were still shocked "Im nearly 18 and you two had girlfriends when you were my age" I said but they just shook their heads in disbelief "so? It doesn't mean your not too young" Noah said pinching the bridge of his nose.

I wonder what Jack's saying to Andrès, please can he not scare him off.

Jackson's POV
I almost choked when Quinn said her and Andrès are together. What?! Shes still so young she can't be dating anyone, I knew my brothers felt the same way.

I sat Andrès down and Ally came in shortly after "if you scare him off your in big trouble" she whispered to me before sitting besides me. I looked at Andrès who was scared and did a shit job of hiding it.

"So? You like my sister?" I asked almost gritting my teeth at the words "yes sir, I do very much" he said straight away "listen, Quinn has been through a lot and if you so much as think about hurting my sister don't think I won't put you 6 feet under the ground" I threatened and saw Ally glaring at me from the side of my eye.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting her sir, I swear" He said empathetically, "I give you permission to date my sister, but if anything goes wrong you know what will happen" I said moving my jacket back making the gun in my holster clear to his eyes.

Ally slapped my arm for me to put it away "I know you'll treat her right ignore him and his threats but he's right about one thing, if you hurt her it won't end well for you" She said and he gave her a small smile before nodding his head. "I will ma'am don't worry" he reassured.

"Oh please call me Ally hun, and dont sir him or any of the others just call them by their names" she winked playfully. We all stood up and headed back to the dining room where I could tell Quinn was waiting impatiently.

Back to Quinn's POV
"What did he say to you" I whispered to Andrès who walked in calmer than how he walked out which gave me a little bit of relief "nothing don't worry about it" he whispered back. I knew it was something but I didn't question him further.

"Quinn, you can date him" Jackson said which made my jaw drop. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck because he was still sat down "thank you!" I squeeled "did you threaten him?" I asked pulling away. He looked at the ceiling innocently and I punched his arm "Your not allowed to!" I scolded before sitting back down.

I could tell Andrès was holding back his laughter at me acting like Mother Theresa. "I'm sure Jack had already told you, but if you even try hurting her I won't mind breaking a few bones" Noah said cracking his knuckles "Noah shut up" I said rolling my eyes whilst he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I trust him enough to know he wouldn't dare hurt her, am I right Andrès?" Alex asked tilting his head "yes sir a hundred percent" he said, even though he tried hiding it I could still hear panick in his voice. "Call them by their names, and if they say otherwise they'll have me to answer to" Kate said giving Alex a death glare.

After we had finished and cleared everything we all sat in the living room talking and that's when something came to mind. I pulled Jason out the room and he just gave me a confused look "I completely forgot, are you and Zoe a thing? When is she gonna come over?" I rushed out and his face instantly relaxed.

"I haven't asked her out yet im waiting for the perfect time, we've been talking for 4 months and Quinn I know she's the one" He said and i could see in his eyes he really liked her. "Ill help you! But you have to invite her over sometime soon" I chuckled.

We made our way back and even though everyone looked at us confused we just sat down and continued talking. "I better head home" Andrès said standing up.

"Thank you for having me" He said before making his way to the front door as I trailed behind, "sorry about the threats" I apologised "It's ok love, I'll call you when I get home ok?" He assured, I nodded and gave him a hug before he left.

Now, time for operation get Jason and Zoe together.

First plan of action, invite her for dinner.

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