Chapter 24

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The hotel is amazing. The rooms were really big aswell and luckily for me, Ally, Riley and Kate, our room had a gorgeous view of Miami. After we had all got our luggage and set it in our rooms we all freshened up so that we could make our way down to the beach.

Once I showered I brushed my hair out I let Riley french braid it because she does it so well and my arms ache when I try. I put on my new blue and white bathing suit which covered my arms luckily with the matching blue and white sarong I got from the mall and put a t-shirt over it before putting on some mascara and lipgloss.

Once I was ready, me and Noah sat on my bed and waited for everyone else to finish. After scrolling on tiktok and taking a few snaps everyone was finally ready to go.

I put my sunglasses on my head and grabbed my backpack and put in a power bank, charger wire, my wallet, and my Polaroid camera. But of course before we went anywhere Jackson insisted we took a family photo outside the hotel.

We took a few photos then walked down to the beach and it was amazing. The sun was shining, the ocean was so blue, kids were laughing and playing whilst their parents relaxed. "Jackson can you and Ally have kids so I can be the cool aunty and have nieces and nephews please" I said looking back at a very red Jackson whilst Ally put her hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

When we made our way to the beach we set our blanket on the sand, Noah put the cooler filled with snacks and drinks next to us and set up a few chairs for him, Jackson, Jason and Alex because us girls wanted to get a tan.

I took my Polaroid out my backpack and took a few photos of the beach then put them in my bag before setting it down besides me. I took off my sweatshirt and layed down on the blanket and let out a sigh. I really needed this and thankfully I'm with people who I know I can love and trust.

After a few minutes I heard a camera click and people laughing. I sat up and saw a few boys laughing at their phones then looking at me before laughing again. I looked at Jackson and he could tell something was wrong by my face.

"What is it princess?" He said making his way over to me "I think those boys just took pictures of me whilst I was laying down" I said putting my sweatshirt back on feeling very uncomfortable.

He went over to them followed by Jason and the boys turned white. "Show me your fucking phone I wont ask twice!" Jackson demanded whilst Jason grabbed one of the boys by his shirt looking him dead in his eyes. Once the boys showed Jason and Jackson their photos, they punched the boys square in the face making their noses bleed "5 seconds to delete them before I punch you so hard you'll forget what your name is" Jason said throwing the boy's phone at him.

Once they deleted them in front of Jackson and Jason they picked themselves up and ran back to their other friends who were stood laughing at them. "Don't worry Quinn no one will do anything, relax ok?" Jason said putting his hand on my shoulder but he could tell I felt really uncomfortable.

"Come on lets go get ice cream whilst these boring adults sit here" He said pulling me up. Despite him being an adult himself I sure am glad he doesn't really act like it but instead is my best friend and my brother in one. We made our way to a nearby ice cream shop and it was so cute. I took a few photos, then went on Snapchat and told Jason take photos of me then made him take snaps with me.

After I approved of the photos we ordered our ice cream and waited in one of the booths. "What's up Jase?" I said noticing that Jason was hiding something but I could tell he wanted to say it. "I like a girl.." He said scratching the back of his head nervously whilst my mouth fell open.

The guy brought us our ice cream and after I had taken pictures I had a million questions for Jason and his mystery girl "Are you going to ask her out? Whats her name? Did she go to our school? Do I know her? Do the others know? SPEAK!!" I said all at once whilst Jason just laughed at my curiosity.

"I don't know, her name is Zoe, yes she did, no you don't, no they don't" he answered before eating his ice cream "I'll tell the others later, but you better not tell them before I do, it's our secret got it?" He said holding his hand out for me to shake which I did.

"Now what's the situation with you and Andrès then hmm, your still just friends aren't you?" He said taking a bite out of my ice cream. "Yes we are still just friend Jase don't worry I don't think I'll have a boyfriend anytime soon" I said truthfully, he let out a huge sigh and looked up and mouthed "Thank God".

Once we both finished we made our way back to the beach and saw all of them playing volleyball. "Come on join us! Noah is being a sore loser yet again" Jackson said waving us over. After a few rounds Jackson, Me, Ally and Jason obviously won and were cheering whilst Alex, Riley, Noah and Kate insisted we cheated. Sore losers.

We packed up and made our way back to our hotel room to put everything away and to change because we were going to go eat at a restaurant. I posted a few of the photos I took on my story on Snapchat then uploaded most of the photos on my Instagram before putting my phone on charge.

I changed into a cute white summer dress which was long sleeved but they were semi- transparent so I didn't get too hot and paired it with some white flats. After I had gotten ready I layed on my bed and scrolled through tiktok before I got a call. It was Andrès.

I plan on relaxing so I answered it knowing that if I didn't it would annoy me so much. "I don't want to talk to you so stop calling and texting me got it?" I said the second I answered "I know I know but hear me out please Quinn" he pleaded but I didn't want to hear any excuses from him "no, now stop calling me" I said hanging up on him before he could say anything else.

When everyone was ready I took a deep breath before heading out with them.

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