Chapter 31

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Flashback to Quinn's 6th Birthday
(February 20th 2012)

"Daddy y-your scaring me please p-put me down!" I stuttered trying to wiggle out of daddy's grip but it was no use. Jason, Noah and Alex went out to get me a cake for my birthday and Jackson was in his office. I accidentally knocked over daddy's cup and now he's really mad and he's scaring me.

"YOU STUPID PATHETIC CHILD I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" His voice echoed in my ears which sent a stream of tears flowing down my cheeks. "Your going to be sorry" he said with an evil grin.

He let go of me and I fell on my bottom, before I could run off he wrapped his hand around my neck picking me up really high. I held his hand trying to take it off but he was too strong. I wiggled and gasped and I felt my eyes closing then I heard the door open.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" JacksonMs voice boomed. I felt myself being released from his grip but then everything went dark.

Flashback to Quinn's 12th Birthday
(February 20th 2018)

"D-dad?" I stuttered making my way into his office before covering my mouth and nose with my sleeve again because his office was filled with smoke from his cigarettes.

"What now" he said rolling his eyes before placing the cigarette back in his mouth, "c-can we g-go out?" I asked keeping my eyes on the floor not daring to look him in the eyes.

"For what?" He asked standing up from his chair making his way over to me "m-my birthday..." I said slowly looking up at him who was only inches away.

"Birthday? What's there to celebrate? THE DAY YOU RUINED OUR FUCKING LIVES?! YOU DONT DESERVE ANYTHING" he yelled gripping me by my arms tightly holding me high up.

"You will suffer for making our lives hell! Trust me" he smirked before harshly throwing me to the ground, before I could stand he opened the door and kicked me out. Literally. I picked myself up and ran to my room with my tears falling freely down my cheeks.

I flopped on my bed with my head in my pillow quietly sobbing into it. After a few minutes I heard my door creak open, I feared he had come back but when I looked, all my brothers stood with warm smiles and a cake with a '12' candle lit.

"Happy Birthday Quinn" they all said sitting down on my bed next to me. "Ignore him, you ruined no one's lives and you deserve everything" Noah said hugging me whilst Jackson wiped my eyes.

I blew out the candles and we sat there eating the vanilla sponge whilst watching Tangled.

Flash forward to current events Andrès's POV

Its been 5 hours and she still isn't awake! Dopey is laying on her bed with her heart monitor beeping in random patterns and Alex says it's because something is scaring her. I wish I could go and pull her out but I can't, and that makes me feel weak.

I don't know what made her get out of bed alone, I don't know why she didn't wake one of us up, but I do know that only she can pull herself out of whatever is going on in her mind.

I see her face slightly tense, I held her hand and stroked her head trying to let her know she's safe. "Your okay Dopey, we're all here with you" I whispered to her staying by her side.

Ever since I met her I felt something I've never felt before. She has gone through so much and it makes me feel worthless that I couldn't help her as much as I wanted to. Just then all our eyes shot to her heart monitor which was beeping like crazy.

"Alex? Whats going on!?" Jason asked with panick rising in his voice. I shot up from my seat and stared down at Quinn. Alex pages Xavier who ran through the doors in seconds. "Get her up to ICU NOW!" Alex's voice boomed as Xavier didnt reply and simply wheeled out Quinn leaving us all worried and confused.

After frantically pacing outside her room Alex came to us with sadness in his eyes. "S-she" he said with his voice cracking. Xavier came behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder "she's in critical condition, we don't know why this is happening but the next few hours are serious and we'll be checking on her more often and we'll update you if anything happens" Xavier said before walking away.

"No, no no this can't be happening. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING?!" Noah said running his hand through his hair. "She'll pull through, she always does" I said looking over at them. They nodded and we simply waited until we heard any updates.

Quinn's POV
"Hello? Is anyone there?!" I said, I was all alone in a place where I wasn't sure of. The walls were dark grey with a dim ceiling light which had a small halo around it.

"Your ok Dopey, we're all here with you" I heard a distant voice which sounded like, Andrès. I wanted to tell them I could hear them, but I couldn't. I feel trapped, I wanted to be with all of them but I couldn't be.

I heard the door not so far away creak open, the sight of who just walked in made my blood run cold. It's him. "Well well well look who we have here, little miss Quinn is all alone" He spoke with that disgusting smirk of his. It was Dean. How?

"Y-your not really here, your i-in jail" I stuttered trying to get myself further away from him but he only got closer and closer. "Maybe I'm not really here, but your sure as hell going to feel like I am" He shrugged before grabbing me by my throat and squeezing it hard.

I gasped and gasped and just before I blacked out he harshly threw me to the floor. "W-why a-re y-you doing t-this" I said in between coughs trying to get out a normal breath. "You think they care about you? Your brothers and that boy" he spat before kicking me in the ribs.

"They only tell you what you want to hear, they have hated you since your pathetic self entered this world" He said grabbing a fistful of my hair before slamming my head into the wall. I fell to the ground once more looking up seeing his disgusting face smile at my pain.

"Y-your a l-liar" I stuttered but he simply laughed at my pathetic attempt to speak. "You'll see, they'll get rid of you when they get the chance" He said kicking me once again. "Go to hell" I said watching his face shift from a smirk to annoyed really fast.

He grabbed me by my throat only this time, he didn't let go.

I shot up and grabbed my throat whilst breathing heavily, then I looked around and realised. Im in the hospital?

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