Chapter 2

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I hate school days but at this point doesnt everyone? During the time I wake up and until 3rd period, my brain is still trying to wake up properly.

I make my way to the library which I guess people call 'study hall' which I don't get cause it isn't a hall but whatever floats their boat. I go right to the back behind shelves of books and just sit in my usual seat. I put on my headphones and doze off into my own world where my mom isn't having vodka shots at 7am or my dad doesn't burn me with his cigarettes because I'm dressed 'inappropriately' or for simply existing, basically a world that isn't this one.

I didn't realise I had company till they threw their bag on the table startling me awake. Jeez cant even go to sleep in peace anymore. I take off my headphones and look up just to see the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen.

His curly black locks shone under the ceiling light, his brown eyes stared into my soul, he looked pretty badass I cant lie. He had chains around his neck and one hanging across his pants, silver rings on each veiny hand like those boys you'd see in fantasies only this is real life.

"You got a staring issue kid?" His husky voice said breaking the silence "oh uh s.sorry" I stuttered. How stupid can I possibly be, before I had the chance to walk away of embarrassment he grabbed my bag pulling me back "what the fuck!?" I screeched just to be shushed by the librarian "can you chill the fuck out, but thanks for the extra space kid" he said plastering a cute but stupid smirk on his gorgeous face.

The irony of this man but I didnt argue I just simply walked out to go to the café outside campus.

The café is probably one of my favourite places to escape my thoughts. The smell of coffee and pastries fill my senses whilst the warm air hugs me, I feel calm here. I sat by the window in the corner where I usually sit and Willow the barista came over.

Me and Willow are quite close seeing as we've known each other ever since I started coming here in 10th grade. She's always filling me in on the gossip that she hears when people come into the café and I hate to admit it but it's pretty interesting.

Time definitely got away from me seeing as I've been sat here for almost 2 hours. I grabbed my bag and made my way out the café and even though I'm in no rush going home I knew if I was later than usual my dad would make up the most random assumptions which I don't have the energy for.

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