Chapter 50

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I'm so glad it was a Friday when I had my panick attack meaning it's Sunday so I don't have any intention of leaving my house. Andrès didn't stop calling or texting what happened and if I'm ok.

I called him back yesterday and told him that I needed the toilet and then Jackson came to get me because something came up at the office and apologised for not replying sooner.

My intention of not wanting to leave my house came to an end when Jason called me to his room. He was on his PlayStation with his headset on and controller in hand pressing a billion buttons at the same time at the same quick speed.

"Q im in a competition please can you just go to the shop for me and get me my snacks you know the ones I get for gaming theres money in my jacket pocket on my bed, your a lifesaver" He said as soon as he heard the door open.

I knew I had to go because he'd do it for me. I got the money out of his jacket before heading to my room to grab my jacket and shoes. Even though I'm really scared of what Dianne could do, some part of my mind was saying that she probably only called me to scare me and wasn't really going to do anything.

I grabbed my phone and headed out the door, it was only Alex and Jason home because Alex had a day off from the hospital and Jason finished Uni early today, the other two are at work.

My phone buzzed and it was Alex asking where I went so I just told him I was headed to the shop. The shop isn't really that far it's just a few streets down from our house. I had my hands in my pockets with my airpods in and the thought of Dianne completely disappeared from my mind.

Once I got to the shop I felt an arm grab mine and pull me back extremely hard. Before I could encounter the pain in my arm I looked up and saw the man gripping my arm.

He was about 6'2 same as Noah, his hair was covered by a baseball cap, he had a scar running down his right eye and cheek, his eyes were a piercing blue filled with determination.

Before I could do anything he covered my mouth and nose with a rag with I don't know what on it but after a few seconds of it being inhaled into me the world disappeared and I was met with darkness.

I woke up and blinked a few times to clear the blur in my vision. I looked down and saw my arms and feet tied with chains. I looked around to what seemed like a cell, there was nothing but grey walls everywhere, a rusty wooden door ahead which seemed to be very far, a few dim lamps hung high which were the only source of light.

I pulled my wrists apart trying to break the chains but who am I kidding it was no use. I noticed whoever grabbed me took my jacket which had my phone in.

How long have I been here? How long am I going to be here? Is it Dianne? Who was that man? So many questions surfaced every inch of my mind. Before another could the door creaked open revealing the women behind it all. Dianne.

"Well if it isn't my favourite daughter Quinn" She spoke sarcastically, "Unfortunately i'm your only daughter you old bitch" I spat. "Don't get cocky you little slut, I control what can and cant happen to you so keep that in mind before you decide to be a smartass" she stated.

"Who was that man? And how long am I going to be here for" I asked. She chuckled lightly before raising her wine glass in her hand to her mouth. Of course she's drinking right now.

"That 'man' is Zain and he will do anything I want and I mean, anything and you're going to be here for as long as I want" she replied. "So get comfy for whats about to come" she said before leaving, slamming the door behind her.

No no no. I knew something would happen, whats he going to do to me. Speaking of, the door opened once again revealing Zain. He looked me up and down with a disgusting smirk holding a bag filled with whatever.

"W-what are you gonna do to me" I gulped. He chuckled lightly and set his bag on the floor infront of me "whatever I please baby" he winked disgustingly which sent me right back to the worst night of my life.

I was snapped out of it when I felt my face fling backwards from a lot a force, pain followed shortly after. "S-stop p-please" I cried pathetically, but he didn't.

He punched me again in my stomach, again in my face, once more in my stomach. After he was somewhat satisfied he ripped open my shirt and opened his bag. It was some sort of electrical wand.

He took out his phone and began recording me, then he turned it on and I saw sparks flying, I wiggled around trying to get away but I couldnt. He connected the wand with my bare skin and I screamed in pain and agony. He took it off after a few seconds, the smell of my burning flesh disgusted me as I cried.

He picked his bag up and headed to the door "I'll be back sexy" he winked before slamming the door behind him. I looked down to see a horrid burn mark on my chest, I attempted to lift my wrists up so I could close my shirt somehow but couldn't.

"Help me please" I whimpered amongst my cries before I was met with a familiar darkness.

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