Chapter 55

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Andrès' POV
It felt so good finally telling my princess about the Mafia and it felt even better knowing she's not afraid of me. As for Zain, I went back 3 days after I had threatened him and since he said nothing useful I tortured him a little more and I am currently heading back there to see if he says anything worth listening to.

I grabbed my bag off Alais and headed to the basement where he was. His mouth was bloody, his face was bruised, pretty sure a few ribs are broken. "Got anything to say that's worth my time? Or should I just give you a one way ticket to hell right now" I asked placing my bag on the table infront of him.

"Fine" he spat. "My dad is in Russia, thought he'd send me to get intel on you but doesn't expect any updates anytime soon" he said.

"Now was that so hard?" I asked rhetorically "let me go now" he demanded but I simply chuckled at the fact that he thought I'd let him go. "You tortured my girlfriend I hope you understand your not going anywhere" I replied.

I made my way upstairs to call Quinn so I could live up to the promise I made Jason.

"Hello amor, I was wondering if you and your brothers wanted to come over to my building they have some buisness here and I wanna keep an eye on you" I said once she answered the phone.

"Okayy I'll tell them and we'll be there in 6 ish minutes" she said.

After she hung up I waited for them to come and shortly after they did. I called over Matteo so he could take Quinn to my office and so I could tell the others that they can do whatever to Zain.

"Portala nel mio ufficio, non toccarla, non parlarle, non guardarla, siediti con lei finché non arrivo, capito?" I said to Matteo who nodded and motioned for Quinn to follow him which she did.
(Take her to my office, dont touch her, dont speak to her, dont look at her, you just sit with her until I come, got it?)

"What's going on is she ok?" Jackson asked. "Yes she's fine, I promised Jason that once I got what I needed out of Zain you four can do whatever you'd like. He's downstairs all chained up I left a bag of things you can use just call me if you need me" I said seeing each one of them grin ear to ear.

"Thanks man" Alex said and I nodded my head opening the door for all of them to beat him to their hearts content. And so I can go sit and relax with my princess.

Jackson's POV
When Andrès told me about the whole Mafia thing I didnt want him anywhere near Quinn or my brothers, but when he saved her I knew his intentions were right.

Quinn told us that Andrès said we had some buisness with him at his building so we all went over. He got one of his guys to take Quinn somewhere which made us all a little confused.

"What's going on is she ok?" I asked "Yes she's fine, I promised Jason that once I got what I needed out of Zain you four can do whatever you'd like. He's downstairs all chained up I left a bag of things you can use just call me if you need me" he said which made me and my brothers grin.

We all went downstairs to see the fucker chained up already half beaten probably by Andrès. "Who the fuck are you now, I recognise one of you but who else have we got" the bastard said.

"Her brothers you fucking dickhead" Noah answered. Alex went up to him and punched him in the face, Noah followed and kicked him in his balls, Jason followed and punched him in the stomach, I followed and slammed his head into the wall behind him.

He fell to the floor still chained up and spat out a tooth. "That all you got? Pathetic" he spat. I laughed to myself at the fact that he thought that's all we'd do.

Jason took out a hammer from the bag on the table and got Alex to stand on Zain's forearm so that his hand was layed flat. He went over and slammed the hammer against his hand causing him to scream in pain.

"Was that the hand you used to punch and electrocute my sister?" Jason asked, I made my way over with a sledgehammer and got Noah to stand on his other forearm.

"Nah I think it was this one" I said before slamming it on to his hand definitely breaking it. He screamed and cried and we enjoyed every second of it.

For the next hour and a half we beat him and broke a lot of bones taking out all the anger we had against both him and Dianne, fortunate for her Zain was here taking all the hits.

When we left him his hands were crushed, bruised everywhere, cuts all around, practically no teeth left, busted lip, black eyes, snapped kneecaps, broken ankles, burns on his chest. This prick got what he deserved for even touching my sister.

Andrès' POV
"Omg and then she spat milk EVERYWHERE" Quinn said before bursting into a fit of laughter. She's currently telling me all these stories she had built in her head and all these weird dreams she'd been having and I was here to listen to every word.

"Omg wanna hear about the dream I had last night!" She asked eagerly "of course baby" I replied and watched her bounce up and down in her seat.

"OK so I was walking up my street at like 3am I know crazy right and then I look up and some monkey chimpanzee hybrid was on one of the street lamps and so I start running but this thing is HUGE and it started running after me and then it grabbed me and threw me in the sky and at first I was like OMG IM FLYING then I was like IM BEING THROWN IN THE AIR then when I got put down I ran into my house and locked the door and there was breaking news that those hybrids were EVERYWHERE" she said moving her arms making sure to not leave any detail out before slumping back in the chair

"Wow that sounds like a wild dream love" I said still looking at her in pure adoration.

Im gonna marry this girl and that's a promise.

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