Chapter 39

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I woke up but my mind was still foggy, I blinked a few times to clear my blurry vision thats when the pain in my arm brought me back to realisation. I looked around and saw Jackson, Noah, Jason, Alex and Andrès all looking as if they haven't slept with worry evident in their faces.

"Hey, how are you princess" Jackson said sitting down next to me, then my mind brought me back to me being held at gunpoint by Dean, someone who I thought was locked away, someone who hurt me more than anyone.

"You all promised that he was locked away, you lied to me" I said looking down seeing my bracelet not on my wrist so I began fiddling with my fingers. "Quinn honey we would never lie to you, what happened yesterday was out of our control and trust me if we knew he was out he would've been dead the next day but he's not alive anymore" Alex said sympathetically but I ignored him.

I looked up and saw Andrès who gave me a small smile "thank you for coming when you did" I said and he gave me a small nod. Jackson and Noah excused themselves for a few minutes and when they came back they looked apologetic.

Noah let out a deep sigh before turning to me, "Honey, the day you got to discharged from the hospital and Jackson had that meeting it was because Dianne helped Dean escape and we didn't tell you Alex or Jason because well we knew you would be scared as hell so we kept it to ourselves but when Dean showed up we knew we fucked it by keeping it from you".

I was stunned to say the least then I looked up at Jackson who shared the same apologetic expression but then I looked over and saw Jason and Alex filled with anger but Andrès just looked shocked.

"He escaped and you never told us?! I hate you both, if you told us we could've prevented oh I don't know QUINN BEING IN THE HOSPITAL FOR THE SECOND TIME IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS!" Jason screamed before storming out and Alex following him behind.

"Quinn please understa" Jackson began but I cut him off "leave both of you, now" I said refusing to look either of them in the eye then I felt my bed being lowered and saw Andrès looking at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Quinn, why were you ignoring me" he asked and I let out a sigh, "part of it was because you pulled me into a dark room and I had a flashback which was by far one of the worst things, but the reason I was ignoring you before then was because" I paused and looked up at Andrès who placed his hand on mine and motioned for me to continue.

"That day you came over when I got back from the hospital and when you took me to my bed, I heard you say you love me and I thought you just said it out of sympathy so I just avoided you" I said and Andrès gave me a small smile.

"Love I meant it when I said it, I do love you" he said before leaning it to place a kiss on my forehead which sent butterflies swarming in my stomach. And I just wrapped my arm around his neck inhaling his comforting scent.

"Thank you for saving me" I whispered and I felt him chuckle slightly before gently wrapping his arms around my waist "I'll always save you sweetheart, even if it kills me" he said.

Once I let him go Xavier came to check if everything was alright with my monitors, "wheres Jason and Alex?" I asked, "Alex is with a few patients and Jason is sat outside for 5 minutes and im not letting him in until he's calmed down, Jackson and Noah left a bit ago" he said with a smile before leaving my room.

A few hours went by and Jackson walked in, "I know neither of you want to talk to me or Noah and that's fine but you can just listen. Its been my job to protect you not just Quinn, Jason, Alex, Noah your all my responsibilities and I will do anything to protect you so yeah I kept it from you that Dean was out but I'd rather you not know and be calm, than know and panick within every move you make" He said all at once.

"What do you think Q? Do we forgive him?" Jason said nudging my un injured shoulder, "I don't see any desserts so nope" I said looking over at Jason who just winked whilst Andrès rolled his eyes. "What do you guys want" Jackson said letting out a huge sigh.

"I mean if someone WAS here I wouldn't mind a waffle with white chocolate what about you Jason" I said indirectly to Jackson who just smirked "Yeah Q if someone WAS here I wouldn't mind a waffle with nutella on top what about you Andrès" he said looking over at Andrès who playfully rolled his eyes.

"Ill go with you Jackson, let's leave these two 6 year olds alone" he said before making his way out "6 AND A HALF" me and Jason both said at the same time making us laugh.

"But in all seriousness, do we forgive him Q?" Jason said, "I guess he was just trying to protect us so I guess so what about Noah?" I asked then saw Jason's scheming face appear "he can get us treats later but for now, Michael Scofield is waiting for us" he said handing me the remote making me instantly beam.

A few episodes later Jackson, Andrès and Noah came bag with Crèmes, before my and Jason could take the bags Jackson pulled them away "nope not so fast, am I forgiven?" He said and me and Jason looked at each other before looking at Jackson and nodding.

He gave us our treats and left Alex and Noah's in the bag and we all sat there enjoying our desserts. I got Dèja Vú from the last time this happened, different situation but same desserts.

Alex came later and also forgave Jackson and took his dessert and ate it quickly before going back to check on more patients. "Honey? Am I forgiven?" Noah said pausing the tv but I just looked at Jason and we simply ignored him and started laughing.

Noah looked at Jackson who just shrugged his shoulders "this isn't the first time this happened, I payed my debt you need to pay yours" He said making Andrès laugh at how childish me and Jase are.

"I wanna go home I hate it here" I said putting my empty box into one of the bags, "Princess you got shot, you have to stay here for another night for observation" Jackson said but I just rolled my eyes.

The pain meds wore off a couple minutes ago and I tried to ignore the pain in my shoulder but it's kind of hard to ignore a hole in my shoulder. I didnt do a good job hiding my pain cause Andrès saw right through me.

"You ok Quinn?" He said looking over at me then I just let my face drop, "it hurts" I said making them all shoot up from their seats, "ok chill, it hurts that's expected you don't all need to make a big fuss" I said instantly tensing my face up because of how much my shoulder hurt.

"Get Alex right now!" Jason said to Andrès who ran out the room straight away. "Honey take a deep breathe it's alright" Noah reassured before placing a hand on my shoulder then jolted up realising it was my injured one "FUCK" I said not being able to bare the pain which intensified.

"Shit im so so sorry honey" Noah apologised but even though I was in pain I still ignored him. Just then Andrès ran through the doors with Alex, "one to ten how bad is it" he said whilst putting something in my IV "nine and a half" I breathed out.

"It'll go down in a minute or two your ok sweetheart just breathe with me" he said trying to calm me down, and after a few minutes when the pain went down I did.

I let out a breathe and just sunk back into my pillow, "you ok kid?" Xavier said walking in to check on me and I gave him a simple not before he left.

"You tired?" Andrès said but instead of answering I fell asleep.

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