Chapter 25

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I thought after I answered Andrès's call I'd feel somewhat lighter but I couldn't help but think of what he wanted to say. I don't want to call him back, or should I? I don't know what to do. I sat on my bed with my head in my hands letting the thoughts rush through my head before I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"What is it lovely? You seem stressed" Ally said sitting next to me wrapping her arms around me. "Can I tell you something, but keep it secret I don't want the others finding out" I said keeping my head in my hands.

"Honey, you know you can tell me anything and everything, and if you don't want them knowing then they wont hear it from me I promise" She said playing with my hair. "On mine and Andrès's first date we went to the beach to watch the sunset and everything was going so well, then we kissed but then he pulled away and literally ran away and I've been ignoring him since and he called a few days ago and I hung up on him after saying I didn't want to hear any excuse but now all I can think about is what his excuse was" I said letting out a huge sigh and looked up to see a really shocked yet angry Ally.

"He ran?! Ok lovely im going to tell you something ok, no boy in their right mind would ever run after kissing a gorgeous soul like you it isn't your fault if that's what you think and if that was his reaction with no reasonable explanation then he doesn't deserve you whatsoever" she said tightening her hold on me.

"Thank you Ally I really needed that"I said wrapping my arms around her. After I filled her in on basically everything about me and Andrès that I hadn't already, my phone rang and it was none other than Andrès himself.

"Answer it and see what his reason was, im right here incase he needs to be put in his place" Ally said handing me my phone. I answered and put it on speaker so that Ally could hear. "Thank god you answered, before you hang up just please listen" his worried voice said as soon as I answered. "You have 2 minutes" I said in a really dull tone.

"That night when we kissed I loved it ok and I didn't react how I did because I didn't enjoy it or I don't like you, I reacted that way because Jackson told me that if I did kiss you or anything like that he'd keep you from seeing me and I didn't want that to happen and I shouldn't have left you alone that night and im really sorry Quinn I never meant to hurt you" he rushed out all at once.

Jackson? Keep me from seeing Andrès? My only friend? What the fuck! "Thank you for apologising and telling me the truth, I'll text you later I've got to do something, bye" I said hanging up, and judging by Ally's face I could tell she was just as pissed but surprised as I was.

"What the fuck!" I said not so quietly "Jackson was in no position to do that, I know he's your older brother but he still shouldn't have meddled in your life like that" Ally said angrily. "I have a plan" I said plastering a grin on my face whilst Ally motioned for me to go on.

"You go to Jackson and tell him I'm crying, I'll be sat here 'crying' because my only friend isn't my friend anymore and it's my fault blah blah and then he'll feel guilty and he'll admit what he did then I'll ignore him until he properly apologises" I said all at once. Ally agreed and left the room to get Jackson.

I smudged my mascara to make it look like I've been crying then sat on my bed with my head in my pillow and waited. Minutes later I heard a knock on the door "Princess? Are you ok?" Jackson's worried yet muffled voice said behind the door.

I didn't answer and made it sound like I was weeping, he opened the door slowly and made his way over to me wrapping his arms around me. "Hey, shh why are you crying princess?" He said kissing the top of my head. I lifted my head up and let a few 'tears' fall from my eyes "A..Andrès was only f..friend but he I..isn't and It's a..all my f..fault" I 'sobbed' putting my head back in my pillow to keep myself from laughing.

"Princess, I..I'm sure it's not your fault? And you don't need to be this upset" He stuttered with the guilt clear in his voice. "Of course it is why else did he leave me on our date" I said with my head still buried in my pillow.

He lifted my head up and guilt was evident in his eyes. "Princess im sorry I didn't think you'd be this upset. I told him I'd keep him away from you if he you know did anything" He said scratching the back of his head nervously.

I wiped my eyes and just crossed my arms. "I know he told me everything and I can't believe you! Hes my only friend and you wanted to keep him away from me? I dont wanna talk to you" I said turning away from him. He tried to reason with me but knew I didn't want to hear it so he left.

"I take it your plan worked?" Ally said making her way over to me a few seconds later after Jackson had left. "Yep, now we dont speak to him until he properly apologises" I said wiping the mascara off of my cheeks and eyes. That's another thing, if I ever ignore one of my brothers then their wife/gf's/ fiancé's ignore them to until they make it up to me.

Now that I know what really happened that night I can finally try enjoy the rest of my holiday in Miami.

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