Chapter 40

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These past 3 days in hospital have just dragged but atleast it's finally time that I can go home, Andrès left a bit ago but said he'd come over later. Jason and Jackson helped me out of bed but I just shrugged them off, "it's my shoulder not my legs" I said but they both ignored me.

After we were all in the cars we drove home but I just dozed off into my own world. I listened to whatever music was playing in the background but my mind was somewhere else like it always is.

I felt myself being shaked lightly, I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and looked over at Jason who gave me a worried expression but I gave him a small smile reassuring him that I'm ok. "Princess wanna get McDonalds? We're close by" Jackson asked and I nodded my head.

He pulled into the driveway and rolled down his window "What can I get for you?" The guy through the speaker thingy asked and Jackson of course had all our orders memorised by now, "can I get 5 large cheeseburger meals, 4 cokes, 1 chocolate milkshake and 2 Smarties McFlurrys please" he said looking over at me and Jason but we both just gave him a wide smile.

"Ok pull up to the next window please" the worker said. After we had gotten our food we made our way home. Noah had 3 bags in his hands, Jason was holding the drinks and McFlurrys, and Jackson held one bag before opening my door refusing to let me hold anything.

Jackson then ran to open the front door for all of us before setting our food on the table and Alex's in the microwave seeing as he had to work. I slumped on the couch and let out a huge breath "can I take this sling off, it's annoying" I asked but Jackson just chuckled lightly "you know you can't till your shoulder is fully healed" he said before turning on the tv.

"You guys can pick" I said and they all looked at me in shock but I just rolled by eyes before taking my fries out the bag. McDonald's fries are by far the best and if you think otherwise argue with the wall.

After I had finished my food I got up and went to my bathroom because I can't remember the last time I was in my room. But when I opened the door even though my room looked nothing like my old one, the memories of that night happening in my own room came flooding back.

I heard a distant voice calling my name and even though we were all in the same house it sounded like they were miles away, even then I couldn't pull myself out of the trance I was in. "Quinn? Quinn?! Hello?! Quinn snap out of it!" Andrès said shaking my un injured shoulder snapping me out of the whirlwind of trauma I had just relived.

Even though I knew what happened my mind was still foggy "Love you scared me, what happened" he said pulling me into a hug being cautious about my shoulder. "I- I don't know" I said truthfully because I really don't know what happened or why it happened.

"It's ok, let's go back downstairs yeah?" He said and I just nodded my head as he lead me back downstairs with my mind still foggy. What the hell was happening? My room now looks nothing like my old one so why did I practically relive the worst night of my life? Am I going insane?

When I brought my mind back to reality we were back in the living room. Andrès sat me down before taking a seat next to me. "Everything ok?" Noah asked looking over at me and Andrès and we just nodded our heads.

"I gotta go, there's a new case that I need to go over in my office I'll probably be back late bye guys, bye sweetheart" Noah said getting his briefcase and coat before heading out. "I gotta go down to the station aswell but you two keep the doors locked, don't answer the door for anyone and just stay inside please and thank you, I'll be calling to check in" Jackson said kissing my forehead before grabbing his jacket and heading out.

Me and Jason looked over at each other and gave our 'home alone again' look whilst Andrès just looked confused. "You two look like you have something planned, oh god what are you two gonna do" He said and me and Jason just shrugged our shoulders.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" Jason said "Yeah me too I'll be like 2 minutes" I said leaving right after Jason whilst Andrès sat there unaware of what's about to happen.

"I'll text you when everything's in place and that's when you need to scream like your life depends on it" Jason said before laying down a tripwire. I nodded and he left to go put the final touches.

Ok your probably all confused so let me break it down for you. Whenever Jackson and Noah leave me and Jason alone with Alex or it's always two of them leaving us with one and they always get pranked by me and Jason, now Andrès is our victim and since he's a first we have to make it good.

I got the message from Jason saying everything's in place and then I let out and ear splitting scream "ANDRÈSSSSSS HELPPPPP" I screamed and within seconds I heard rapid footsteps coming up the staircase.

He busted through and the tripwire attached to the door released the bucket of ice water down on his head. He looked at me with pure disbelief "are you ok what the fuck happened?" He said shivering "nothing" I shrugged my shoulder thats when Jason came in with a towel and a change of clothes for Andrès.

"PRANKED YOU!" Me and Jason both said before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Andrès went downstairs to the bathroom to dry off and change whilst me and Jason waited for him in the living room still laughing about his facial expression when the bucket of ice water dumped on him.

When he came out his hair was still soaked, and he looked amazing but I quickly stopped myself from drooling before either of them noticed. "I hate you both" he said before putting the towel in the wash basket whilst me and Jason just high fived each other.

An hour went by and Jackson called so I put it on speaker "Hey bestieee" I sung and I could practically see him rolling his eyes "Andrès what did they do to you" He asked, "the two devils dropped an ice bucket on me" he said still in disbelief whilst me and Jason sniggered.

"Don't worry they've done worse to us three, anyways how is everything other than the two devils causing trouble" He asked "we are fine Jack, go back to doing whatever you do so we can watch a movie" Jason said and before Jackson could reply he hung up on him.

"You two can play games or something I can't be bothered sitting through another movie" I said whilst Jason nodded before getting the games asking Andrès which he wanted to do. And of course he chose COD, the game that brings out the worst in Jason.

Oh well this should be entertaining.

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