Chapter 8

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I'm running away. Im so done with getting treated like shit by the two people who are supposed to give me more love, support and comfort than anyone. I may be treated well by my brothers but I refuse to stay here and deal with him or my 'mom' any longer and worse have Jackson, Alex, Noah and Jason all take a hit from him for me.

Its 4am on a Saturday morning (a week after the Jason and that boy's incident at school) and I made sure everyone was asleep. I've packed my bag with basic essentials. Lucky for me Mom's car keys were on the bench in the hall so I could easily grab them. She wouldn't even notice they are gone because a- she'll be busy downing whiskey or vodka to even care when she wakes up and b- she has 'dad' drive her everywhere and im pretty sure she forgot she has a car.

After I got the keys I made my way downstairs missing the creaky floor boards not wanting to make any sound. I had already made sure my location was off beforehand incase they wanted to track me knowing that'll be Jackson's first move. I scanned the living room a final time incase someone was there, when it was clear I opened the front door quietly and shut it behind me before bolting to the car.

I threw my bag in the backseat before starting the car and backing out the driveway. I don't really have a plan on where Im going to go incase the sneaking out part actually worked. I could go to a friend's house but I doubt that I could stay there forever. I cant live in the car... hmm or can I? Nope I watch way to many shows about these situations and I dont plan on dying in a car.

Ok so I could go to school and go in the library after school then hide somewhere and stay there. It would benefit teachers aswell because they'd never be able to complain that I'm late to lesson. Nevermind, I forgot me and Jason go to the same school and we see each other in between lessons.

I was brought out my thoughts when my phone rang besides me. I was going to ignore it because I thought it was one of my brothers, but again it's 4:35 and there's no way they are awake this early. Well except Alex. He wakes up at 5 because he's a doctor and he starts work really really early.

Anyways, I checked the caller ID and to my surprise it's Andrès. I connected my phone to the car's Bluetooth and answered. "Andrès?" I said in confusion as to why he's awake this early "No it's Santa's elf" he said in a sarcastic tone "ok well tell Santa I want a boyfriend for Christmas and I wanna be filthy rich with the biggest mansion ever" I said playing along to his little joke. "A boyfriend?" He asked, seriously after my entire list thats the only thing he listened to.

"Why are you even awake right now?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I could ask you the same thing except I could also ask why your in a car at 4:50 in the morning" he said in the same husky voice. "How did you know I'm in a car and I asked you first anyways" I replied "Well I got home from the gym and thought I'd ring you because I'm bored and need someone to talk my ear off so I can fall asleep" he said. The nerve of this boy. "Well excuse you!" I said hanging up.

Seconds later my phone rang again, 'Library Boy' nope I expect 100 apology messages and not a simple phone call. Anyways after what seemed like forever I thought of the best thing which confused me as to why I didn't think of it sooner. A hotel.

I had quite a lot of money saved into my bank account for emergencies so it'll come in handy. I set my GPS to the nearest hotel and luckily it was only 5 minutes from me.

My phone rang for the 5th time and just before I was going to answer it to tell Andrès to stop calling me. My blood ran cold when I read the caller ID. 'Dad' oh shit. What does he want? Did he realise im gone? But how? He never notices me unless I'm home late.

Then I checked the time 5:20 it's the time he gets up to smoke atleast 3 ciggs then goes back to sleep. I let it ring for a bit then it ended just for it to ring again seconds later.

I reached the hotel not long after. When I had checked in with the really nice receptionist I made my way to my room making sure to lock the door behind me. Even though he isn't here at this point locking the door behind me has become a habit and if I dont I feel as if he'll come in at anytime and drag me crying and screaming back to that godforesaken house.

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