Chapter 35

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TW- Self Harm

Its been like three days since Andrès said he loves me, I've been avoiding him because I do not wanna ask him about it but that's all I have been thinking about and it's driving me crazy.

Jackson and Alex cleared me for school but said if it got too much I could call them and go home.

I had a free period so I went to the cafè seeing as I haven't been there in a while and the second I walked through the door Willow ran over to me giving me a big hug.

"Where the hell have you been girl?" She asked before letting me go taking me to our usual seat "sorry, I went on holiday then when we came back I just got super busy" I said, I mean I didn't totally lie.

Just then my phone buzzed 'Andrès' I ignored it again and looked up at Willow who was eyeing my phone. "Whose Andrès? Do you have a secret boyfriend I dont know about? Why are you ignoring him?" She said folding her arms.

"No of course not, and he's a friend from school and it's complicated" I said scratching the back of my head. She didnt look convinced but thankfully didnt ask me anymore questions.

We sat for about an hour and just caught up on the latest drama Willow overheard in the cafe a few days ago and I just sat and listened, I missed these conversations and with everything thats gone on im glad to get my mind off of it.

"Anyways I better get back to work before Owen throws a fit, you better come tomorrow Quinn I missed you" Willow said giving me a hug whilst Owen her manager sarcastically rolled his eyes at us.

I got my bag and made my way out the cafe and headed back to school to do some last minute homework in the library.

I walked through the door and was headed to the library before I was shoved into an empty classroom, flashbacks from the worst night of my life all came flooding back and I started to panick.

"Quinn? Quinn! Quinn?! Hello?!" A familiar voice brought me out the horrid scene in my mind, it was Andrès?

"Are you ok? Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked all at once, "why the hell did you do that" I whispered "I never wanted to be taken back to that night let alone remember it, never grab me like that again!" I said with tears flowing down my cheeks as I left a very stunned Andrès.

On my way out I bumped into Jason, he looked down at my tear stained cheeks and his eyes filled with anger "who?" He simply asked, I just shook my head and wrapped my arms around him which he returned.

"What is it Q" he said with less anger in his voice "i-im scared Jase" I whispered truthfully. Even though Dean is behind bars, I still watch my bedroom door everytime im in there incase he were to storm in.

"Of what?" He said pulling me away, "him" was all I said for him to understand who I was talking about, he gave me a tissue then took out his phone before holding it up to his ear.

"Can you pick me and Quinn up?" "alright bye" he said before taking me to the car park. "Who was that?" I asked, "Noah" he said looking down at me. Huh? Noah? Why Noah?

"Q I never forgave myself for what happened to you and i dont think the others have either, I have and always will protect you from everything and anyone, and that man wont ever come near you without getting his teeth knocked out, I promise" He said before pulling me into another hug.

After a few minutes Noah's car pulled up and we got in "everything alright you two?" Noah asked, I stayed quiet but Jason just said "ill tell you when we get home" he replied looking back at me.

I fiddled with my bracelet and looked out the window dozing off into my own world and before I knew it we were home.

I made my way inside and went straight into my bathroom and locked the door, I sat on the rug on my bathroom floor and cried. I couldnt hold it in anymore, it was too hard pretending everything was ok when it was far from it.

I took out the blade from the razor in my cupboard and attached it to my wrist and before I knew it, I was brought back to a month ago.


I cried, and I couldnt stop myself. I took the blade from the razor and connected it with my wrist. The pain set me at ease, I took a tissue and held it against my wrist and the tears flowed once again.

"I cant do this anymore" I whispered to myself, I sat and cried for I dont know how long but when I looked in the mirror my eyes were puffy and red, my cheeks were stained with tears and my head was pounding.

I took out the plasters from the cabinet below the sink and placed 3 over my wrist. I washed my face with cold water and made sure I looked 'ok' before opening the bathroom door leaving all my tears, pain and problems locked in it.

End Of Flasback

Jason's POV:
I was walking over to the library to get Quinn knowing she had a free lesson. But before another thing could come to mind I felt someone bump into me.

Before I could flip I looked down and saw my little sister with her arms wrapped around me and her head buried in my chest. She lifted her head and looked up at me with tears streaming down her face, all I had to do was look at her and my eyes filled with rage.

"Who?!" I asked with anger burning in my voice but she shook her head and kept her arms wrapped around me which I returned. "What is it Q" I said but with less anger, "I..I'm scared Jase" she stuttered "of what" I asked pulling her away, "him" was all she had to say for me to realise exactly who she was scared of and why.

I gave her a tissue and called Noah to pick us up.

When we got home Quinn ran upstairs whilst Noah looked at me confused, "explain" he said. We both sat down and he just stared at me waiting for me to explain "I don't know what triggered it but I was walking to get Quinn in school then she bumped into me and was crying and told me she was scared of him" I said and saw Noah's face go from confused, to angry.

"What?" I asked "nothing, go check on Quinn I need to go do something I'll be back in an hour tops dont open the door for anyone I mean it" Noah said before running out the door.

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