Chapter 27

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It's our last day at Miami and we are all currently packing our stuff before making our way to the airport. It has been great to finally have an escape even though it was just for 2 weeks I felt my mind be free for once in a very long time.

The past few days have been a bit odd to say the least seeing as I could barely see straight, my vision keeps going blurry, I've had a few dizzy spells and I've had the worst migraines but I'm probably just dehydrated or something.

"Same as last time, Ally your with me, Quinn your with Alex and Riley, Jason your with Noah and Kate" Jackson said giving Alex another bag like last time. And yes me and Ally are still ignoring him because he still hasn't apologised.

Once all our bags were loaded into 2 seperate taxi's we got to the airport, got our bags checked, went through security and everything like that and made our way to board the plane seeing as when we got there it was time to board.

I once again sat by the window but Jason sat next to me knowing I didn't want to sit next to Jackson and we spent the entire flight watching movies, taking pictures of the views from the airplane and playing really weird airplane games. Like what do the clouds look like and stuff like that.

When we landed we got our bags and loaded them into the 3 seperate cars and we all set off. Normally I would have been fast asleep by now but I just felt my brain feel over loaded with everything, so I spent most of the car ride reading whilst listening to music through my headphones.

Then the nausea kicked in, I took my headphones off and put my phone into my backpack and set it down next to me so I wouldn't vomit on it. "Alex how longs left" I said holding my stomach "20 minutes honey but there's a gas station nearby, are you going to be sick?" He said putting my window down.

I covered my mouth and nodded my head, Riley got me the 'sick bag' and the second I opened it I threw up everything in my stomach. I threw up twice before Alex parked into the gas station.

He threw the bag in the bin and filled the car up with petrol whilst Riley took me to the toilets so I could rinse my mouth out. Whilst I wiped my mouth Riley put the back of her hand on my forehead "Aw sweetheart you have a temperature" she said giving me a water bottle from her bag.

"C'mon lets go back to the car and you can try take a nap there isn't that long left" she said walking me back to the car. "Honey you ok? You look a little pale" Alex asked giving me a gentle squeeze "She has a temperature so she's gonna try take a nap in the car" Riley said knowing that if I speak I'd just vomit again.

We set off and I couldnt fall asleep but instead I focused my attention to the sound of the road beneath us and let my thoughts run free. The pain from my stomach escalated to my back and then my head I felt as if I was being stabbed about 20 times in my back aswell as a horrible pounding in my head.

"Can I have a paracetamol please" I asked but Alex shook his head "you can't take tablets on an empty stomach and you know that, when we get home your going into bed and you can eat something first then you have medicine" he said apologetically.

Soon we got home and Alex helped me to the house because of how weak I felt and I couldn't stand on my own two feet. When we got in the house he picked me up and took me to my bedroom. "We'll get your bags, get changed into something cozy and relax but call us if you need us" he said placing a kiss on my forehead.

Have you ever felt so restricted that even the slightest move or action would result in catastrophe, sometimes I lay in bed and just wonder what life would be like in another world with actual parents, being raised in a healthy household, having real friends.

Sometimes I just wish that for one day I wasn't me, I was someone else who was truely happy, had great parents and overall a great life with not a worry in the world but I doubt there's anyone whose like that and if they are im jealous.

I managed to literally crawl to my wardrobe so I could get some pyjamas and layed on my carpet because I physically couldn't sit myself up and like in the car I closed my eyes and let my imagination roam free. I was in a world where I had loving parents, was raised in a healthy household with real friends, where I actually was loved.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realise someone walked into my room and also because I couldn't open my eyes to see who it was either, my head was pounding worse than before and my whole body was frozen in pain. "Quinn? QUINN?! ALEX CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" Jason screamed as he picked my almost lifeless body up from the floor, I wanted to tell him I was ok but I couldn't open my eyes or mouth to give him the reassurance I so desperately needed.

"Your ok Quinn I promise just hang in there" his voice was filled with worry. I managed to force my eyes open for a split second and saw my brothers running behind Jason as he helped the paramedics put me in the ambulance, then everything went dark.

Alex's POV
I got Quinn's bag's from my car before setting them inside the living room before I heard Jason scream his voice filled with panick. "ALEX CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!!" He yelled, I speed dialled one of my friends at the hospital to come ASAP.

Jason ran downstairs and thats when all the blood drained from my face. My little sister looked lifeless in Jason's arms. Before anyone could say anything an ambulance pulled up outside, Jackson had to stay back so he could help the girls with the rest of the bags but Noah and Jason wasted no time running to the ambulance.

"Your bag is in the back and Joey is setting up a room right now as we speak" my friend Xavier said from the drivers seat. He's known Quinn since she was 3 and when he saw her he wasted no time getting us to the hospital. I checked her pulse which was getting weaker and her temperature rose a lot.

Once we got to the hospital we got Quinn inside and she was immediately checked before they rushed her off to surgery. "Alex we know your her brother but you can't go and operate on your sister and you know that" Xavier said holding me back from walking into the operating room.

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