Chapter 58

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Andrès' POV
I've been in Italy for a week and we are finally going back. I cant wait to hold my girl in my arms again.

As of right now the Russain's arent a threat, but we have no idea what they're planning thats if they even are planning anything. Me and my father took our seats in our jet and after a few minutes we were off and all I can think about is Quinn.

Quinn's POV
I have missed Andrès so much. It's been the longest week of my life BUT he said he's going to be back by tomorrow and I cannot wait to see him and hug him again!

I know you might be thinking that after Jason pranked me why I havent pranked him back. Well, today's the day I get my revenge.

I already told the others I'm pranking him incase they get a call from Jason. Jason is currently out with his friend's and it was just me and Noah home so he could help me set up and when Jason get's back he's gonna wish he never pranked me.

After using my makeup to create some fake bruises on my face I got some fake blood and poured it on my forehead to make it look like it got slashed open. Is this a very serious prank? Maybe. Does he deserve it? Yes.

After everything was in place I got Noah to tie me to a chair "you sure about this?" He asked securing the knots on my ankles. "Yep! He pranked me so I'm simply getting revenge, now hand me my phone" I said.

He rolled his eyes and handed me my phone "remember, when I give you the signal pick up that glass and smash it ok?" I said reminding him and he nodded before picking up the glass besides him. I called Jason and waited a few before he answered. "Hey Q whats up?" He asked as soon as he answered.

"Jason? Come home quick theres someone in the house" I whispered. "What? Quinn are you ok?" He asked as panick arose in his voice. "For now I am just get home quick" I whispered before I gave Noah the signal.

He smashed the glass and I let out a loud scream before hanging up. I got Noah to quickly tie my arms behind me against the chair before he went to hide and record Jason's reaction.

I let my head flop down and waited until I heard the door open. "Quinn!?" He called worriedly. He came in the room where I was and he ran to me.

"No, no no no no this cant be happening, Quinn?! C'mon Quinn" He said shaking my arms. "DAMN IT QUINN" He screamed whilst untying me. Once he untied me my body flopped to the side but he caught me.

"Quinn! WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO MY SISTER" He screamed, "Your not leaving me right now, you hear me??" He said shaking my arms.

My eyes slowly opened and I saw tears fall down his face as he looked down at me "Quinn?! Your gonna be ok, keep your eyes open for me ok?" He said wiping his eyes.

"Jason" I whispered as he brought his ear closer to hear what I was gonna say, "I'm the prank master in this house" As soon as I finished that sentence he looked down at me in disbelief.

I burst out laughing as he let go of me and I hit my head but I was laughing too much to care. Noah came out from hiding and Jason looked back and forth between me and Noah.

"Im sorry! But you cant expect to prank me and me not prank you back I mean come on" I said wiping my forehead. "I hate you" He spat before storming off to his room slamming the door shut.

"Do you think I went too far?" I asked Noah, "give him time to cool off sweetheart, I'll get started on dinner ok?" He said before picking up the broken pieces of glass carefully.

After I cleaned everything up including my 'injuries' I went to Jason's room to apologise once again. I knocked a few times, no reply.

"Jase? Come on I'm sorry, please let me in" I said knocking again. He slipped a piece of paper from under his door which read. 'Dont talk to me' is he really that mad at me? I left him alone and went to my room.

Jason, hates me? No he's just angry right? God I'm such an idiot.

Noah called both our names for dinner but I didnt answer. I just layed in bed and stared at the wall infront of me. "Quinn sweetheart? Dinner's ready" Noah said knocking on my door before coming in.

"You okay? Whats wrong" he said crouching down infront of me. "Jason hates me" I said before turning the other way. Noah didn't say anything else and just left.

He hates me.

Jason's POV
"Bro you suck at bowling" my friend Eric said "your forgetting who won right?" I said reminding him that I actually beat all of them.

Just then my phone rang 'Quinn'.

"Hey Q whats up?" I asked, "Jason? Come home quick theres someone in the house" she whispered I could hear fear in her voice "what? Quinn are you ok?" I asked increasing my pace to get home "for now I am just get home quick" she whispered again. Just as I was about to say something I heard something smash and she screamed before the call got cut off.

"Guys I gotta go" I said to my friends before running home. As soon as I got home it was quiet, "Quinn?!" I called worriedly. I walked into the living room and I felt like someone had just punched me.

"No, no no no no this cant be happening, Quinn?! C'mon Quinn" I said whilst shaking her lifeless body. She had bruises all over her face and a huge gash on her forehead.

"DAMN IT QUINN!" I screamed whilst untying her. Before she could fall to the floor I caught her as she layed lifeless in my arms.

"Quinn! WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO MY SISTER" I screamed whilst tears fell from my face, "Your not leaving me right now, you hear me??" I said shaking her trying to wake her up.

No, she can't leave me! I wont let her.

I looked downand saw her eyes open slowly as tears fall down my face "Quinn?! Your gonna be ok, keep your eyes open for me ok?" I assured wiping my eyes.

"Jason" she whispered and I  brought my ear closer to hear what she was trying to say, "I'm the prank master in this house" As soon as she finished that sentence I looked down at her in disbelief.

She burst out laughing as I let go of her and stood up. Noah came out from behind the couch and I looked back and forth between the two still trying to process what the fuck just happened.

"Im sorry! But you cant expect to prank me and me not prank you back I mean come on" She said wiping her bloody forehead. "I hate you" I spat before storming off to my room slamming the door shut.

What the fuck was she thinking?! I love pranks but she went way too far. After like 10 minutes there was a knock on my door and it was no doubt on who it was.

"Jase? Come on I'm sorry, please let me in" She apologised before knocking again. I slipped a piece of paper under my door which read. 'Dont talk to me'. I dont wanna speak to her after what she did and I dont think I'm gonna forgive her.

After a few minutes Noah called both our names for dinner. I made my way downstairs prepared to ignore Quinn but she wasn't there.

"Where's Quinn?" Noah asked before putting my plate infront of me. I simply shrugged my shoulders before taking a bite out the pasta he made and Noah went upstairs most likely to call her down even though she hasn't been eating properly so she probably wouldn't come.

5 minutes later Noah came downstairs. He didn't say anything and just finished his food before washing up. I didn't ask where she was because as of right now, I dont care. Should I have said I hate her? No, but did she go too far? 100% yes.

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