Chapter 49

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We're all currently sat at the dinner table and the room was full of conversation, and im sat here still having the threats I got not even an hour ago echoing in my mind like a broken record stuck on repeat.

"Quinn? You ok princess?" Jack asked as he looked at me with concern. I gave him a smile and nodded my head. Zoe is such a great girl she seems so sweet she is a little kept to herself kind of but she'll fit right in im sure of it.

I excused myself to go to the toilet and ran up into my bedroom. Before I knew it I was hurled over the toilet throwing up everything I just ate. The thought of what Dianne could do made me sick to my stomach, literally.

I cleaned myself up and went back downstairs with a smile. I don't want them worrying about this right now, too much has happened because of me and I don't want it to keep happening. I don't want them to keep struggling because of me.

Dinner ended an hour later, not as long as I thought but Zoe said her goodbyes and Jase drove her home whilst the rest of us cleaned up.

"You ok honey? You look a little pale" Alex said placing the back of his hand against my forehead, "I'm fine" I replied in a dull tone. I wasn't fine.

"You sure? We can head to the hospital if you wa" He started but I cut him off "Alex I know your a doctor but it doesn't mean I need to go to the hospital for every little thing, I just got out of there less than a month ago and I have no plan of going back so can you please just stop!" I yelled before storming off to my room.

I felt so bad, he was just trying to make sure I was ok and I just lost it. The thought of what Dianne could do to me made me feel as if every move I make could be the wrong one. The thought of going back to the hospital made me feel so weak.

I took a shower before changing into my pyjamas and when I got to my vanity my phone buzzed, but my heart stopped racing when I saw it just Andrès.

I answered and placed my phone against my mirror, "hey love, how did it go?" He said with that really hot smirk of his. "It went well, it ended quicker than I thought but it was alright" I replied and I think he could tell something was up but at this point probably because im shit at hiding it.

"Love you can tell me anything remember?" He said reassuringly. I don't know what came over me but I just felt angry "first Alex then you, am I just a pathetic human being that always has something wrong with them? God just leave me alone bye" I said before hanging up.

What the hell is wrong with me. I just flipped at Alex for asking if I was ok and just did the same for Andrès. I finished my skincare and went straight to bed but I didn't sleep at all.

My alarm went off for school but I was already awake so it just shook me out of my thoughts. I made my way to my bathroom before looking at the state I was in. I washed my face and did my skincare before slipping on a white crop top and black sweatpants.

I picked my phone up to see 60 messages from Andrès asking if I was ok and him apologising if he said anything wrong. I didn't reply because I didn't wanna lash out over nothing again so I just put my phone down.

I sat at my vanity and you guessed it out concealer on so I looked as if I got some sleep. After I had finished with mascara and blush I put my black jacket and converse on before grabbing my phone and bag and headed downstairs.

Alex wasnt there so he's probably at the hospital. Jason was in the living room watching tv whilst eating breakfast, Noah was rushing trying to find his keys and Jackson was making breakfast.

"I'm walking it to school" I said loudly which made all three of them look in my direction. "It isn't the first time you dont need to be weird about it bye" I said before walking out the front door before any of them protested.

I put in my airpods and just drowned out everything else. Soon I was at school and I just went straight to the library knowing I had a class but I really didn't want to go and lash out at anyone for no reason.

I sat in my usual spot and took out my books so I'd atleast be doing some work. After an hour of studying I got up to go to lesson but my phone buzzed.

It was from an unknown number

That's a nice jacket you have on there.
-Unknown Number

I looked in every direction before practically bolting out the library just to bump into someone and fall on my butt.

"Shit i-im sorry" I mumbled but before I could speed walk off the person held my arm gently and lifted my chin up. It was Andrès. Fuck.

"What's going on? And don't deny it because you hung up last night, didn't reply to my messages and ran out the library, is someone there? Did someone say anything?" He said both worriedly and angrily

"No I" I started but felt restricted. He lifted my chin up again and my eyes met with his. He lead me back into the library into our corner and sat me on the couch.

"What's going on Hm? You know you can tell me anything love" he whispered which gave me the very much needed comfort. "I'm sorry for lashing out on you yesterday I didn't mean to I just don't know what came over me and I lashed out at Alex too and I feel really bad because he was just asking if I was ok and then I screamed and stormed off then" I started before he softly pressed his lips against mine to shut me up.

"Take a breath and carry on when your ready love" He said which made my heart beat ten times fast. I took a breath then looked at him for a second deciding if I should tell him about Dianne.

Deciding against it, I ran into the toilets and felt my breathing pick up quickly. Oh god not now. My hands were shaking as well as the rest of my body that I had no control over. Tears started streaming down my face as I tried to get my breathing in check but it didn't work.

Then I pulled my phone to text Jason just to panick even more remembering that he goes to University now. What the fuck do I do?!

I slid down the wall and panicked, panicked over what could happen. Every thought was spiralling in my mind and I had no control.

With tears in my eyes I called Jackson. "Hey princess what's up" he said calmly. I couldnt speak I couldnt move I couldnt breathe I just needed him "c-c I- j- j" I stuttered.

"Princess?! Whats going on are you hurt?" Panick arose in his voice. I ended the call knowing I couldn't muster out what I wanted to say. I texted him "cme gt me pldease" barely being able to see what I was typing.

I managed to make my way to the sink and splashed cold water over my face before running my hands under the cold water. I closed my eyes and began getting my breathing back to normal. After a few minutes I could finally breathe and relax.

I dried my hands and face and walked out the toilets before Poppy the receptionist told me Jackson was here. I walked with her to reception to see Jackson pacing.

Once I opened the door his head shot to my direction, he walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder and lead me out to the car.

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