19- Surgery

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We got in the car and rushed to Mimi and Papas real quickly to drop Oliver off. Dad ran in and dropped him off then we went to the hospital. The pain had gotten worse.

We rushed in the ER and they took me to get a cat scan. It took about an hour. They immediately rushed me into surgery.

One of the nurses went and told mom and dad what was going on.
"Is she OK?" Mom asked
"She should be fine. Her appendix blew up." The nurse said "the procedure should only last an hour."

They did the procedure and it did last an hour. I woke up with no pain. Mom and dad weren't allowed to come in the room yet which made me to sad.

Its been two hours and they still couldn't come in. Nurses came and checked on me quite a few times.

"When can my mom and dad come in?" I asked the nurse
"The doctor said no visitors." She said
"But their my parents..."
"They can't come in and that's final." She said snobby
"Ok talking to a 15 year old like that."
"Yeah I just did." She said then walked out the room while slamming the door.

Then I got a knock on my door a couple minutes later. I couldn't believe she was here out of all people, but yet my mom and dad couldn't come in and see me.

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