36-The new friend

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I woke up early this morning and got ready for school. It was still kinda dark out but I wanted to curl my hair today even though its already curly though. I don't know...its something new.

After the shower I dried, straightened, and then I curled it.

In the process of that I was listening to "Who Knew", dads song

Then I got dressed. I put on some black leggings and then a shirt.

I put on some sandals then went to the bus. I got on the bus and we went to the back again.

"You know there was a girl who came a day late?" Juliet asked me
"Yeah, Casey text me telling me"
"Yeah" Casey said
"What's her name?" I asked
"Her name?"
"Sierra" Casey replied. I loved the name Sierra.

We went to a few other stops then we arrived at Sierras stop. She got on the bus. She had long brown hair, jeans on, a blouse and some sandals.

We talked until we got to school then we went to breakfast together.

All of us girls had classes together. After first period, I saw Tony.

"Anna, look." Casey said
"What?" I replied
"Its Tony."

I was being pushed to go talk to him. I actually ran into him.

Tony is a tall guy with brown hair and very bright blue eyes.

"Hi." He said
"Just came to say hi." I said then I started to walk away.
"Wait." He said while grabbing my shoulder "You want to go on a date with me some time?"
"Uh, could I answer you later?" I asked

I walked away awkwardly.

"What he say?" Sierra asked while jumping
"He asked me on a date" I replied while holding the back of my neck
"You have to!!" Juliet yelled. I looked back and saw Tony looking. He smiled. I blushed and looked forward again

"I don't know you guys..." I said
"He's literally the hottest Junior in the school!" Casey said
"And most popular. You have to!" Juliet added
"Fine." I said
"Yes!" They all said happily
"I'll text him." I said

A couple more classes passed and I had text Tony but I got picked up after lunch. Dad came and picked me up. Mom was in the hospital. She thought her water broke. She felt some liquid run down her leg while she was in the store.

Dad called mom

"Are you there?" He asked
"No not yet." She replied
"Is he kicking?"
"Yeah. A lot."
"That's a relief."
"Yeah that means he's OK"

We arrived at the hospital and mom was with the doctor.

Dad pulled out his camera and started vlogging.

After a few hours mom was released. We went home.

I was in Ollies room with him for a while, playing with him. We went downstairs when we were called for dinner.

"Anna, bring Ollie and yourself down for dinner." Mom said through the camera in the room.

We went downstairs and sat at the table.

"I got asked on a date." I said nervously.
"Really?" Mom asked.
"By who? Dad said
"This guy named Tony." I said
"What did you say?" Dad said
"I text him and told him sure."
"Could I talk to him." Dad asked
"Sure." I said "When he picks me up" Dinner got awkward after that.

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