14- Gymnastics

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"I hate Mondays." I said while pressing dismiss on the alarm on my phone

It was 5:30am. I went and got in the shower, the water was very warm. I shampooed and conditioned my hair then washed my body.

It was 5:43 by the time I got out. I dried my hair then got dressed. I wore some shorts with a blue shirt that said 'fries before guys'. I love potatoes. I just put my hair up in a fishtailed braid.

Mom and dad still weren't up. I was going to have to leave without them knowing, but yet they knew.

I put on my blue converse and I walked outside at around 6:30 and waited for the bus. Juliet was out there already.

"Gym tonight" she said
"I know, I'm excited."I replied quietly

The bus arrived at 7:00.

(Skip School Part)

When I got out of school dad was there waiting for me in his car. He was vlogging me getting in.

"Look who's off of school!" He said while pointing the camera towards me "we have to go home and get you in your leotard then Missy will do your hair."

He turned the camera off.

When we arrived at home there was an hour until my first practice. Mom did my hair and I put my leotard on and put some shorts over it with a small jacket. I slid some unmatching ankle high socks and put on my Nike slides.


We arrived at the gymnastics place and it was really big in there. Mom, dad, Ollie, and Mimi came to watch.

We did some running first then we stretched. They showed us how to do a hand stand. I wasn't the best at it because it was my first time but the instructor said I had good arm strength. I did like two. Juliet did it like there was the easiest thing in the world.

We did all the other things you do, then we went home.

I took a shower then went to bed. I was exhausted.



Sorry about not updating. I've been really sick. Throwing up and just blegh. I can't even watch the vlogs and it really sucks. So yeah.


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