34 - back to school

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Sadly summer is over. Now, back to school.

I woke up at 5am and took a shower then got dressed. Straightened my hair and went down stairs to eat breakfast.

Sadly I wont be able to see Ollie until I get home. I poured a bowl of cereal while mom made sure I had all my supplies and then I went to the bus stop.

I met Casey and Juliet there thet were talking about what classes they had together. They had majority of classed together including me. Year 11 should be good.

The bus arrived and we got on, we sat in the back, were first to be picked up. They picked up everyone in our neighborhood then some people in the neighborhood across from us.

We arrived at school and went to homeroom. After home was math then language arts then choir and then lunch.

At lunch we could use our phones, I decided to listen to music. I noticed this guy kept staring at me then I couldn't stop staring at him. He walked over to me.
"Hi." He said
"Hi" I replied while taking an earbud out.
"Im Tony"
"Anna." I replied. This guy was pretty cute! We continued to talk and then he gave me his number!!!

A couple hours later it was time to go home. I didn't have any homework which was a good thing.

When I got home dad was vlogging Ollie waiting for me saying "Anna, Anna!"
"Here comes Anna." Dad said

I walked in the door and I gave Ollie a big hug then I went into the kitchen. I was hungry so I got a snack and went upstairs to take a nap.

We started school on a Wednesday but im going to be gone for Thursday and Friday for Vlogger Fair.

After my nap, I went ahead and finished packing.

I imagined vlogger fair would be fun and exciting. We could see Ellie, Jared, Jackson, Calvin, Cullen, Katie, and Macey Gaines.

While in the process of doing that, I text Tony

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