16- Mixed

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I couldn't believe she got adopted and then moved right across the street from me! Casey loved DailyBumps as much as I did but she didn't know ingot adopted by them. I was gonna tell her the news.

"Hey, Casey." I said
"Yeah?" She replied
"You think you could come over and hang out for a while?"
"Idk I gotta ask" she went and asked and they said yes so we headed across the street.

While we were walking I asked Casey how long its been since she's watched DailyBumps. She said it hasn't been since I got adopted. So for about two months.

I opened the door and we walked in. Casey and Juliet followed. Frozen was playing and I couldn't see anyone in there so we walked in.

"Anna?" I could hear mom saying from the couch
"Yeah, I brought a friend with me." I replied
"Yeah and Casey."
"Who's Casey?" She asked while peeking her head up from the couch

"Missy!!" Casey said excitedly "YOU GIT ADOPTES BY DAILYBUMPS?!"

"Yeah!" I replied

"I'm gonna go..." Juliet said

"No stay, were going up to my room." I replied

"No, I'm good you've got company." She walked out the door

We walked upstairs to my room and I plopped on my bed. Casey and I caught up on everything until she had to leave at 6:00pm.

I walked her out and then went and sat down to eat dinner. We ate some gnocchi and steak. It was very good. Mom went and took Ollie to take a bath while dad and I talked about some videos I could do for my channel.
"Draw my life, something random" I suggested
"What about you sing?" Dad replied confidentially
"That would be awesome!"

"You could put a video up every Sunday to start off with. And I'll edit them until you get to know how to do it."

"Thankyou, I have 0 experience with editing."

"Your welcome now go to bed because were busy tomorrow."

I walked up to my room and put my hair in a French Braid then put some shorts on and a T-shirt on. Mom and Dad walked in.

"Just saying goodnight." They said

"Goodnight and just thank you for everything." I replied

"What for?" Mom asked

"Everything in general. Adopting me, putting g a roof over my head, giving me something warm and comfortable to lay on at night."

"Your so welcome Anna remember your one in our family now. You just have to ask for something, the most we can say is no." Dad said while mom nodded her head in agreement

I felt so lucky to be with them!



1.03k reads...wow never expected that and its been only like two weeks maybe three since this was published. Tyssssvvvvvvm I need er even expected this to get 100 reads. I've gotta hurry up because I have like no battery left. So ty and maybe I'll update again today or tomorrow.


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